Dec 3rd - Water and Waves

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Dedicated to you, dearest @filosofieke!Because of a shared near-death-by-boredom experience thanks to Christian Grey. I hope, you won't dislike Gabriel Bach just as much ;-)

Okay guys, for once I'm serious in one of the disclaimers up front. This is an emotional intense chapter, so if you feel a little down yourself, maybe have some chocolate on call.

The light change was fascinating. First, the stripes that the light from the city below cast on the ceiling hadn't had changed for hours. Then, suddenly, the glow had faded, so slowly he didn't realize it at first. Gray light took over more and more, until the city glow became a yellowish and sickly quality. It was light out, but it wasn't bright enough to turn off the street lamps and spotlights that gave the modern buildings a majesty they never had in daylight. It was weird light mix and it took hours still until the world was ready to rely on the washed out light that filtered through the snow heavy clouds.

It was the fourth day this week Gabriel Bach watched the dark and the light transition when night became morning, morning became day.

The last four days were the first in many years without anything to do for him. No ringing mobile, no endless e-mail notifications, no Skype conferences, no nothing. No assistant checking in with him at 5.45 am, when he already was done with his short work out, shower and dressing.

When the room was as bright as it would get this day without additional lighting, Gabriel drifted into his own mind and body. His hand shook a little when he reached for his phone beside him on the bed. Sheets and pillows were in a mess and his body formed a diagonal between top left and bottom right corner of the bed. His feet were where the pillows had been the day he went to bed.

He stared at the screen for some time, adjusting to burning brightness. It took him a moment to tune it down. His brain went online bit by bit and he started doing some math in his head. He was lying here five days now. It had been three day since he ate last. He wasn't able to remember his last trip to the bathroom. He used those trips to drink some from the tap, so he didn't remember when he last drank either. Gabriel knew he had to get up now or he would drift off again and there was no guarantee he would come back that time.

There was no real incentive.

You still have a brother, he reminded himself. A brother he loved so much he had done everything for him. A brother that had no idea how much he loved him. A brother that thought he was mostly an annoyance to Gabriel because he had lost his capability to say the words that were in his mind, or show the things he felt. He was in there, somewhere, but Gabriel couldn't even remember when he last really felt something. It had been so much, so early. Too much. He had fled into his own mind. Fled, and fled until he had lost himself.

The light wasn't strong enough to cast real shadows, but the diffuse darker gray areas at the ceiling had changed a bit. He was about to drift off again.

His phone rang.

"Hey bro," Adrian said. Eleven years younger. Twenty seven sometime when the sun would actually warm again. Sometime in late spring. Mai, he remembered. 2nd of Mai.

"Hey," he croaked, his voice hoarse and gravely from disuse.

"You need to get up," Adrian said. "It's not your time. I want to see you again before you die."

Gabriel kept quiet. Adrian knew stuff, always had.

Maybe he knows that I love him, Gabriel thought. Maybe be knows that too.

"Yes," Adrian said. "I do. And now you have to get up and drink something. Walk a little around in your condo. Get your circulation going again. Drink some juice for the sugar. Eat a bit porridge with butter and maple sirup. Take a shower. But first, get out of bed."

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