XII : True Form

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"Honey, I'm home!" You didn't have time to even go for your quinque (which was currently sitting next to the couch) before Furuta waltzed into your living room. Your heart started beating even faster at his sudden appearance. The male gave you a wicked smile as your hand reached for the quinque. "Fuck, I was just in time, wasn't I?"

As soon as your weapon had materialized, a red rinkaku flew your way, missing your neck by only a few millimeters. You yelped and jumped out of the way, knocking over the coffee table in the process.

"Surprise, surprise! 'Twas I all along!" He cheered. "Aren't you happy? Your little mystery's solved!" Furuta's grin widened as you backed away from him in fear and bewilderment. His anger was still lingering, but there was a hint of hesitance bubbling up within him. The male forced it down and continued his restless attacks on you, watching as you struggled to avoid them.

"What's wrong, babe?" He teased. "I thought you were a good investigator! Come on, now! Show me your best!"

You managed to cut off one of his kagunes, gritting your teeth at him. "Fuck off." You growled.

"Oooh, we're all angry now, are we? Good! We're two, then! Let me start!" Two of his rinkakus charged at you as he started whining in an annoyingly high pitched voice. "Oh, how could you? I put my trust in you! I feel so, so betrayed right now! Something like that, right?"

You didn't bother to answer the mocking man. You were way too preoccupied with surviving and putting together the puzzle you were trying to figure out for years now. Who would have thought that he, out of anyone, was Souta? That someone like Nimura was a two-faced mad man?

It gave you chills to watch him attack you like he was. It's like he was an entirely different person, but at the same time, not at all. He was hiding himself from you, but just what needed to be hidden. It was weird. And disheartening.

All of a sudden, a wave of hurt washed over you. Realization of what Furuta had done finally settled in, and it took everything you had in you not to cry (if you stopped fighting, you were dead. You knew by now that Nimura wouldn't pity you. He'd kill you in an instant) in front of him. Oh, how you should have refused that date, three months ago...

But it was too late, and dwelling on the past was out of the question. Right now, you had to remain alive.

"Where are the screams, (Y/N)?" Your (now ex)boyfriend asked. "Come on, you being all silent is such a turn off!"

You let out a single grunt when you pushed him away from you.

"Oh, are you confused? Is that why you're speechless? Let me make things clear for you." With that, he managed to trap you between a wall and himself, leaning real close to you. His kagune pressed against your neck, ready to cut it clean off anytime. "I fucking hate you. Don't think for one second that I ever loved you. There is nothing here that I could have possibly loved."

You looked up at him, taking in his every word. "Seems pretty obvious by now." You managed to spit back, taking Furuta by surprise.

He had expected you to start crying, to start begging him for mercy, but you did something that he should have really expected. You're witty, you're bold. Even in a situation like this, Nimura must have known that if you were going to say something, it would have been sassy.

His heart ached when he thought that in a few moments, he was going to end your existence. He was going to end it and nothing on this planet could ever completely replace the emptiness that would remain.

He loves you.

He doesn't want to hurt you, but if he doesn't, you'll hurt him. Either way, he won't have that. This is worthless. He might as well make his life miserable by sparing you the heartache.

"That super peace better fucking be worth it." He muttered as he pressed his kagune a bit tighter on your neck. Just enough to draw blood. More than that and he'd kill you, but he had frozen in place.

It was one move. One move would end it all, but Nimura had a lot of trouble making that move. His struggle lasted too long. You found an opening during that time and managed to knock him away from you with your quinque, which he had forgotten was still at your side.

"Fuck your super peace!" You yelled, taking the offense and reversing the roles. "I'm ending it here!"

"Hah, that's funny!" Furuta said, ignoring the hurt inside of him when he realized you were really comfortable with hurting and killing him. "I said the same thing on my way here! We're really meant for each other, aren't we?"

"No, we're not." You countered, swinging your quinque and slashing his abdomen open. Furuta stumbled back, looking from his wound to you in pure, unmasked shock. "I hope you die."

A guttural growl escaped his throat as he glared at you. It seems you had awoken something else.

His right eye darkened and his iris became blood red.

That was when you decided to bolt, right before his kagune grew in size, most likely about to become a kakuja. You were prepared to deal with a lot, but not that much.

You distracted Furuta by faking an up-front attack, only to throw your quinque at him and escape through the window he had smashed in.

You ran away before he could even beg for you to come back.

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