Vol. 2 CH. 16 – The secret of the tree
PART # 1
The loud explosion caused by the landing, made buildings burn and collapsed as the magic airship landed terribly from the sky. Kyoushiro, who landed on his feet, got out from the rubbles of the broken down building where his ship crash landed.
Standing from the ruins, his eyes caught the large towering tree at the center of the city.
"We landed a but farther than expected. Edsel probably manipulated the trajectory of the fall as planned"
Edsel held the staff which was far greater of a weapon the the current heroes uses, used a spell to alter the course of the crash landing. The elf woman however, was nowhere to be seen but hopefully, she was safe.
Moments later after thinking so. the rubble a few steps away from him parted. Edsel and Elyria emerged from that ruins unharmed. Their equipment saved their lives apparently.
"T-That took years of my life away....." Elyria nervously said, shaken from the previous sky dive from a height of 15,000 feet. No one would have survived that fall but thanks to the equipment loaned by Kyoushiro and Edsel manipulating the landing, no one died.
"That was indeed terrifying, to say the least"
But even Edsel couldn't help but show how shaken she was when the ship tilted suddenly.
Since the two of the were safe, Kyoushiro lead them to a safe place. Since standing in debris wasn't good, they had to get away from there. As they did however, Katsuto burst from under the debris with Koizumi, Minami and Durif beneath him.
It seems like the four protected each other from the fall. Though their equipment saved them as well, Durif was paler than a ghost since wasn't wearing anything grand.
"GRAAAAAH!! Kagami you bastard!! There are limits to your pranks you know that!!"
Katsuto roared as he made his way down the rubble. Koizumi and Minami followed suit with Durif recovering somehow thanks to Minami's skills however.
Kyoushiro shrugged at Katsuto's anger. Thinking that it didn't matter much since they were alright. Now that they have arrive, there was no need to get angry anyway.
"Don't ignore me!"
"Shut it. I don't have time to listen to you"
"Why you....!!"
Since Kyoushiro ignored Katsuto, the guy showing a demonic expression was about to send Kyoushiro flying. However, as he was about to do that intentionally, the ground suddenly quake and sharp root suddenly lunged at Kyoushiro's face.
"Tsk, so it really was alive huh?" Kyoushiro clicked his teeth as he caught the incoming root and crushed it. It wasn't long after another quake came and long 1 meter wide roots suddenly kept attacking him.
Everyone was surprised and taken aback. Immediately, however, they prepare for an attack coming for them. But none came and the roots ignored them as more of them came from the belowe the earth and attacked Kyoushiro.
Kyoushiro already know what the true form of the spirit tree. Shadow King Crats told him everything he need to know back in Limbo.
"But still.... that guys didn't say that it'd be this annoying"
Kyoushiro cursed as he cut down another set of root spears that attack him from behind. He took out a black broadsword from his magic necklace and cut down the roots from their base. But no matter how many he cuts down, they simply grew back from under the earth.

The Cursed Black Hero
FantasySummoned in another world, the class where Kyoushiro Kagami were summoned was none other than a fantasy one. Believed to be a Demon Spawn that came from the Demon God, Kyoushiro was ostracize more than his classmates and teacher were. Having a few g...