Vol. 1 Ch. 12 - The Black king...

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Vol. 1 Ch. 12 – The Black king...


After helping Elfianna fixed herself, the twin fox type demi-human, Rea and Lea brought Elfianna back to the command room and this time they did not run since there was a spare room inside the command room.

Then, with the three Queens seated in front of the revolving sphere that shows various scenes in the battlefield, Kuro finally explained the situation to the two of them.

"Elfianna-sama, Lucinda-sama and Arianne-sama, with how the battle has progressing it won't be too long before the 9th Demon Lord, Kakal, arrive"

The 5 million army of demonic and magical beast have slowly being reduced to mere thousands, even the corpses on the battlefield have been piling up splendidly. However, because of such progress, the time when the Demon Lord would appear was closing in.

Even with how much preparations or rest the soldiers can do right now, it won't be too long before everyone's morale collapse. Kyoushiro has yet to appear as well, being that the case; they would be forced to rely on the four heroes that are currently in the battlefield right now.

Mikoto was taking control of stray monsters and having them support the allied army in order to lessen their burden. Minami was tending to the wounded soldiers that were rescued from the battlefield by the rescue squadron that was made up of the rat type demi-humans.

Everything was proceeding smoothly. However, it won't be long till all of it collapse.

"This is not known by Arianne-sama but the potion stock that his majesty have save up for this kind of situation is about to ran out."

The reason why no one in the Archer Division and in the Mage Division has yet to run out of MP was because they were being regulated by continuous flow of MP potions that came from Kyoushiro's stocks. The HP potions or the recovery potions were given to the wounded soldiers of both the Dark army and Elf Relief army. Because of that, now one has died yet.

They weren't such perfect army that wouldn't get wounded. They all have their flaws and screw ups, it was obvious that a few gut opening attacks from the enemy would appear here and there by now.

They all have limited stamina as well, there would be appoint in time that they'd received some damaged as well.

"Why was I not informed of this?"

"It was his majesty's job to restock but due to him working on other jobs like overseeing the reconstruction, making plots of lands to be planted with rice and vegetables, training the army, making the army of the army and building canal ways underground, there was no time for him to restock. Even with the his students present, no one could make potions as fast as him"

"Uuu..." Arianne felt that something caught in her throat as she listened to Kuro's complaints. It was something that Arianne knew very well and was the cause of Kyoushiro's cold.

The one who oversee everything in Ambrosia was Kyoushiro; everyone felt that Kyoushiro was the true ruler of Ambrosia than Arianne was since she was always away due to business.

Even Kuro felt sad due his master being over work by Arianne, a person that could be seen as the Queen of Ambrosia.

"W-Well, it couldn't be help. There was various things happening before I had to leave it all to Kyoushiro"

"Haah... Please do treat his majesty with care your highness, even as his wife, you cannot be neglected with how you take care of him. His majesty was always complaining you know?"

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