Chapter Twelve

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“Would you like to read today’s paper, Miss?” James asks me. I glance over at the paper HARRY’S WHIRLWIND ROMANCE: NEW EXCULSIVE PICTURES my eyes wonder down to the pictures from the last two weeks, us out for meals, in Camden Market, in a boat, shopping, meeting fans, signing autographs. I’d been here for two weeks now and was no stranger to the newspapers “I’m fine thanks” I reply, biting into my toast. Today is the Royal Garden Party and I have to be out of the house by 11am. Despite getting me up at the crack of dawn last week, I’m back at the palace now, still curious as too why Harry was in such a hurry to get me out of there. Maybe that’s what’s bothering him, he keeps acting all subdue, telling me all these sweet things as if there’s some kind of problem. But then I have to remember, he’s going away next week and is probably sad this is all going to be over, god knows I am, it hardly bares thinking about. “Holly, are you going to start getting ready?” Harry pops his head round the door. I look up at him and nod “Yeah Yeah, I’m just finishing my breakfast.”

“Okay” he says in a rushed voice “Remember today is important, you’re going to be meeting everyone.” He disappears out the room and I’m left feeling more nervous then I did before. Suddenly, I’ve lost my appetite. I get up from my seat and turn to James “I’m finished thank you.”

He smiles at me weakly “Miss Longford… just be yourself today” he says “All his friends and family will love you I’m sure of it…. I hope you don’t think I’ve spoken out of my place.”

I grin at him and put an arm on his shoulder “Not at all. Thank you James.” I turn and walk up the grand staircase, starting the five minute walk to my bedroom. Oh god. Today I was going to be spending the entire day with upper class Royals, all of which were going to hate me and think I was common. This was not me beginning paranoid, it was common knowledge the Royals didn’t like normal people marrying into their family. Not that me and Harry were getting married of course, but it’s the same principle. When I get to my room, I pull on my black dress and heels, tying my hair up in to a bun. I look just somewhere between sexy and smart, so if they don’t like me, maybe my attraction will win them over. I laugh to myself, this is just the kind of jokey thing me and Niall would say to each other when we were having one of our close days. We could be good friends, when Niall’s crush didn’t get in the way. I bet he hates me now, now I’m in London with Harry. I pull on my heels and put my necklace on, leaving my room and walking back down the stairs. Harry’s waiting for me at the North exit door, in a suit, looking beautiful. I grin at him and link my arm in his “I seriously hope this goes well” I say shakily.

“If they see what I do, they’ll love you” Harry kisses me and we walk into the garden. Hundreds of guests are there already, drinking champagne and standing under the big white marquees. It’s a hot, late August day and the early morning sun beams down. There’s a red carpet in the middle, which I know we’ll soon all have to gather on each side of, watching the Queen walk down and shaking her hand. I wonder if she’ll say anything to me, with me being her grandsons girlfriend and all. Me and Harry walk into the garden and take a drink off one of the waiters. Many people come up to the Prince and talk to him, he introduces me to them and within half an hour, I’ve met tons of Princesses, Princes, Duchesses and Lords, that it’s giving me a headache. Still, I think I made a good first impression. “There’s just someone else I want you too meet” Harry whispers in my ear, and he puts his hand round my waist, guiding me through the crowds. We walk formally to the other side of the garden and Harry taps on a man’s shoulder “Will…” he says. The man turns around and looks at me, he’s got big eyes and is losing his hair, his face is kind and smiling at me. But it’s not him who speaks first, it’s his wife. “Holly!” Kate exclaims “Lovely to see you again!” she leans over and kisses my cheek gently, giving my a whiff of her posh perfume. William glances at his wife “Oh so this is her!” he laughs “You did good Harry!” I blush embarrassingly, did Prince William basically say I was pretty? Oh god. Someone wake me up now. “Nice to meet you” I manage to say, shaking his hand. “And you” he replies “I wish I could’ve met you sooner, I hear you’ve been hear for quite a while now, I’ve just been so busy” he gushes.

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