Vol. 1 Ch. 14 – Defense Battle (2)
PART # 1
On top of the tower where the large caliber cannon was placed Arianne and Lucinda was watching the whole battle unfold using Arianne's [Clairvoyance] spell.
They were looking at the place where the four heroes; Koizumi, Katsuto, Minami and Mikoto. At the tower, Kyoushiro's large caliber magic particle cannon were placed there in order to have a clear shot at its target. There was even a small viewing platform with a telescope right next to it for the enjoyment of the city below it. However right now that was not important.
Lucinda was watching the battle unfold while sitting on her wheelchair with her fist clenched on her thighs. For her, this battle would decide the fate of Ambrosia, the kingdom that which Kyoushiro restored to his former glory using the advance technology of earth.
In this kingdom, the city was made of stones. However, if one were to look at its blueprints, they were reinforced with steel bars and magic enchantments. They were made by Kyoushiro's ingenuity that won't fall late against earth's towering sky scrapers. The buildings here were weather resistant and vibration resistant. That means that even if a magnitude 9 or even 10 the city wont' fall apart; even strong weather conditions or if the whole city was left deserted once more, the whole kingdom would still remain intact. That was how Kyoushiro remade Aurolius now named Ambrosia under Queen Arianne Aurolius Ambrosia's reign.
Not only that, every house has its own indoor plumbing. There are pipes running down under the city where a underground water vein that was being pumped and purified by magic devices that Kyoushiro had invented himself. Although it can't be seen but the pipes underground were surging with purified water.
The houses, buildings and other places where there are roofs and walls around it had their own electricity line. Each building had their own small size generators that converts the electrically atmosphere into magic power then produce electricity. With that all buildings that can be seen around the kingdom, they have their own lighting system. Even the street lamps were of the same structure as well.
Ambrosia was a truly wondrous place. Unlike other countries that were still low tech, Ambrosia was currently the most advance nation in the world. However this was not known yet to other countries since these advance devices were not obvious to everyone else. Each advance devices has their own precognition inhibition effects so even if people from other countries were to come and visit they will only see a normal kingdom like any other.
Even right now, the most pinnacle of advance technologies found in Ambrosia that have made to public were the Magic particle cannon and the 3D magic projector inside the command room where Elfianna, Durif, and Kuro were staying at.
"Looks like the battle had just begun Lucinda-sama"
Arianne uttered so as she watched large numbers of explosions and dust clouds appear and disappear in the battlefield. Minami and Mikoto had just met up with Koizumi and Katsuto there.
"Yes, it seems so. We have to finish recharging the cannon before something bad happens"
Lucinda replied as she too was watching the battle with her own eyes.
"Our main purpose is to charge the cannon with magic power and fire it at the 9th Demon Lord. After two shots is done, will immediately evacuate this place as the third shot would break the cannon"
Lucinda added so whilst holding a palm size glass sphere in her hands. The glass sphere was connected to the cannon by a long and thick wire. Since it the cannon had hardly enough fuel for it to shoot a thick beam of super charged particle ions, both Arianne and Lucinda took the task of charging it. Lucinda and Arianne were taking turns in charging the cannon.

The Cursed Black Hero
FantasíaSummoned in another world, the class where Kyoushiro Kagami were summoned was none other than a fantasy one. Believed to be a Demon Spawn that came from the Demon God, Kyoushiro was ostracize more than his classmates and teacher were. Having a few g...