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"Ms. Copper, they're ready for you." Jughead put hand out, palm up on Betty's thigh, she laced her fingers between his. They walked towards the door that the nurse was holding open for the young soon-to-be parents.
"If you'll follow me to room four." The nurse led the couple to room four and held the door open for them. The couple walked in, and the nurse followed them in.
"If you'll hop up on the table for me Ms. Cooper." Betty hopped up on to the little, blue, padded table. The nurse walked over to a computer and sat down on a stool.
"So, I just need you to answer a few questions for me okay?"
"Your full name is in fact Elizabeth Rose Copper?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"And your date of birth is May 1, 2001?"
"Any allergies, current surgies, or hospitalizations?"
"Um...I don't have any known allergies. And there have been no recent hospitalizations or surgies?"
"Are you currently taking any medications?"
"Um.. no."
"Any past or current problems with drugs or alcohol?"
"I used to have an addiction to Adderall."
"Any bleeding, stomach pains, extreme nausea, or any extreme side effects we should note?"
"I do have headaches a lot, and I got sick a lot when I first found out."
"Ok. Thank you, Ms. Copper. Now, I have some questions for the father of the baby."
"That's me." Jughead said.
"Your full name is in fact Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third?"
"Date of birth is October 2, 2001?"
"Any problems ever preforming sexually?" Jughead blushed and glanced down at the floor. Betty pursed her lips together trying not to laugh.
"Um....I do not know how to answer that."
"Are you currently taking and medications?"
"Any past or current problems with drugs or alcohol?"
"No, ma'am."
"Thank you Mr. Jones." The nurse logged off the computer and stood up.
"Ms. Cooper, another nurse will come in shortly to do some blood work, take your blood pressure, and record your heart rate, we'll also have to take a urinary sample. The doctor will be in after that to take your ultra sound and make sure everything looks okay with the baby. The doctor will also tell you how far along you are, and play the baby's heartbeat."
"Thank you."
"If you could put on this gown, the nurse will be in shortly." The nurse handed Betty a white hospital gown, with purple flowers printed on it. She pressed a button on the wall and then left the room. Betty pulled off her shirt, and slipped the hospital gown on.
"So...Jug? Do you have any problems preforming sexually?" Betty giggled. Jughead rolled his eyes.
"I think you'd know if I did." Betty laughed as she slid her pants off from underneath the gown and folded her clothes neatly into a little pile.
"Here." Jughead stuck his hand out and Betty handed him her clothes. He put them onto the extra seat next to him.
"So....are you excited?" Betty asked Jughead.
"For what?"
"To see your baby for the first time!"
"Oh yeah definitely."
"I can't wait to hear the heart beat. We have to record that for Veronica."
"You don't think they'll be able to tell the gender do you?"
"No, it's too early. You usually have to be around 16 to 20 weeks. That's around four to five months."
"Yeah, that's what I thought." Betty bit her lip and glanced at the door.
"Hey, are you okay?" Jughead asked.
"Needles freak me out. I've hated them ever since I was little." The next nurse came in with a tray of little tubes and needles.
"So, first I'm going to take your heart rate, then your blood pressure, and I'll take your blood last."
"Can't we get the blood work out of the way first."
"No, becuase it makes people's heart rate go up really high."
"Oh, ok."
"Can I see your finger?" Betty stuck her pointer finger out and the nurse wrapped a little sticky bandage around her finger. She looked at monitor and glanced at her watch every couple seconds. She wrote something down on a clipboard, then took the bandage off Betty's finger. She took an arm band and wrapped it around Betty's arm. She pressed a button on the monitor and the band started to fill up with air. She stared at the screen, glancing at her watch every couple seconds. After two minutes she pressed another button on the screen and the arm band deflated. She wrote some numbers down on her clipboard. She brought her tray over to the hospital bed and wiped a disinfectant wipe on Betty's arm. Jughead walked over to Betty and put his hands on her shoulders. The nurse got the needle ready and attached a little tube to the end of it, to collect the blood. Betty looked up at Jughead, and Jughead rubbed her shoulders trying to comfort her.
"Ready?" The nurse asked. Betty shook her head and closed her eyes. She grabbed Jughead's hand as the nurse pierced her skin with the needle. Betty winced and Jughead smoothed her hair. The nurse wrapped some blue elastic round Betty's arm, and tied it tight around her arm. Betty squeezed Jughead's hand as the blood started leaving her body, and going down the tube filling up a little test tube.
"You're doing good Ms. Cooper, I only have to fill up one more tube." The nurse attached another test tube underneath the skinny tube. Betty squeezed Jughead's hand, and slowly breathed in and out. Jughead kissed the top of Betty's head and smoothed her hair.
"Shhhhh, the tubes almost filled. You're almost done." The tube filled up and the nurse untied the elastic band from Betty's arm, taking the needle out as well. She put a piece of gauze on the little pierced area, attaching it with a bandaid.
"Thank you Ms. Cooper. There's urinary cups in that bathroom whenever you're ready." The nurse left with the tubes of blood and the monitor. She pressed the same button on the wall as the nurse did before her, and left the room.
"Thank you, Jug."
"For what?"
"For comforting me. It really meant a lot."
"Hey, that's my job as your boyfriend. I'm supposed to keep you safe, comfort you when you're scared, and tell you how beautiful you are, becuase I love you."
"I love you too, baby." Betty reached up and kissed Jughead, and he kissed her back.
"Okay, now I have to go pee in a cup." Betty hopped off the table and ran into the restroom. She grabbed one of the urinary cups, and wrote her name on it. A couple minutes later she took the full urinary cup and placed it in a window that led to the lab. She washed her hands and came out of the bathroom.
There was an old doctor sitting in the room talking to Jughead. He was probably around his mid sixties.
"Hello. You must be Betty." The doctor stuck his hand out, and Betty shook it.
"Yes, and you are?"
"I'm Doctor Williams. I'll be your OB/GYN, during your pregnancy."
"It's nice to meet you Doctor Williams. I see you've already met Jughead."
"Yes, ma'am, you have a wonderful man looking out for you."
"I do don't I." Betty looked over at Jughead and smiled.
"Ahh, young love I remember when I first fell in love with my wife."
"Aww, how long have you two been together?" Betty asked.
"We met our junior year of high school, and have been married for 47 years."
"Wow." Jughead said.
"Yes, I love her so much. Would you like to see a picture?"
"Sure." Betty said. The doctor pulled his wallet out, and took a little wallet sized picture out.
"That's my wife Martha, and those are our children Mary and Katherine."
"You have a beautiful family doctor."
"Yes, I love them all so much-" He smiled at the picture "-so let's have you hop up on the table and we'll get a look at what's going on."
Betty hopped back up on the table and laid down on her back. The doctor moved a small TV screen in front of the table so Betty could see it.
"Jug, come here." Betty reached out her hand, and motioned for her boyfriend to come see the screen. "Now this might be a little cold." Doctor Williams was holding a little bottle of blue gel. He lifted up Betty's dress, to show her stomach. He squeezed some of the gel on her stomach and grabbed a little tool, with a wire connected to the TV. He started moving the little tool across Betty's stomach, and an ultra sound showed up on the screen. Betty and Jughead reached for each other's hands as they leaned toward the screen.
"And right....there-" Doctor Williams pointed to a black spot on the screen. "-that's your baby."
"Wow." Betty said tears welling up in her eyes.
"Look at it Jug. Isn't it the most perfect thing you've ever seen."
"Yeah, it really is." Jughead wiped tears away from his eyes.
"Aw, Jug. Are you crying?"
"Pssh, No."
"Yes, you are. Oh my gosh, Jughead Jones is crying." Jughead smiled and kissed his girlfriend's cheek. Doctor Williams pointed to the screen, tracing out the body of their child.
"So this right here is the head, and that's the body, and these are the legs. So, judging from this ultra sound I'd say you're around 12 weeks."
"Oh my gosh." Betty covered her mouth, tears rolling down her face, she squeezed Jughead's hand, and he kissed her hand.
"Do you guys want to listen to your baby's heartbeat?" Doctor Williams asked. Betty nodded her head. She got her phone out and pulled up her camera. She pressed record, as the doctor put a tool that was connected to a speaker on her stomach. He pressed the on button on the speaker and the room filled with noise of the baby's heartbeat. boom bum boom bum boom bum boom bum.
"That's our baby's heartbeat. Juggie, we created that." Jughead nodded his head and wiped tears from his eyes. Doctor Williams turned the speaker off and Betty stopped the video.
"Aw...Jug." Betty cupped his face in her hands and wiped his tears off his face. She leaned up and kissed his cheek. Betty hugged Jughead
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love too." He whispered back. Doctor Williams wiped the blue gel off of Betty's stomach, and moved the TV screen back to where it was. He grabbed the ultra sound pictures off the printer and put them in an envelope, then handed them to Jughead.
"Congratulations, you two. I'll see you in four more weeks." He leaned down and hugged Betty, and patted Jughead on the back. After the doctor left, Betty took her gown off and changed back into her clothes.
"Come let's go." Jughead said to Betty. She grabbed his hand and they walked out of the hospital, and headed off to Pop's for celebratory milkshakes.

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