Now raise your hands and shout "Donuts" if you have been often pressurized by the saying "Act Like A GIRL". I mean what in the freaking mind are you really trying to say?
What do you mean act like one.
I am a girl.
I have boobs and a vagina (which bleeds every single motherfu*&^ng month) to prove it.
According to Biology a girl is characterized by mamary glands and well her reproductive parts.
Who says a girl is a person who has to be sweet and docile.?
One who is supposed to necessarily like pink and plays with barbie dolls (Okay I did. But only when I was a kid.).
According to the world the female is a homemaker and one who should know how to cook.
Should sit like a lady with her legs not spread wide open like a guy ( they apparently need leg space for their " Dark Knight").
While fighting should flail their hands and fight like they are swapping away a bee instead of packing a good punch. Trust me only dimwits fight like that. I am very proud say that I landed a punch on a guys face.
They have to be dumb and apparently don't need to worry about their future because they are gonna get married.
I mean What dude?
I will be a cat lady. No a dog lady. Sorry but me and cats are like a big No No.
What will you do?
We are expected to be like "This".
And trust me no one is.
I am as perverted as guys are.
I eat like a guy.
Sit like one and will put a guy to shame with my colourful vocabulary.
Because lets face it.
I am only a girl.
I will be the way I want to.
I will wear what I want to.
And yes I won't need to "ACT LIKE ONE" because I am one.
So to the people who say Act like a girl well let's just hope common sense barges into their Oh So sexist mind and hits them like tonnes of bricks.
I mean Adios!
So hi wattpadians..
This is my first attempt at writing instead of reading like my life depends on it.Well this a different kind of novel.
Its about addressing issues that every female has gone through...Well not necessarily but you get my swing don't you?I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Please share all your views with me and tell me more issues that I could adress.You are free to share this " Wierd" story.
But oh well I tried.Your comments would be appreciated.
And votes will be most welcomed. Trust me I would be jumping up and down on my bed if I even managed to get one vote on this story.Thank you!

The Vaginal Tales
Teen FictionOkay..This story is for those who have vaginas and for the people who need to understand the constant hormal unbalance due to it! Okay? And I know I probably suck at the description but I would really kiss your feet( no way in hell) if you would rea...