Chapter Five

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As the sun begins to set a miniature street party kicks off, food and drink arrive and My Dad seems to be a total hit. To my surprise Harry doesn’t leave, I guess his appearance was longer than I expected. But as the night goes on, he seems to get more bored, he’s not allowed to drink, I assume because of his duty but it makes him look unhappy. After about an hour of watching him, I decide to go over. He’s sitting on a bench a few metres away from the big party. “You look bored” I say casually, taking a seat next to him. He smiles at the sight of me and reply’s “Just tired.”

I raise my eyebrows “Get a grip posh boy its 10 o’clock!”

“You try keeping up face all day” he moans “And not being able to enjoy any of the fun stuff.” He gestures towards the party and indicates to the drinkers.

“Sorry I’m so boring” I joke, attempting to cheer him up. It works, Harry lets out a snort “Yeah” he agrees “entertain me.” I wink at him and pour some of my alcohol into his normal Diet Coke. At first he looks like he’s trying to resist, but then he takes a sip. “Still boring?” I question. He shakes his head “Believe me Longford, you made that meet and greet interesting.” His bodyguard, Steve glances at us slightly and I know he’s listening. Jeez it must be annoying having someone trail you all the time. Harry must have picked up on what I was thinking because he jumps up suddenly “Holly!” he says enthusiastically “Why don’t you show me the inside of the shop?” I frown at him for a moment, but then get what he’s trying to do; I nod and lead him forward. “Wait outside” he tells Steve, closing the door behind us. I wander around the dark shop for a moment, then turn to him “So we escape your bodyguard by coming in here?” I say sarcastically “Great plan” I give him a fake thumbs up to annoy him more. But he just laughs “Is there a back door?” he questions.

“Yeeeeaaahhh” I reply slowly and suspiciously “Why?”

“Show me the wonders of Craster Village.” Why, on earth, would Prince Harry want me to show him the most boring village on the planet? Shouldn’t he be living the highlife, partying with some celebrity like the magazines always say he does? I’m very uncertain about his motives but all the same I take him out the back and we start sneaking over to the other side of the village. We both laugh as we crawl behind a wall to avoid Steve, then we run off towards a small beachy cove. I come to this beach all the time, whenever I want to get away from everyone, but I’ve never taken a person here. We climb down the rocks and on to the beach “This is about as good as it gets” I gesture to the sand and sit down.

“Well I think it’s great” Harry says, dumping himself down next to me. By himself, he almost seems normal, not royal.

“So posh boy, I’ve shown you the wonders of Craster village, are you going now?” I fold my arms and try to act like I don’t care what he does. “I only just got here!” he smiles “You’re not getting rid of me that easy.”

“Don’t you have princey things to be doing?” I ask jokingly. He just rolls his eyes, miffed

“I am capable of doing normal things to you know. It’s just a title.”

“I know you are” I say defensively “the papers portray you as such a bad boy.”

“Well, don’t believe everything you read in the papers” he laughs, making me feel like some kind of idiot. “But I do have a bad boy side... just so you know.”

“Why would I care?” this man was really starting to annoy me, why was it one minute he seemed okay, the next minute I wanted to slap him? Every time he grins at me cheekily, I feel like he’s trying to wind me up. “Oh you care” he persists “you like me, I’m sure of it.”

Now I really want to hit him. “Just because you’re used to people falling at your feet, doesn’t mean I will” I snap “get over yourself.”

Harry’s face turns more relaxed and he sits back in the sand “Actually people don’t fall at my feet” he says naturally. I frown at him, is he playing up the sympathy act?

“Oh please” I dismiss “There are tons of people who would kill to sleep with a Royal.” I wave my hand and lay down, staring up at the stars. “Well obviously I haven’t met any of them” Harry says, now lying down too.

“Really?” I’m genuinely shocked “That’s not what-”

“You shouldn’t believe everything you read in magazines” he interrupts as if reading my mind. Wow, Harry is totally different to who I thought, maybe I can be friends with this guy after all. All in all the experience seems so surreal, just a month ago I was dying for something to happen to me, and now within the space of a few weeks, I’ve gone to London and now I’m talking to not just anyone, but Royalty! It’s funny, you always dream up these experiences, think they’ll never happen to you, but actually it can happen quite easily. I think of all those fans Harry met today and suddenly it seems quite simple to meet someone famous, I don’t know why I ever thought it was impossible. We carry on talking for a while; it feels easier to talk to him when he isn’t acting like a total idiot. We don’t look at each other, we’re both star gazing and this somehow makes him easier to talk to. He asks about my life and I have to admit, I tell him barely anything, I don’t feel like I can let my guard down with this guy just yet, I feel as if he has some kind of ulterior motive. But I tell him about how I’m going to University in Edinburgh next month and he seems genuinely excited, he explains how his family spend most of their time in Scotland and that he loves the place. We seem to be getting along pretty well when we decide to get up and go for a walk. “Come on” he says “Let’s walk along the beach.” I nod and do as he says. He helps me up and we begin to wander, down the sand, paddling in the sea. “So, are you looking forward to leaving Craster?” he asks as we walk in the moonlight. I nod happily

“God yes!” I laugh “I’ve never even been out of England!” Harry looks genuinely surprised by this “Really? You seem so cultured.” This seems like a backhanded compliment, but I decide to take it. “Well I am” I wink “Full of wisdom me.” He laughs, not a mimicking laugh this time, a proper one and it makes me feel a lot more comfortable.  “So you’re not sad to be leaving this place?” he questions.

“Are you kidding?!” I exclaim “this place is a total dump!” Harry looks around and doesn’t seem to share my thoughts “I like it” he says “peaceful, I’d like to live in a place like this.”

“Then why don’t you?” I ask.

“Ha! HL, you sound as if I get to make decisions like that” Harry snorts. Why does he insist on calling me anything but ‘Holly’? Suddenly I find myself pitying him, Craster is a dump, but at least I have the option of freedom.

“You should rebel against the rules I little more” I suggest “It’s your life after all.” This makes him smile. We stop at the end of the beach and turn to each other. “I like you Holly” he says, with true admiration in his voice, “Maybe I will take your advice.” The sound of Steve’s voice makes me jump, he’s calling Harry’s name and even though I can’t see him, I can tell he’s close by. Harry rolls his eyes “Yeah, yeah coming” he sighs. He takes one last look at me and puts a hand on my cheek, it feels warm and affectionate and I feel like asking him to keep his hand there. But he doesn’t, he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and let’s go. At that point I can hear something, rustling in the bushes behind us, but as Steve’s looking for Harry I think nothing of it. “See you around, Longford” he winks at me one more time, and then disappears off the beach.

Suddenly I’m feeling a lot more grateful towards my father for setting the charity up.

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