Part Two: Chapter 7

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Where the hell are you taking me?" Max groaned.

Verena pulls Max's shirt and continues dragging him to the field outside, "I'm not gonna fucking murder you," she hisses and heads to under the bleachers. Verena sighs and Max frowns, "What the hell were you thinking, Max?"

"What do you mean?"


"Oh." Max rolls his eyes and leans on the iron rod, "What about Brandon?"

"You could like, suspended or something," Verena states, "And why the hell--"

He chuckles, "Calm down, I'm not getting into any trouble. Out of us, he's probably the one getting into trouble. Or suspended."

Verena's eyebrows furrowed and she shakes her head in disagreement, "You're being stupid. I have no idea what you're talking about and you need to stop being stupid. And what the hell did Brandon do?"

He doesn't want to tell her. But she needs to know. His mind jumps from one decision to another and it can't seem to stick to one choice. He stays quiet, staring at the grass below him as if it's going to tell him to do either one.
"It just," he pauses, "he did something."

"Goddamn it, Max. Can you be clear for once."

"Look, Ren, I don't know if I should tell you this."

Verena's face says 'seriously?', but her body says something else, "Fine, fine. Just don't be stupid next time," she says and turns back to the door.

As if the grass really told him something, Max's head clicks and pulls Verena back, "It was because of you."

Verena stands still, processing the information while at the same time waiting for Max to continue.

"Remember the party last month, I'm guessing you were with Brandon." Continuing sounds like something that would eat him alive, it's ugly to even think about for Max but he continues anyway, "He...he sent me this video and a picture and--"

"Is it about a picture, video or whatever he was taking?"

Max frowns, "Both."

"I knew he was doing something. You don't have to worry, Max. He's messing with you. Just...don't let him get to you alright." Max doesn't reply and Verena gazes at him. It's clear he's worried.

Instead of saying anything more, Max sighs and takes off his coat. Noticing Verena's now red nose and shaking hands, he drapes it over her shoulders and gives the key to his car, "I'll take your stuff, you go wait in my car. I'll drive you home."

She nods and takes his keys and heads to the parking lot with a few people still hanging around. Verena finds his car rather in the corner in the lot and roars it to life. New York's November weather isn't very nice, she thinks.

"Home?" Max opens the backdoor and throws his and her bag in.

"Actually," she hesitates, "I'm going to Ann's."

Max is driving off the school property, not saying anything, and it makes Verena uncomfortable, "About Brandon..." she trails off, hoping it would make him at least say something.

"It's okay."

"No. No," Verena turns her head to Max who still had his eyes straight on the road. He did want to hear from Verena. "In the Wasserstein's New Year's Dinner two years ago—I think you were there too—mom and dad got to really meet Brandon's parents. I don't think I've told you this but they had some business history before. I never paid attention but I'm assuming they partnered on projects before."

Perhaps it's the car's lack of warmth or just her, Verena hugs Max's coat tighter and sits back, making herself comfortable in the passenger's seat, "They got along well and started talking about how Brandon and I could get together. I thought it was a joke first until it got a little weird. Like setting up dates and talking about how their companies could be cooperating well with their children married. A joint whatever." Verena scoffs, "Getting married? For fuck's sake, I'm only seventeen!"

This is making Max uneasy. Despite her saying how much this only happened in their parent's head, there's an inevitable fear crawling on his skin.

"What'd Brandon think about it?"

"He never opposed. I'm guessing—no, he did like it. Which was what initially made his parents keep on talking about this weird business pair-up," Verena says, "So when it started getting too far and absurd, too, I told Brandon to stop whatever he was doing. And of course, he wanted something in return," Verena sighs at the thought of the stupid decision, "He wanted drinks for his parties, I'm guessing with Alaric's frat friends. Then he wanted drugs. I think it's a family thing; they love making things worse."

"Did you give him the drugs?" His hands were clutching the steering wheel hard and Verena couldn't tell if it was from anger or frustration. They're similar but they aren't for Max.

"I did. A little. Until it felt wrong," Verena implied, "I told him I couldn't take this weird drug fiasco further and he said I could go on a date with him, then he'll leave her alone."

Max laughs, "A date? What? Like a movie date or something?"

Rolling her eyes, Verena shots him a look, "Max, you know it wasn't like that." Max shrugs, "And...that was at the September party."

The car stops in front of Angelica's gate and both of them doesn't move nor do they say anything. Verena feels like, suddenly, so much weight has been lifted off her shoulders while Max is too busy trying to sink in all the information thrown at him.

Verena sighs heavily and gives Max's coat back before reaching for her own in the backseat, "Thanks," she murmurs.

Max nods.

"I'll see you."

He nods again.

No more words are exchanged between them again when she exits the car. Verena leaves everything with Max for him to figure out what she just dropped on him. All she's trying to care about now is the Wasserstein's New Years Dinner next week and Angelica's dress.

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