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              Josh's POV
Today is Tyler's birthday and I have had something special planned for him for a while.I personally think think he will love it.
"Tyler baby boy wake up." I said softly.
"Hmm?" He hummed softly and moved his head a bit.
"Wake up beautiful." I told him softly and ran my fingers through his hair.
"Mmm don't wanna." He said burying his face in his pillow.
"Okay come downstairs when you're ready." I said and kissed his head gently.
"Mkay." He mumbled and fell back asleep quickly.
I got up getting dressed and went downstairs smiling at the set up.
Everything was decorated exactly how I needed it and everyone was sitting on the couch. I joined them sitting beside Ryan and Brendon.
"So everyone knows the plan?" I asked.
"Yup." Ryan said and smiled getting up. He walked in the kitchen and brought out gifts and then a big cake.
My gift was more special. It was small and not in a box yet. Ryan had it in his room. Tyler had been begging me for a kitten for so long so I finally gave in and got him one but Ryan and Brendon are the only ones who know.
Not long later we heard footsteps on the stairs and we all stood at the bottom.
Tyler came wrapped in his silk pink robe with a pair of pj shorts to match.

I smiled at him and we all yelled

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I smiled at him and we all yelled.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER!" Brendon doing the usual popping a bottle of champagne open and spraying it everywhere.
It was kind of a birthday routine Brendon pops it and the first glass goes to the birthday person.
Tyler smiled and giggled.
"Oh gosh thank you guys!" He said and giggled softly.
Brendon passed up the glass to him.
"First glass of the day." He said.
Tyler took it and smiled drinking it quickly before walking down to me.
"Alright then let's start the day." I said and kissed Tyler gently causing a smile to spread across his face.
Ryan pulled Tyler to the front and made him sit.
"Someone get a lighter." He said.
Brendon brought him one and they lit the candles on the cake and we all started singing happy birthday to him.
His smile was big and happy. A lot happier than when I first met him.
When I first met him he was selling himself to get by. He was beaten, bruised, cut up and way too skinny but now he's happy, clean, and healthy and I'm glad to have been the one to help him and show him what love truly is.
He blew out the candles and we all started cutting the cake, Tyler getting the first piece.
Once everyone finished the cake it was time for presents.
"Okay mine first!" Ryan said and passed Tyler a good sized bag. Tyler giggled and opened it and pulled out a skirt he's been wanting but couldn't find it anywhere and a croptop to match and a few new pairs of panties and a pair of heels. When he got to the bottom of the bag he gasped and blushed which sparked my curiosity.
"What is it?" I asked him.
"N-nothing." He said and closed the bag when I tried to look.
"Cmon show me." I said.
"Uhuh." He said and shook his head the blush still adorning his cheeks.
"Yesss." I said putting my hands on his hips.
He blushed and opened the bag to reveal a couple sets of lingerie and a bottle of lube, condoms, and different sized vibrators.
"Ohhhh." I said and tried to reach in, Tyler smacking my hand.
"Shut up, next." He said and put the other stuff back in the bag. "Thanks Ryan." He said and giggled.
"My turn." Brendon said and stood up holding a box to Tyler.
Tyler took the box from him and looked.
A couple  gifts later, all from the crew and he was done.
Well, besides mine.
"Ryan can you go get mine?" I asked him.
"Yup." He said and smiled, running upstairs.
Tyler looked up at me curiously.
"What did you get me Joshy?" He asked sweetly.
"You'll see baby." I said and kissed his head gently.
Soon Ryan returned with a tiny box with a little bow tied on top carefully placing it in front of Tyler.
I covered his eyes and he giggled softly putting his hands over mine.
"Joshy what are you doing?" He asked softly, his smile lighting up the room.
"Just open your gift." I told him.
He smiled and lifted the top off blindly and reached his hand in until he touched the fur and gasped.
"Joshy! What is it?" He asked.
I removed my hands and he looked at the box and squealed lifting the small calico kitten out.
It's eyes matched his one brown and one blue and was multi colored. Black, orange, white, and grey.
"Oh my gosh it's so cute! Thank you thank you thank you!" He said and kissed my cheek hugging the kitten carefully.
"Happy birthday baby." I said kissing his head gently.
He held his kitten close and smiled petting it and cooing at it.
I'm glad I got to make him happy today.
The rest of the day consisted of random stuff and everyone drinking and partying. Tyler ended up wasted and crying like a girl over the kitten saying how "oh so cute it was" and "how happy she made him."
Seeing him smile just made me happy. I eventually got him to bed around midnight with his kitten next to him curled up in a ball and me spooning him from behind cause he refused to go to bed without me.

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