Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Audrina's POV:

I took a deep breath, and quickly glanced in the mirror. The outfits they made us wear completely and utterly disgusted me. I mean honestly, why don't we just go walk around naked since the outfit shows most of your body anyway? My dirty blonde hair was teased, with makeup caked on my face; it felt like my skin couldn’t breathe. A week, that’s all it’s been since I signed the contract, telling the company that they practically owned me. At least they gave me some time to let everything settle before putting me out there, but my time was up, and I was officially on the clock.

"Audrina! Guess what?" Benny's voice rang through my ears. Benny was another prostitute. Her name isn’t really Benny, its Bethany, but if you called her that she would kill you, and freeze your body parts. Unlike me, she’s been doing this for a while, and accepts the fact that she’s a whore. "What?" I questioned, looking up at her. Her bright red hair was teased, and she put a nose ring in. Tattoo's covered majority of her body. She was the type of person that if you saw her out in public, you would want to keep your distance since she looks so intimidating.

"You got your first customer today! And it's the two boys from One Direction. You got Harry, he's always fun." She squealed, sending me a wink. My body tensed up. I remembered when I actually liked the bad One Direction, when they actually interacted with their fans, and didn’t let the fame go to their head. I didn’t have a problem with the three with girlfriends, their life was pretty stable, but it’s the other two that scared me. Harry and Zayn became reckless, really reckless after their 3 years of fame came to an end. My guess is those were the two that I was going to see, and you know…do stuff with.

This is not what I imagined would happen after running away. I always thought it would be the best for me, leaving behind my drug addicted mom, and abusive step dad. That day I swore it was the best choice I ever made, but now look how I ended up? A prostitute that’s still a virgin. Pretty pathetic.

"I don't think I can do this." I mumbled, putting a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear. "Oh stop being such a baby. Just do what he says, get the money, and enjoy yourself a little." Benny smirked. "Now let's go." She quickly said, pulling me out the door of our shared flat. We passed Ricky running through the hall ways, and he gave us thumbs up.

Ricky was the guy who owned all the prostitutes, the guy I practically signed my life over too. He was like the ring leader at the circus, the man in charge. When people called in, he was the one who chose which prostitute, went with which customer. I don’t know why he chose me to go with the two guys from One Direction, but I was killing him with my mind right now for it.

"Just a couple tips, Harry can get kind of rough, so just do what he says and cooperate. They both know you’re new at this, so hopefully he won't be too rough." Benny said casually. I felt my stomach churn, as I kept my gaze staring out the car window, watching all the scenery as it passes by. “Oh, joy.” I mumbled sarcastically. “He’s going to murder you in bed if you have that kind of attitude.” Benny retorted, keeping her eyes on the road. “But think about it, we’re getting twice as much money because you’re a virgin. That’s why Harry chose you, what guy doesn’t want to fuck a virgin?” She asked, obviously not expecting an answer. “Just stop talking.” I groaned.

We passed a park, and I couldn't help but notice all the happy families out there. A mom was pushing her little daughter on the swings, and the dad was getting ready to catch his son as he slid down the slide. At least they went in the right direction with their life. Maybe one day I’ll actually have a family like that? What a fun story to tell my kids, ‘Mommy was a prostitute for her first job!’ I silently banged my head up against the window.

“Okay, just tell me what you’re thinking, because I’m dying to know why the hell you banging your head up against the car window.” Benny said, interrupting the silence. “I thought my first time would be special.” I replied, rubbing my now sore forehead. “Yeah, and I thought my prince charming would come find me on a pink unicorn, and we would have children made a gummy bears!” She retorted sarcastically. “Reality is a bitch sweetheart.” I rolled my eyes, and just started concentrating on the road. I had no idea where the hell these boys lived, but I was hoping that they lived in like Japan.

"We're here!" Benny cheered, interrupting my thoughts. I gulped as I glanced in the rear view mirror one last time before walking up to the flat door. So much for Japan.

Zayn's POV

I walked into the living room after returning home from the store. Harry was sat on the chair watching some show on tv. I took a seat opposite him on the couch. Thinking about what was on the agenda for tonight I decided to ask Harry if he had any plans. "Got any plans tonight, mate?" I asked.

"Not at all, should we call over some girls?" Harry asked. All he does is think about sex and partying. I'm not too far from it but I mean that's all he cares about. I thought about it and actually I was in the mood to see a girl. I had brought one home just the other night but she ended up falling asleep as soon as we got here.

"Yeah call them up." I replied. He knew exactly who to call. We were pretty well known at a company. We are what they call a regular in their business. Liam, Niall, and Louis were probably off somewhere with their perfect girlfriends, living their perfect lives. Those three barely speak to us unless its about work. Harry and I kind of stick together now. Management has kind of given up on us. We never listened to their stupid rules. Don't do this . Don't do that. They tried to control who we saw and who we hung out with. Saying how it would affect our image. We are adults now we don't need to be clean and perfect, innocent teenage boys. After our spike to fame died down, my drive to care about my image went with it. I used to be the mysterious, sweet, and quiet one. I used to steal girls hearts for being so caring and nice. Now I am known as the stuck up, slut of the band. Well I'm not alone. Harry and I are the dynamic duo. Louis moved in with Eleanor and Harry and I became a lot better friends. I took Louis' spot in Harry's flat. Harry introduced me to the world of hardcore partying. Drinking, partying, and hiring prostitutes is not unusual for us. We do it a lot actually. Lately we haven't had much work to do since the fame has died down. Unless we have some kind of random interview with some unknown talk show we basically are free.

"They said that they will be over within the hour. They said there is a new girl and she was assigned to me. You get Benny this time." Harry informed me as he hung up the phone


"Okay sounds good. Help me pick up the flat a little. I mean it's a proper mess." I replied.

"I wonder what this new girl will be like. Apparently she's a virgin." Harry mentioned as he started to pick up the piles and piles of clothing thrown about the floor.

"You must be paying double tonight then hey?" I asked.

"Yeah, Ricky told me he wouldn't disappoint me so it would be worth it." Harry explained.

"Well I have never had Benny so this should be interesting." I gave Harry a glare.

"She is quite the fun one. I have had her maybe 2, 3 times. She knows how to have fun." Harry brightly assured me.

We didn't really feel like going out to the club tonight and being in the public eye, so we brought the party to us. Our mini bar is always stocked. I quickly picked up some of the random items on the floor and straightened up the room a little. I headed over to the bar to see what kind of drinks I would be having tonight. I cracked open a beer and took a sip. I handed one to Harry as well. We bumped bottles and then we were interupted by a knock on the door. The girls are here.

"Zayn get the door! I'm mixing us some drinks!" Harry says as he returns to the bar.

"Got it!" I replied turning the knob.

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