Frank - The Quest Begins

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You might think being a Praetor is a nice job; Fancy clothes, an army at your feet and a bedroom no prince would dare to turn down.

In truth? It sucked.

Frank had been okay with the duties that came with the job when they’d still been on the Argo. Commanding soldiers that appeared out of nowhere and would be gone with the wind after their job was over wasn’t a very difficult task once you’d gotten the hang of it. It even felt empowering and very adult-like at times.

However, having to think about every single person in an entire camp of demigods at all times wasn’t as easy. And your reputation didn’t really improve if the one person you lose track of is your girlfriend.

Not that Frank only cared about his reputation – not at all. He would give all of his so-called demigod fame away without hesitation if it meant Hazel were to appear next to him in that moment, all safe and sound. Sadly, it didn’t work that way.

It didn’t take long for Nico to return. His face didn’t show anything, no shock or surprise or happiness, but that wasn’t unusual for him. As far as Frank knew, Nico never let his emotions show, which often made him doubt if the little dark-haired boy even had any.

“Rachel gave me a prophecy,” Nico stated. “She’s upstairs now, feeling a little sick. She told me not to mention this but I think it might be best if we send someone up to help her.”

Piper was already halfway out of her chair when one of the fauns – no, satyrs they’re called here – beckoned her to sit back down. With his clean face and combed hair, he looked much better than the sad lot at Camp Jupiter. “Apologies, my lady.  You are one of the seven and are much needed in the search of your friend. I will help The Oracle.” He made a little bow (were satyrs always that polite here?) and hobbled off, his hooves echoing on the stairs.

“Lady?” mused Jason. Piper shrugged, a smile playing on her lips.

“So?” Frank said. “What’s the prophecy? Will it help Hazel?”

Leo rubbed his hands together. “Please, tell me it’s not in riddles. I love a good challenge but those brain-busters are just annoying…”

Without further ado – save for an irritated glare in Leo’s general direction – Nico cited the prophecy. His voice was quite monotone, but as usual he couldn’t keep his hands from flapping around while talking. Must be an Italian thing.

“Three will travel to world’s final end

In bad choice shall meet and lose a friend

Joint friend, lover and next of kin

Fighting water and earth and sin

A scale will tip with lives at stake

And lover’s bond shall perpetually break”

Frank hated being in the center of attention, especially if there was nothing to be said, no army to command. Sadly, that didn’t keep any of the others from staring at him. He understood why they did so, though. That last line didn’t sound particularly appealing to him either – and it was his girlfriend who was missing.

“Well,” he said, trying hard to keep his voice straight. “At least it’s a start.”

“HOW is that a start?!” Leo half-yelled, and Frank felt that unnerving jab of jealousy in his stomach. Leo and Hazel had always gotten on a little too well. And Leo being an almost exact copy of Hazel’s primary school sweetheart didn’t exactly help.

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