Return Love

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I always thought I would be married before I turned 25. I guess I waswrong because I was alone celebrating my 27 birthday. My high schoolsweetheart had left for the army and we never kept in touch. We didtry to keep in touch, for the first three months that he was gone. Iwould always write a letter to him and wait for phone calls but Iguess he wanted to end things. That was what his last letter said isthat I should move on without him. Here almost 2 years later and yetI'm still thinking about him. Did I give up to early? What was thereason why he wanted to end it? I always had that question in theback of mind but I guess I would never have an answer. I took a sipfrom my cold beer as I looked up at the TV. I pulled out my laptopand waited for it to turn on. I got up making my way to the bar,ordering some food. I returned back to my seat and started working. Ididn't look up from my laptop until my food arrived at the table.

"Thankyou," I said as I shut my computer.

"You'rewelcome," he said as he walked away.

Istarted eating my food just enjoy my time alone. Some people hatedbeing alone but I kinda liked it. It was nice just to catch mythoughts and actually have peace and quiet. I finished my food and mybeer, I placed my laptop back into my bag. The bartender returned tothe table giving me my check. I paid for everything and was ready toleave.

"Y/N?"a familiar voice said.

"Yeah?"I turned around coming face to face with someone I never thought Iwould see again.

"Wow,it been awhile," he said.

"Yeait has been" I nodded as I grabbed my bag.

"Goingsomewhere?" he asked.

"Yeaaway from you," I said as I started to walk away.

"Heystop" he grabbed my arm.

"Letme go" I removed my arm from his grip.

"Whyare you so quick to run off?" he asked.

"Whydid you want me to move on?" I asked.

"It'scomplicated," he said.

"Asif we weren't in love? As if everything came crashing down around me?How you broke my heart? Yea it's complicated alright" I rolled myeyes.

"Canwe talk? Private?" he looked at me.

"Surewhy not," I said as I walked back to my car.

Hefollowed me, I allowed him to get in. I finally pulled up to myapartment, the ride over was awkward and quiet. I really didn't havemuch to say to him. I guess I would give him the benefit of the doubtand hear him out. I unlocked the door and walked into the apartment.I allowed him to enter the apartment as well before closing the door.I sat on the couch so I could remove my shoes. I looked up at him ashe remained standing, I was waiting for him to break the silence.

"Whatdid you want to talk about?" I finally asked.

"Abouthow things ended between us" he sat down.

"Youbroke it off and that's how I ended," I said.

"Iknow but I want to explain what happens" he swallowed hard.

"Explainthen" I crossed my arms.

"CanI first say Happy Birthday?" he looked at me.

"Thankyou" I spoke softly.

"Youprobably think I found someone else or got tired of writing to you,"he said.

"Somethinglike that" I sighed as I looked down at the ground.

"Itsnothing like that, shortly after I left I was injured and was in amilitary hospital" he spoke softly.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now