Leo - I am Back Home

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 It was ironic, how they ended up singing songs at the campfire again. They’d gone full circle; back where all the trouble started. People were singing because of their victory, the fire blazed orange and yellow, mimicking the happy thoughts of the campers. And Leo was sulking.

He’d seated himself between Grover and Percy, which he liked because they didn’t try to engage him in conversation. The first had decided to stay at Camp Half Blood for a while as well. He was just halfway through some story about a nymph and a sea otter which must’ve been really good, because Piper, Jason, Annabeth and Percy were choking with laughter. Even Nico, who, for the first time in Leo’s known history of demigodishness, sat with them at the campfire, cracked a smile. He was seated next to Annabeth and joined in on the talking in a way that Leo had never seen before.

Maybe they’d unconsciously exchanged their talking skills.

Leo was quiet. When they’d reached Camp Half Blood with Jason at dinner time, all campers had stood up for them, clapping as they each went to their own tables. He’d sat on the edge of his table, the enthusiastic eyes of the entire Hephaestus cabin on him, but luckily Nyssa had told everyone to leave him alone for now. She’d asked some questions herself, and he’d answered them shortly, telling her the story of their quest but leaving Calypso out of it. He knew she had an inkling there was something more going on, but she didn’t ask. Just like himself, she didn’t really like to talk about feelings and sentimental stuff.

 He knew he was acting very out of character; normally he would continue to joke and talk nonsense whenever he felt bad, but this pain was too fresh. Too unexpected.

“How are you doing?” Jason pushed himself down to sit in between Percy and him, nearly ending up on Percy’s lap. “You’re not happy, are you?”

“What gave it away? The eternal frown or the lack of lame Leo jokes?” Piper said sarcastically. Grover stood up and walked to some nymph girl that stood some distance away from the fire. Piper took his place. “But really, if you want to talk, we’re here.”

He nodded. “Thanks.” Then he smiled. “At least everyone has forgotten about the failed chariot races now.”

“Yeah, I heard you got your mojo back!” Piper said.

“I did!” he answered, surprised but also glad that she’d noticed his down before the quest. “Don’t tell the others, but without my quick thinking, smart solutions and my last-minute sail plane they’d have gotten nowhere.”

“There’s my Leo!” Piper hugged him. She turned to Jason. “See? I told you they didn’t need us!”

“Well, we could’ve used your Charmspeak and Jason’s superman stunts, to be honest.”

“Told you they needed us?” Jason teased back. “But we’ve made a deal with Percy and Annabeth; next time a quest comes along, we leave them behind and we have all the fun.”


The three of them looked and saw their friends stand a few yards behind the circle of campers, waving at them.

“Well, I don’t know what that’s about, but their smiles tell me it’s gonna be fun. You coming?” Jason stood up, pulling Piper with him.

Leo bit the inside of his lip. “I’ll be right there – leave some fun for me, all right!” Jason held up his hand as he and Piper skidded away. Leo sighed. Maybe he should’ve come. Now the empty places pressed into him like cold iron, and the campfire did nothing to take that away. He remembered Calypso’s hot breath on his cheek and buried his head in his arms. No one would mind – they’d all think he was tired anyway.

“Is there a reason for your sad face or are you just a natural party pooper?” A voice behind him said. Diana, her short blonde hair up in a quick ponytail, let herself fall down on the log beside him and tilted her head.

He managed a smile. “I reckon you got rid of the diamonds, then?”

She nodded happily. “I was so excited! It was my first quest and, of course, I’d have liked a riddle and a visit to the Big House and everything, but I got to go along with Chiron and find the diamonds. They’re rather pretty, aren’t they? It wasn’t that hard a task, to be honest. The people there were quite eager to get rid of them – once we spread the message they were cursed. It took some help from Piper, she’s amazing. You’d think the children of Aphrodite would have a bit of a snobby personality and be vain and everything, but Piper is so kind and down to earth, it’s wonderful.”

Suddenly, she stopped and pursed her lips in an apologetic gesture.

“Sorry, I tend to talk a lot.”

“Really now? I had no idea.” Leo snickered.

“But really, are you doing okay?”

He tilted his head, mimicking her. “I don’t know. Not right now, but I might be.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“Not really.”

She stopped at that, biting her lip. Leo loved how her face was like an open book and remembered their IM in the bathroom of that hotel. It seemed like ages ago – but she was exactly the same; bubbly, cheerful, hopeful and a little crazy.

“But you can talk. Tell me, what happened at camp while I was away? I sure hope the Ares cabin didn’t brag too much. Certainly since I’m planning to defeat them mercilessly during the next races.”

Her smile lit up her face, a smile as broad and honest as hers. “You sure you don’t mind me talking?”

“I’m sure,” he laughed. “It’s perfect.”

So she talked. And after that, they sung. Most of the campers joined in and, after some time, Jason and the others reappeared. All of them were completely soaked, save for Percy and Annabeth. Even Guin was there, his mouth moving endlessly. Leo laughed loudly at them and started bursting out a campfire song.

“Whoa, take it easy there, Enrique Iglesias!” Diana said. “Maybe you should leave the singing to the Apollo cabin.”

“Never!” he shouted, shifting his gaze to the sky.



(for hopefully a little more than a few weeks)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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