XV : Not As It Seems

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You honestly had lost the notion of time right now. Had it been weeks of suffering?Days? Was your brain so distressed that it only had been hours? You don't know anything.

And that's also what you told every ghoul who tried to get information out of you. At this point, you could be diagnosed with amnesia.

It hurt, but you had bigger goals in mind. Don't let anything out. They have to get it through their stupidly thick skulls that you refused to sell out anyone, no matter who it was. And yes, you're already aware that once they realize that you're of no use, they'll probably kill you. But that might be for the best. You look like actual shit right now, and you're pretty sure that unless you get heavy psychological help, you'd end up going batshit crazy once you broke out of here.

"Not so threatening now, are you?" The familiar voice made you visibly flinch. Upon glancing up at Furuta's smug expression, many questions were simultaneously answered in your mind.

You decided not to satisfy him with a verbal response and glared at him instead. You knew he didn't need an actual answer to go off into a never-ending monologue.

"Aw, are you giving me the cold shoulder?" He taunted, pulling up a chair to sit right in front of you. His let his head lean onto his hand as he looked at you with what could only be described as fake adoration in his eyes. "You're so cute when you're mad, babe."

You nearly spat at him not to call you 'babe', but you were luckily stronger than the urge itself. You simply sat up straight -- well, as straight as the injuries on your stomach would allow you -- to try and tell him that whatever he had planned, you weren't scared. Right now, death just seemed like the easiest way out, not a horrible punishment.

"Aw, (Y/N), dearest, what's wrong?" He asked, bringing his hand forward to caress your cheek. You let him do it while maintaining a neutral expression. This man didn't matter to you anymore, no matter how fast your heart was beating at the moment. He was poisonous and you refused to get some kind of addiction. "I miss you, please speak to me."

As if you'd talk to backstabbing trash like him.

"(YYYY/NNN)..." He whined. You didn't break your cold character.

After a few instants of silence between the two, Itori walked back in with the tray full of instruments soiled with your dried blood. Soon enough, you'd get an infection due to the neglected hygiene.

"Sorry, but we have some CCG info we'd like out of them." Itori lied through her teeth as she smiled at Nimura. "Unless you'd like to do it yourself? I'm sure you've got some nasty feelings about them that you'd like to vent."

Ouch. You can deal with a lot. Whether it be a scalding hot blade slicing your skin, pliers ripping your nails, fake videos of ghouls harming your family... But even if you tell yourself that Furuta means nothing to you right now, it doesn't mean he didn't mean anything in the past. Itori torturing you? Sure, fine, she's a stranger to you. Furuta being the one to cause you so much pain and enjoy it? Your mind might just break then and there, you could feel it.

"I wouldn't want to steal your fun." Your ex waved off. "I'll be on my way now, enjoy!" With that, he walked out of the room without casting you a second glance.

"Ah, heartbreak really hurts, doesn't it?" The red headed girl teased as she prepared her equipment. "It hurts even more when you learn it was all an act." Is this her new form of torture or something? Using Furuta against you? Because that's very predictable, to be honest. They must not be telling him the true purpose of these torture sessions.

"Alright," She sighed, placing a knife over a flame. "You know the drill. I hurt you, you tell me what you know, not what you don't know. Although we both know you'll tell me you don't know." Her laugh echoed through the small room. "That was pretty funny of me, wasn't it?"

You payed her no mind, deciding to retreat to your thoughts and discard the corrupted world you live in.

"Sorry to bother, I forgot to do something!" The door was knocked off its hinges and in strolled Furuta, moments before the knife touched your skin. The first thing your eyes landed on was the red splotches of blood all over him. Why was he covered in blood? But at the same time, you feel like that's just a normal thing for him, and by seeing Itori's unbothered expression, your assumption was most likely correct.

"Oh, alright." She shrugged before turning her attention back to you. Within an instant, her decision was her downfall.

Furuta's kagune sliced her neck clean off her shoulders. You reeled back, disgusted by the warm blood that fell on you before her headless body hit the ground.

As if it weren't that big of a deal, Furuta rushed forwards to unstrap you. "Hey, sorry for the act, I had to make it believable." He whispered as he took the restraints off your sore wrists. "But you're alright now, I'll get you out. Are you alright with walking? I know your abdomen is pretty fucked up, but are your legs working? I didn't see anything wrong with them."

He backed away as soon as he freed you, glancing back down to guess if your legs still functioned correctly. You didn't move an inch.

Was this a trap? Did he set this up to mess with you even more? Was this how he had planned for you to die? Pretend to still care and bust you out of here before he'd look you dead in the eye, smirk and mock you about your trusting nature?

"(Y/N), we need to move!" He urged. "What do you want? An apology? Sweetie, I swear I'll apologize all you want as soon as we're out of here!"

You didn't budge. Furuta seemed to become more alarmed.

"Listen, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry I let my plans take over, I'm sorry that I put you in this situation and I won't be mad at you if you choose to hate me and leave me for dead once we're out, but we need to move now! I don't know if they have backup coming or not."

The desperate male tugged on your arm, forcing you to stand up.

Even if this was all a sadistic plan of his, it wouldn't be as satisfying if you weren't trusting him anyway, right? And if there was the slightest chance that Furuta was truly setting you free... you'd take it. Besides, you could always run away as soon as the opportunity arises. You fought against him once and survived so you can surely do it again.

As soon as you started walking behind him, a wide, almost genuine-looking smile settled on your ex's face. He attempted to place his hands on your cheeks but you recoiled, disgusted by the notion of willingly letting him touch your face. His smile faltered, but the (fake) determination in his eyes remained.

"I'll get you out of here."

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