Pancakes and Introductions

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Jimin's POV

After I left her in the bathroom, I went into my room and dropped on my bed

What the fuck was he thinking showing up here? What game is he playing? What was i thinking asking him for help?

I had so many questions going through my mind but I really didn't wanna think about anything so I just went on Instagram. I started going through my feed, seeing lots of girls, lots of dms, lots of follow requests, I just accept all of them cause im bored. As I go through I realize that I'm not following her, so I look her up, hoping her account is public, which it was. 

I scroll through her page, 158 followers 197 following 75 posts. I look through her posts, mostly pictures of views and quotes, there are a bunch of her and her brother and/or her best friend, but I did see a couple of just her. She really is very pretty, I wish I never told her we weren't dating, I could have gotten- no stop thinking like that she's literally broken and after everything you just learned...

I grab my guitar and start playing random things that come to my mind. I started getting lessons when I was about 6, cause I loved the way guitars sounded, I stopped needing lessons 3 years ago, but the only people that know about that are my family. Its my secret passion. Im playing for a few hours when I stop to go to the bathroom. When I step into the hall I hear a phone going off so i look at mine but it isn't so i knock softly on her door.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" I ask in a normal voice, cracking the door open and peaking inside.

She is still in bed asleep so I walk in, to turn it off so it doesn't wake her, I see she has a few texts from a few of her friends and her brother but 11 texts from Tae and a text from an unknown number. I pick up her phone, it doesn't have a passcode so I open her messages, going to the unknown message.

Hey this is Kai, I got your number from the hospital records, I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out together sometime. You seemed really cool, anyway, just let me know, I'd love to see you again, in better circumstances. I hope you are feeling okay.


I roll my eyes, this guy... I close the message and go to Tae's to tell him that she is sleeping and to stop spamming her phone cause she needs rest.

"Hey Y/N"

"This is Tae... You're best friend"

"I know you don't remember me"

"But let me take you out to get some coffee or to dinner soon and maybe I can help you remember me"

"Your brother really misses you and worries for you"

"I really miss you"

"Go through our texts"

"And your pictures, you'll see a lot of me and hopefully know I'm not lying"

"I will never be able to tell you enough how much I wish it was me that got hurt and not you"

"You are the most amazing and smart and funny and kind person I've ever met and I really wish you'd remember me... its killing me to not be able to talk to you."

"I know that you only remember Jimin, and you think that he is your safe place, but once you start remembering I know that will change. You will remember how much you are loved by your brother and I and the rest of your friends, all of whom miss you. I wish that you'd at least talk to me but I understand you have a lot to remember, but please text me and let me know that you're okay andJimin hasn't done anything to hurt you in any way"

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