Dec 15th - Tea and Toby

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Christ, already past the 400 votes and over 2k of reads :-D I can't say how grateful I am, you all!

Here the part of Dec 15th and for me it's time now to whip my last Christmas ducks in a row!

If you are homophobic: Hey, I'm Lulu. Nice to meet you. If you have any questions, please PM me! Time to broaden your horizon!

"Is he still crying?" Linus heard Toby ask someone. "Because I'm deaf on my right ear by now. But he isn't shaking so much anymore. Is this a good sign?"

"May I ask who you are?" Beatrice asked back in a cold voice.

"His best friend. Toby."

"I never heard your name before."

"We haven't spoken in twelve years. But that doesn't mean much."

How could someone be so different and all the same at the same time? Linus mind was boggled very thoroughly.

"It's true", Linus croaked, peeking out of his hideaway at Beatrice who looked very stern and very regal with her impeccable cloths and her spine from steel.

"Your folks know you are in Scotland?" Toby asked, taking one hand away from holding Linus and starting to dash his tears away.

Wrong question.

"Oh, I sense a story there." Toby didn't sound very perturbed. "I have nothing to do for the next three weeks. You going to tell me over tea?"

Beatrice face said no without her even opening her mouth, but Toby was Toby and not even Linus knew exactly how it came that they were driven back to their flat in Toby's very old and very loud Range Rover.

"Is that still the car your Grandfather tried to kill the whole town with?" he asked, damning himself for crying. His face felt swollen and he had a pressure headache.

"Sure is. Granda bought the new Defender a few years back and it's one that brakes of its own accord if you don't get to the brakes fast enough." Toby laughed and Linus giggled with him. "Let me have this monster here. Gas mileage is a disaster, but well, building a new car is no small thing for the environment too, so I will drive this one till it falls apart."

It was a blessing the old man was now driving a car that could avoid people getting flattened by his driving to the tarmac on its own. The man was a menace behind any wheel.

Not twenty minutes later, they were sitting on the little sofa, Linus curled up against Toby, nearly trembling from the relief to finally having someone to comfort him through touch and body warmth. It was the wolf in Linus, or maybe he just was a very tactile person. But sleeping in furry heaps on the floor had been something he and his siblings had done a lot and sleeping with two or three children in one bed even in human form happened more nights in a week than not. He had learned to cope without the skin and fur contact over there years, but now that he had someone to cuddle with, he felt unable to give Toby any space.

"So, what's happening with your furry butt?" Toby asked, tea in one hand, arm around Linus. Beatrice sat opposite them in an armchair, her tea in front of her, obviously not happy with how this was going.

"I'm pregnant", Linus said, closing his eyes. He felt so very tired.

"Oh Christ, do you remember how often your ma preached about using a condom? How the bloody hell did that happen?"

Linus opened his eyes and raised his head to stare at Toby from itching eyes that were red and swollen. He could feel it.

What he could also feel, was pure bewilderment. Obviously he was very much out of form when it came to dealing with the Toby. There was a reason why 'Toby' had become 'the Toby' over the years. A name alone simply wasn't enough.

"That's your question. How it comes that I didn't use a condom after my mums constant nagging about it."

"Well... yeah." Toby blinked. "I never did it without till this day. I always freak out and hear her voice if I try. It's no fun. Not when you are naked and there are other naked people with you. Your mum is the best, no questions asked, but in these moments, she bloody well annoys me."

"Oh my god", Beatrice said under her breath before leaning forward and picking up her cup of tea.

"She would be delighted to know that", Linus blinked.

"I told her that it might be the reason Sara left me. She laughed and said that she was very happy it did some good, at least."

"You told me ma." Linus nodded. It was Toby. It was odd that it felt odd to hear him say things like that. It should be normal. This little detail made him realize how much time he had spent without his best friend.

"Ha - you said 'me ma'! So the old Linus is still in there!" Toby gave him a smooch on his hair. Linus shivered in gratitude. He had missed this more than he could ever say.

"Have you noticed that I'm not a woman?" Linus asked, closing his eyes again and snuggling into Toby's side.

"Yes, I did. No worries. But I got over you being able to grow fur and lick your own balls and you chasing your tail when you're a bit overexcited, so... you will have a baby now. I can adjust to that thought."

Oh well, obviously there were still tears left.

"I'm pregnant and I don't even know how to do that and obviously my chances of survival are bloody non existent and my babies will have to be heroes and I don't even know the name of their father although he is the best smelling person I ever met."

Toby petted him gently while he cried and started a conversation with Beatrice, not counting on getting any sense out of Linus soon.

"You knowing anything about being pregnant?"

"As a physician, yes", Beatrice answered coolly, undeterred by Linus outburst. Till this moment, he had mainly dealt with his feelings by ruthlessly suppressing them and trading snark with Beatrice. With Toby there and holding him together, making it unnecessary to do it himself, he was towed under and overwhelmed by his emotions. To Beatrice, it seemed to be all the same.

"You know anything about furry butted blokes being pregnant?"

"Yes, I do."

"That's good." Toby sounded very content. "So, how exactly does that work?"

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