Chapter 12

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I run to my private armory and I grab my M4A1 and 5 flashbangs along with 5 frag grenades. I then grab my m1911 and I place on a bulletproof vest and I start walking to the chopper.

Six "Deashot you're not cleared to be out on the field."

YN "I don't give a damn that's my daughter out there and I'm not letting something happen to her."

Six "If you do this you know that this could lead you into getting arrested for disobeying my orders."

YN "Screw your orders if it means my daughter is alive then I'm going and getting her and nothing is standing in my way of bringing her back."

I walk away from Six and I continue my way to the chopper and I see most of the operators in their combat gear.

YN "Are you all here to stop me?"

Ash "No. In fact were coming with you."

Zofia "If my one of my children were being held at a base that was filled with white masks then I'd go to hell and back to save her."

Glaz "Comrade we stick together if one of us is in need we help in any way we can."

Fuze "Yeah no matter what. We do what we can to help each other. Also, I want to kind of ruin some peoples day."

He said as he held up a cluster charge.

Ela "I want to meet my niece."

I start smiling and Meghan comes up to me and says.

Valkyrie "We're coming with you. YN we all want to help you out. No questions asked."

She said with a look of determination on her face.

YN "I don't know what to say other than thank you guy so much for doing this. Let's go."

We take two helicopters to fit the other operators in them. It was me, Valkyrie, Ash, Montagne, Glaz, Fuze, Dokkabi, Zofia, Lion, Finka, IQ, Blitz, Thatcher, Thermite, Blackbeard, and Buck. We are in the choppers and we are all going to Los Angeles. We get to the location and we spot the place the white mask are at. They are surrounding this house. About 10 outside and most likely a lot more in the house. We land blocks away from the house and we leave the choppers and we get into the back yard, but before we can head inside I shoot the camera right there and then I look forward and everyone stands up and we open fire on the ones outside and as they drop to the ground the ones that were in front of the house come out back and everyone opens fire on them. They fall to the ground and I go up to the door and IQ says.

IQ "Hold on Deadshot."

She flips her little thing that reveals if there are any explosives and there is one that is in front of the door near the floor. Lion the activates his drone that allows us to see whose in the house and when he does that there are about 30 to 40 of them inside I turn and said to fuze.

YN "Go to the side of the house on the left and place your cluster charge there and activate it."

Fuze "On it."

He head to the side of the house and he places his cluster charge there and then he activates it making a bunch of grown men scream as they die. I bust the door down and shot the explosive that was in front of the door and I head up stairs as the others stay down stairs and take care other the ones right there.

YN "Lion activate big brother, so I can see where she is."

Lion "On it."

As soon as he activates his drone I spot a silhouette of a little girl tied up in a room. Then I feel this sudden burst of energy.

Finka "This should help you out."

I get to the room and I spot Sofia with a jacket on that has multiple explosives on it.

YN "Shit. Any of you know how to destroy 7 to 8 nitrocells on a jacket without shooting them?"

Thatcher "I got my EMP's with me."

YN "Then come up here."

Sofia "Daddy. Please save me."

She said while crying.

YN "It's alright I'll get you out of here."

We hear footsteps and Thatcher comes up and throws it on the ground in front of her. The EMP goes off and destroys the Nitrocells. I pick Sofia up and hold onto her tightly and said.

YN "It's ok you're going to be alright. I'll get you out of here."

I run for the door and head down stairs.

YN "How many are left?"

Valkyrie "I don't know."

I then feel something hit my side. I look down to see that I was shot under my vest and was bleeding badly.

Sofia "DADDY!"

YN "It's ok I'm fine we-ah we need to go now!"

I remove one of the grenades at my side and threw it inside while we all ran out and soon an explosion goes off and the pain in my side returns and I fall to the ground.

Glaz "Co- yo- al- ight."

Ela "Yo- go- mak- it."

Valkyrie "YN!"

Sofia "Da-

I then lost consciousness.

End of chapter 12

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