Chapter 2

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Audrina's POV:

 My fingernails were all chewed just by waiting outside the flat door.  "Relax." Benny said sternly, giving me a disapproving look. So many witty comments ran through my mind that I could easily say to her, but I kept my mouth shut.

 The door opened and there stood a tall, tan, handsome guy.  I immediately recognized him as Zayn. "Hello Ladies, c'mon in." He greeted us, ushering us into their flat. "How's is going good lookin?" Benny asked flirtatiously. I tried hard not to scoff, I mean they're going to have sex, why does she need to flirt? Maybe it's in the handbook that I didn't read...  "Harry's in the other room getting drinks." Zayn said politely. For being a man-whore, I had to admit, they were pretty good hosts. "What can I get you girls?" Harry called out from behind the mini bar. I gulped feeling the dryness in my throat, I was thirty, hell I was extremely thirsty, but he was probably talking about alcoholic beverages. I would then have to explain that I'm a non-alcoholic and that I'd prefer a glass a water, how lame right?

 "I'll have a shot of vodka." Benny chimed in. I was resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I could've told you she was going to order that, considering she drank a bottle a day.  Zayn looked over at me, waiting for me to respond. "I'm fine, thank you." I mumbled, trying to stop myself from shaking. Harry greeted us with everyone's drink requests.  "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Benny asked excitedly. I'm  positive it was noticeable at how much I was shaking, but I must of been pretty good at hiding it considering none of the boys noticed it.

Benny hopped off the couch, grabbing Zayn's hand, and pulling him to the bedroom. I saw the tan-boy look back at me, and give me a weak smile, almost of he knew this wasn't what I wanted.

"Shall we get started? I know your a virgin and all, but after this, your expectations will be so high you won't want to sleep with anyone else." Harry said arrogantly.  "C'mon, this way to my room." He added, grabbing my hand and tried to pull me. I hesitated, resisting his pulls.  "I said lets go." He growled, nearly yanking my arm out of its socket. I finally stopped resisting and followed the curly haired boy to his room.

 "Strip down." Harry commanded. I gulped, nodding my head 'no'. This isn't how it was supposed to work.  Where's my prince charming on his horse? "Listen here bitch, I'm getting what I paid for, whether you do it willingly, or I force you." He growled, getting close to my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, but it wasn't enough for him to be drunk, just a bit tipsy.

 When I didn't respond, he shoved me onto the bed. He quickly rummaged through some drawers, before pulling out some rope. "Just in case you try anything funny." He said, chuckling coldly. Before I knew it, my hands were tied above my head to the bedpost.

Most of it was a blur, I tried to connivence myself it was a dream, but I woke up from the fantasy as soon as he entered me.  I screamed out in pain, as tears rolled down my face. "Don't cry you little whore." He sneered, before leaving a handprint across my face.

 Benny was right when she said he wasn't gentle. I tried to not think about what dirty things Harry was doing to my body.  The scary thing was, was I couldn't stop him, my hands were tied up, and kicking my legs seemed useless.

This is considered rape, but if I went to the police about this, I would be arrested for prostitution since it isn't exactly legal.

After Harry finally finished, my body ached all over, covered in bruises from Harry's abuse. I could already feel my eye swollen from where he has slapped me.  "I always get my way."  He said with a smirk. "Please just untie me do I can leave." I whimpered. He just chuckled coldly, finally agreeing to untie my wrists.

"You were a good time, hell I haven't had that much fun in a long time.  I will be seeing you again." Harry exclaimed, slapping my bare ass while I gathered my clothes from around the room.

I walked out into the longue where Zayn and Benny were waiting.  "Aud..what happened?" Benny asked, gasping. I didn't realize how bad the bruises looked, and it took all of my might not to break down and cry.  The look on Zayn's face was a mixture of pure horror and sorrow.

"Can we just leave now?" I managed to choke out.  Benny nodded her head, as Harry entered the room with the biggest smirk on his face. Zayn shot him an extremely dirty look. My body felt like I was going to collapse.

Right before Benny and I were about to leave, the flat door opened, and there stood the other three members of One Direction.

Zayn's POV

"How's it going in good lookin'?" Benny greeted me as I opened the door. She is a very pretty girl I'm not going to lie, but she just covers it up with makeup and slutty clothes. The other girl next to her looked extremely nervous. She was fidgeting with her fingers and constantly pulling down her skirt. She was obviously uncomfortable. I let the girls in and closed the door.

"Harry is just in the other room making drinks." I informed the girls as I led them to the bar area. Harry was crouched behind the bar.

"What will it be?" Harry asked referring to the drink situation. He placed different bottles across the sleek countertop.

"I'll take a shot of vodka!" Benny exclaimed.

"I'm fine,thank you." the other girl answered.

"I'm good with the beer I have." I told Harry.  Harry grabbed a shot of vodka and gave it to Benny. He grabbed 2 beers for himself I assumed.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Benny yelled excitedly after slamming her drink. She shivered a little at the burn of the vodka.  She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to my bedroom.  I could tell she has really gotten into her job. I turned back to see if Harry was headed in the opposite direction to his room. He was with the girl in tow. She turned back for a second. In that second we made eye contact. Her eyes were full of hurt. As fast as we locked eyes we dropped the look. She disappeared into the room of my best mate.

As soon as I closed the door behind me Benny pushed me on the bed. She instantly started removing my clothes. Her fingers were freezing on my warm skin. She was all over me. I was not complaining. I was starting to get into it but then I heard a small cry of pain. I ignored it, but heard a second noise.

"Ignore it, come on." Benny instructed me. I complied with her orders and let her continue.


"Thanks babe!" Benny stated as I gave her her money for the night. She placed a kiss on my cheek.

I put some clothes on and headed out to walk Benny to the door. Moments later Harry joined us in the living room with Benny's friend. She looked like she had been beaten up. She hung her head and looked as if she had been crying a lot. Benny asked her what happened but the girl just ignored her and requested to leave. Harry interrupted with one of his smart ass comments, "We just had a little bit too much fun." The girls approached the door and opened it to find the other three members of our band. I felt the color drain from my face. I felt the eyes of my used to be best mates dig into my like knives. I could tell that this was not what they expected to see.

Liam escorted the girls out and then closed the door behind him.

"Couch! Now!" Liam yelled. I could tell we were about to get the third degree from him. "Prostitutes???!?!!!?! Really? Are you really that low now?" He just let us have it. "Liam calm yourself. Not all of us have perfect lives like you do." I retorted. "I seriously don't even know you two anymore. You guys are not the same mates I used to love. I don't even want to be assosciated with you anymore. Clean up your act and sober up we have an interview tomorrow. Apparently management is going to try to spark another rise in fame." Liam informed us. "Come on boys. We don't need to stay here with these poor excuses of friends."

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