1: Himari

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"No! I said 15o,ooo! Are you braindead?!" Bakugo yelled into his phone, turning down one of the aisles of the convenience store and noticing a mass of red and white hair crouched down looking through the varieties of instant noodles placed there.

"Yes, I'm still talking about Yamamoto!" By then Todoroki had noticed Bakugo, only giving him a quick glance before going back to looking through his options. They were constantly adding new flavors and Todoroki felt like splurging so he decided to just get both the types in his hand.

"Yes..." Bakugo leaned towards Todoroki, slapping the packages out of his hands. He pulled the phone away from his ear."Get these..." he growled, throwing a couple cups into his basket and going back to talking in his phone, ignoring Todoroki like he had been before.

Todoroki looked down at what Bakugo had given him, finding the three spiciest instant noodles on the shelf. He sighed, reluctantly putting the other two he had away and sitting up to grab himself some green tea.

Bakugo followed him, yammering on his phone the whole time as he grabbed various things off the low priced shelfs. His basket eerily matched Todoroki's, an atonement to their similar conditions.

Todoroki went up to the counter and payed, but not without Bakugo making him buy a six pack of canned beer for him before he left. Bakugo followed after him, still talking on the phone.

"I don't care what he said! I want that fucking deal sealed by tomorrow or I'm cutting him off!" Whoever he was talking to only seemed to worsen the situation with each word he spoke as Bakugo grew louder which each word."Don't be a fucking pussy! I'm not your babysitter! You get this deal closed off or your next paycheck will look like some first years monthly allowance!"

Todoroki stared. Bakugo slammed his phone shut, speeding up his trudge back home and forcing Todoroki to quicken his pace to match his. He remained a couple steps behind, but Bakugo didn't seem to be paying attention to him, gaze solely on the road ahead of him.

With a single right turn they reached a ratty apartment building. It had two floors, roughly eight room, with only two of them holding an extended bedroom. One was occupied by the landlord.

Bakugo's crisp suit stood out in the building, but everyone in the complex knew he only had enough money for one. Todoroki, on the other hand, had on a casual jacket and sweats with some dirty sandals, which made him blend in instantly.

They both took the single staircase up to the second floor, Todoroki passing Bakugo's room next to the staircase to reach his right next door. He turned to Bakugo who was struggling to find his keys in his multitude of pockets with slowly building irritation.

"Goodnight," he mumbled, finding his keys easily and opening his door.

Bakugo turned to Todoroki, movements slow and threatening."Don't let me see you again, two-faced bastard."

Todoroki moved into his home, closing the door behind him.

What would he have for dinner tonight?


Bakugo took a beer out with him to his balcony, enjoying the rare day off. The balcony was small, rail threatening to break, and view nothing of value, only meaningless buildings. Still, Bakugo reveled in the silent serenity of the moment, giving his throat it's needed break from constant yelling.

He looked to the right, noticing Todoroki's laundry hanging out to dry. It looked like a nice day so it made sense, but still it irritated Bakugo. The constructors had put a small wall, only reaching Bakugo's waist, up in some semblance of privacy but Bakugo could see everything, and everything could see him.

"Scarface!" He shouted, knowing Todoroki was home. There was no other place he ever was, after all.

Todoroki trudged out to meet Bakugo on the balcony, staring at him with big, curious eyes."What is it, Bakugo?"

Bakugo grabbed one of his underwear off his drying rack, Todoroki watching his movements as he held it over the edge of the balcony, dropping it.

They both watched it tumble with dull eyes until it hit the muddy ground of the back of the apartment complex. Bakugo then looked up at Todoroki and Todoroki mirrored his movements.

"Go get it," he said.

Todoroki looked down at his underwear, then back up at Bakugo. Without even a breath he left the balcony, and Bakugo watched below him as not soon after Todoroki came into view, picking up his underwear.

Bakugo scoffed, walking back inside to finish his beer.


It was dark, but not yet seen as late to most people. Todoroki felt this was only a prelude to begin the real act that was "night". Nevertheless, he cooked himself dinner and continued reading a book he had yet to finish. It was dusty and worn, as it had been a hand-me-down from one of the residents of the building, something they read during school.

His door was then being pounded on, and Todoroki silently got up to answer it. A short, scruffy man in a Hawaiian shirt and khakis stared Todoroki down, assessing him from below.

"You Bakugo?" he asked, voice scratchy from smoking too many cigarettes.

Todoroki took a few moments to process and a few more to come to a decision. Nothing about this felt right."Yes," he responded.

"Really?" The man looked suspicious."You don't look much like a Bakugo."

"What do you want?" Todoroki made his voice hard and cold."If you're gonna stand here wasting my time, I'm leaving."

"Certainly sound like'm," the man mumbled."I'm here cause my employers don't want you ta be here." The man suddenly brandished a knife, thrusting towards him.

Todoroki acted quickly, turning away from where the man was aiming, and grabbed his wrist. He turned him into a popsicle, knife clattering onto the floor. Todoroki forced his breath to calm, heart pounding out of his chest as he decided what to do with the man.

He decidedly carried the man-sicle across the street to the ally and deposited him in one of the large trash cans the restaurant next door used.

Walking back home, his noodles had finished cooking so he started to eat, waiting for the telltale signs that Bakugo was home. It was only an hour later when he heard the all to familiar stomping climbing up the stairs and door slamming shut next to him.

Rising from his bed, Todoroki moved to stand in front of Bakugo's door, knocking and hoping the man wasn't pissed enough to simply punch him in the face and slam the door. Thankfully, Bakugo answered with some semblance of calm.

"The hell do you want?" He was out of his work clothes, donning his usual sweatpants with no shirt that he always wore when he was home.

"A man came asking for you," Todoroki started."Seemed he wanted to stab you because his company was unhappy with you. I froze him and put him in the trashcan across the street. He may still be there if you want to talk to him."

Bakugo's eyes narrowed."No police? No heroes?"

"No one," Todoroki affirmed.

They both stared each other down and Todoroki couldn't help but become giddy with excitement. Would Bakugo praise him? Was he going to get praised? He did good, right?

With a sigh Bakugo broke contact, scratching the back of his head and then gliding his hand over to Todoroki, setting it on top of his head. He gave his hair a small ruffle."You didn't do half bad, icyhot."

Todoroki glowed.

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