II: Details

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"Oh!" You exclaimed, loosing your balance and falling to the ground. Your butt was the first part of your body to finish its descent, causing it to ache once you were fully on the floor.

The person you bumped into also fell before letting out a few giggles, making you look at them in confusion. Once your eyes fell on the familiar figure in front of you, you couldn't help but laugh too.

For the last week and a half, you had several encounters with a co-worker you had met a while ago. It was becoming slightly odd that you and Furuta would constantly be running into each other -- literally --, but you had shrugged it off. The odd thing was that during that time, neither of you had made a move to befriend the other. Well, until now.

"Fancy bumping into you today, (L/N)." Furuta greeted as he got up. Once back on his feet, he extended his hand down to you, silently proposing to help you up.

"I feel like these aren't random anymore." You sarcastically remarked as you accepted the male's help.

"Are you blaming me?" The raven haired man said, letting out an overexaggerated gasp. "How could you?"

"I'm just saying we need to do something about it." You nonchalantly answered, ignoring his hyperbolized act.

Furuta instantly calmed down, his aura becoming a bit different than it usually was. Instead of being light and carefree, you felt like he had become more sure of himself and flirtatious, but maybe it was just you. He was giving you the most pretentious smirk you had ever seen. "And what are you suggesting?"

Oh. Does he think... Oh, god. "I-I..." You stammered. "I just mean maybe we should try to know each other! You know, as colleagues. Maybe we've been bumping into each other because that's what the universe has planned for us."

"I don't believe in destiny." He cynically answered before going back to his smug self. "But sure, if that's what you want."

The man winked at you before brushing his fingers against your wrist, a sign telling you to follow him.

"I didn't mean anything else, you know." You repeated. "I don't want anything else."

"Mmhm." Furuta sassed, not bothering to look behind as he walked you to an investigator lounge so the two of you could apparently befriend each other. "What ever floats your boat, dear."

Once in the room, the two of you had settled down on leather chairs. You quickly made yourself comfortable by removing your shoes and bringing your legs up so you could rest your head on your knees.

"How rude of you." Nimura teased, watching you get comfy with a small smile.

"Rude? I'm making myself comfortable! Shouldn't it be a sign that I want to talk to you?"

"But your body language says otherwise. With your legs close to your chest like that -- oh, and look, you closed your arms around them. What, do you want to lock me out of your circle of friends now? --, it gives me the impression that you're scared of opening up, which is the main reason why we're sitting here, no?" Well, you knew he was smart, considering he was an investigator, but this... He's pretty intelligent, and he looks like the type of person that you can't hide anything from.

"And how would I be supposed to sit, mister psychic?" You sassed.

Furuta slowly sank lower in his chair and spread his legs, a smirk on his face as he did so. The grin only widened when he noticed your disgusted expression.

"Now that's just gross," You started. "I'm not going to man spread."

You did, however, let your legs dangle off one of the armrests of the chair. This position was comfortable as well, and it was more 'open', as Nimura said.

The said man let out a serene sigh, letting his head rest in the palm of his hand. "What squad are you in?"

"The Yasushima squad." You answered before squinting your eyes at him. "For someone as smart as you, you sure aren't good at deducing, huh?"

Furuta let out a confused sound, letting you know he wanted you to proceed with your explanation.

"I always bump into you around Yasushima's floor. The first time we ran into each other, I was walking out of his office." You specified.

"Don't insult me over that!" The man whined. "I was just trying to make conversation!"

"Here, I'll make real conversation." You sassed. "Who are you working for?"

"Kijima!" He answered in a happy-go-lucky tone. "We're currently working with Mado on a case! Well, we're not doing any physical work. That old fart wants us to dig for all the information and then let him get all the credit."

"Well... That sounds like Mado." You said, biting your tongue so you wouldn't laugh at him. What kind of adult pouts like that? You hate to say it, but it's sort of adorable. "I'm sure you'll get some credits, just not a new quinque."

"My quinque literally broke the last time I was out on an investigation, and I had to duct-tape it back together because I can't get a new one yet!"

"Come on now, you're just being dramatic."

"I swear! I'll show you sometime."

You gave him a skeptical look before letting the subject go. The male in front of you fixed his position on the chair before talking again to keep the conversation going.

"What investigations are the Yasushima squad working on? I heard your ward's full of ghouls around this time of the year."

"I'm actually working on two solo investigations."

"Solos? Wow!" Ah, there was the praise you had grown to love. Everyone was always impressed to hear that you were investigating all on your own. And being a Rank 1 investigator, it was a bit rare for you to get solo cases like these. "On what?"

"One's on the binge eater and one's on a girl that was killed in a ghoul restaurant."

"Are they related?"

"I don't think so."

"How are you not dead from exhaustion yet?" He exclaimed, looking at you as if you were inhuman.

"Honestly, I have no idea." You sighed. "My boss has been trying to get me to give the cases to someone else for two years."

"You've been working on them for two years?!" He screeched, absolutely bewildered.

"Three, and shush! People are trying to work! And we don't want any glass to break."

"My screams aren't that high pitched!" Furuta countered, slightly ashamed.

"Yeah, they are!" You shot back.

And the two of you started bickering. You were going at it like a couple of five year olds arguing over who gets to play with the coolest toy in the toy box. You honestly wouldn't have been surprised if an investigator would have sh-

"(L/N)!" A familiar voice scolded. You quickly refrained from calling Furuta an ignorant swine and turned around to notice one of your colleagues standing in the lounge's doorway, a confused look on her face.

"Oh, hi!" You greeted as if she hadn't just caught you bickering with a twenty-two year old.

"Where have you been?! We're here to solve cases and protect humanity, (L/N)! Not flirt with other investigators!" She scolded. "Come on, I found important information for one of your cases."

"What?!" You exclaimed, jumping out of your chair and completely forgetting Nimura's existence. "You should have told me sooner!"

"I would have, if you hadn't disappeared with him!" She then pointed behind you, where Furuta remained seated. You turned around, giving him an apologetic glance.

"It's fine." He waved off. "Kijima's going to talk my ear off too for this."

With that said, you nodded and left with your co-worker.

"I can't believe you found more information on the case!"

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