V : Seems Legit

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A/N: Guess who changed a canon event in TG? ME MOTHERFUCKERS. Akira's mom is alive ya'll. Can't do that to Kureo.

    "Hey," Furuta smugly greeted, sitting next to you as you sipped on your coffee, enjoying your break from work.

    "Hey." You nonchalantly greeted back while giving him a slightly skeptical glance. The guy's been roaming around you like a wasp. You had no idea what the stinging part would be, but with the way he talks to you these days, Nimura must be up to no good.

    "What're you doing?" He asked, leaning his head in his hand as he watched you with a close-mouthed smile

    "Drinking coffee, what did you think I was doing?" You sassed, making the male nearly whack his head on the table.

    "No-- I mean, later today. Or tomorrow. Are you busy?" Before you could give him an actual answer, he motioned for you to shut up. "No, that was stupid of me. You must be busy. Let me guess!"

    You frowned. "Uh, ok-"


    "What? No." You declined. You didn't have time for a boyfriend! Or a girlfriend, or just a significant other. Especially since you're in the CCG. You wouldn't want them to be threatened by ghouls because of you.






    "What the hell do you do with your free time?!" The male exclaimed, bewildered. "Come on, do you go drinking with colleagues? Dates? Trips?"

    "I usually focus on work." You answered, trying your best to mask the smile trying to form on your face.

    "So let me get this straight," Nimura sighed. "You finish your shift, you go home, and you work some more?"

    "Well, yeah. Have you seen the kind of cases I have? Not so easy, you know." You sassed. "Anyways, thanks for the interrogation, I appreciate it." With that, you got up and gathered your things to go back to your floor to try to help some of your colleagues with their cases.

    "Hold up, I haven't aske-"

    "I'm not interested in 'going out', if that's what you were going to ask." Once you spoke, you noticed a slight tinge of pink on Nimura's cheeks. Gotcha. "It's really nice of you to ask, but... I don't think I'm looking for anything. You know, being in the CCG and all, I'm probably going to die pretty soon and I wouldn't want to leave behind my significant other."

    Furuta remained silent as you walked away.

    Well, it seems he'll have to work harder to get to you. That's alright, Furuta likes a challenge anyways.

    "Don't stand too close to the water distributor." Furuta warned as soon as he appeared in your peripheral vision. You turned your head towards him, giving him a questioning look that begged for him to explain what he was saying. "You'll make the water evaporate."

    Your jaw fell slack.

    "Was that good?" He asked, smirking at your reaction.

    "That was fucking terrible." You snapped, fighting back the laughter that was building up in your throat. "What was that? An attempt at flirting?"

    "One date." The man begged. "I just want one date, (Y/N)!"

    "Oh, we're on first name basis now?" You teased, completely ignoring his begging.

    "Come on, am I not your type? Look at me! I'm so fucking cute!" Well, he used  to be cute. Someone who is cute and self-proclaims themselves as so isn't cute anymore, they're just full of themselves. But Furuta was already both before... You have mixed feelings about this.

    "Yeah, and what if you're cute? I don't even think it's okay for two investigators to go out."

    "The Mados did it!" He accused. "Come on, one date?" With a wink, he seductively added: "I'll make it worth it."

     "First of all: no. Second of all: ...no. We're basically colleagues, it wouldn't work."

     "But... The Mados!"

    "What is it with you and the Mados?" You asked, scoffing at how stubborn Nimura was.

    "They're a happy little family, what more do you want in life?" He shrugged, as if obsessing over investigators was completely fine. "Listen, I'll help you with the investigation on our date. I wanna help! We'll go to a coffee shop, talk about stuff and try to figure out the case!"

    You remained silent, thinking of the ups and downs of this.

    Furuta's attractive, and he's definitely your type. He seems interested in you and you don't think he's going to just use this as some fling. Bonus: he said he was going to help you with your case, and two heads is always better than one.

    On the other hand, you're both investigators. If things don't work out or if the breakup (if there IS one) is bad, things at work are going to be way too awkward for you to handle. Plus, if one of you dies, the other is going to be heartbroken (that possibility is too high for you to ignore).

    It's just... It's tough, but deep down, you know you want to settle down with someone at some point, and the reason why you haven't done so yet is because you're too stubborn to actually let someone else into your life. If you want to follow the life plan you had for yourself, you might as well start now.

    "Fine." You finally answered. "But I'm not... I'm not into 'just for fun's, Furuta. I'm telling you now, I see dating and relationships as something serious."

    "Yeah, me too!" The male agreed, apparently trying very hard to hide his smile from you. "Thank you, (Y/N)! Thank you for giving me a chance!" He then tackled you in a hug (you noticed that he's been hugging you a lot recently).

    "No problem--"

    "Furuta!" The familiar and bone-chilling voice made the two of you jump away from each other. "Hugging a co-worker? Seriously?"

    "I'm sorry, Kijima-san!" The raven haired male whined, his cheeks turning a cute pink.

    "I've been looking for you all over the building. If you keep running away, I'll have you demoted." The scary investigator warned as you secretly disappeared from the now-awkward scene.

    ...Holy crap.

    You just got a date with Nimura Furuta himself.

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