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I remember the day Harry went back to the army, I clung onto him with all my might, kissing and hugging him. We’d been through so much together and become inseparable; I didn’t want him to leave me. But he had to go, and he left for four months. He wrote me letters daily and I read them and wrote back from my little room at Edinburgh University. I was still happy. I lived my life while he was away and I enjoyed myself, but I was never truly amazing unless he was home. But we stuck together no matter what, savouring all our time together. In my second year of Uni, we bought a house together, in Edinburgh. It was something the Royal Family owned, something Harry was entitled to. It was massive, much bigger then we needed, but it was our home together. I guess one good thing about Harry’s rank in the army was that he came home a lot. Sometimes, he’d be home for half a year before he went away again, everything to do with his job was to be played by ear. I have to admit, I never saw my parents much. The funny thing is, is that I knew they loved me but I just couldn’t forgive them. That part of me was always still hurting so much, and it continued to hurt by their lack of effort to keep in touch with me. As more time went by, I cared less and less. I had my Prince and I owed my parents nothing. They would find out what I was doing from the newspapers anyway, it’s probably how they found out about the pregnancy. I’d never wanted children, I guess I can thank Mum and Dad for that, but when it happened, it happened and I was okay with it. Harry was over the moon about it of course. I lived the life I always wanted to live, I got my happy ending. I lived in the public eye, as I guest of the Royal Family and one day, as Princess Holly Of Wales. 

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