Vol. 2 CH. 14 - The Visitor

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Vol. 2 CH. 14 - The visitor


The very next day, Durif gathered the heroes in the meeting room they used the first time they arrived. Starting from the center to the right was Durif, Elyria, Koizumi and then Katsuto. The other end was Kyoushiro, Minami and then Edsel and Dahlia.

The mother and daughter duo just followed Kyoushiro since they just had breakfast.

"I'll get straight to the point, her majesty, Queen Elfianna was taken away by Lord Pernicious"

"?!" Koizumi, Katsuto, Minami and Edsel all gasped as they heard such news. Elyria already told Kyoushiro so the two didn't act as such while Dahlia was quietly listening to everyone.

Koizumi slammed his hands on the table as he stood up.

"Why are we just hearing this now?!"

"I'm sorry but I had to make sure first before making an assumption. This is a blood relative of her majesty after all"

Durif's expression darkens as he explained to everyone what he learned through various kinds of information gathering.

"Pernicious-dono was already planning this from the start. Even before you heroes were born. Pernicious-dono was already preparing his grand plan when he got Edsel-sama's husband killed"

The story of how Elfianna met Nefieria Crats Noct and how they ended up separating. The grand fight between the Elf Queen and the Shadow King as well as Elfianna's enthronement down to hunting down Edsel and including Princess Lydia in his plan.

Everything was slowly being prepared for the big finished. It was just then that Pernicious acted when everyone was out and wasn't guarding Queen Elfianna.

Kyoushiro already heard Edsel's side of the story. That was why, everyone except for him and Dahlia were shocked when they heard of it.

Edsel nodded and gave her own story to everyone. In order to supplement the reason why Pernicious abducted Queen Elfianna and plan for their attack, Edsel spared no expense in telling the truth to everyone.

How she ended her career as Elfianna's Court Mage, how she was hunted for nearly half a millennia with her husband and how Pernicious toyed with the life of her husband.

Hearing the stories themselves, Koizumi, Minami and Katsuto all showed faces as though they've done something horrible.

Although it wasn't direct, they did help Pernicious in his schemes. Even if Pernicious' plan went sideways, and Princess Lydia decided to come clean, the three felt horrible for helping a criminal.

"Please don't show such faces. If not for everyone's help, I might not have been saved. The others as well"

"But...." Minami bit down her lip as her voice cracked.

"It's already over. Even if my race have changed, I am still an heir to the throne. I will help as much as I can in taking back my aunt"

Then, Lydia turns to Kyoushiro with a bright and trusting smile on her face.

"Also, Kagami-sama is with us. I'm sure he'll help in this time as well"

But when Kyoushiro heard that, his face frowns.

"Huh? why do I have to?"


"K-Kagami... you..."

"B-Black Hero-dono?!"

Kyoushiro's words were unexpected. They didn't think that Kyoushiro would refused without so much a hint of hesitation in his tone.

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