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It's a lot cooler now and well into the night when Willy drives you home, and you're thankful when you see that the lights in the house are off, meaning you don't have to deal with Shawn or your brother harassing you.

You turn to Willy to say thank you and he's already smiling at you, one hand on the wheel, the other arm behind your seat. Your heart beats a little - you've been flirting with Will all night, and you guys talked about prom (where he was your date, but nothing happened that night) and his recent trip. Sadly, you didn't talk about the promise he made you before he left, but you figured it was because he wanted to wait to do it in private.

He walked with you on the sand, even bought a pizza strictly for the two of you to share. You exchanged innocent touches and looks and you knew without a doubt that when he drove you home, he'd probably kiss you before you got inside.

And your suspicions were about to be confirmed. Willy leans across the console, giving you plenty of time to pull back, but you don't. You meet him halfway, his soft lips meeting yours and the kiss is everything you pictured it to be - soft, sweet, gentle, but no immediate fireworks - and Willy moves his hands, one cupping the side of your face and the other tangling into your ponytail.

You don't notice the lights in the house turn on, or the front curtains moving, but you do hear Shawn's loud voice saying "Oh good! You're home! Come inside! It's cold out!"

Full of embarrassment, you and Willy jump apart, and you feel your face flush beet red, telling him "Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow?"

He nods at you and waits for you to get safely on the ground, waving to you before glaring in Shawn's direction, backing out and driving away.

You storm into the house and right past Shawn, heading straight to your room, but Shawn is hot on your heels. "What the fuck was that?" he whisper hisses at you. "Is that your boyfriend?"

"No, and thanks to you he might never be." You spit. He shuts your room door behind him and crosses his arms across his chest, trying to be intimidating. "And I should be asking you what the fuck that was! Why did you have to be a cock block?"

"Are you having sex with him?"

You literally choke on your own spit. "Excuse me?! How is that any of your business?!"

"I'm assuming that's why you dressed the way you did."

You cannot believe this conversation is happening right now. "Listen asshole, I dress the way I want and I dress for myself, so fuck you very much. And besides, you seemed to love the way that I was dressed, if I can recall correctly."

Shawn is suddenly silent, and you remove your white cover up, standing in your high waisted shorts and red swimsuit again. "Am I wrong?" You ask, a burst of confidence surging through you as you look right into his eyes. "Is this not what you were staring at earlier?"

You watch his Adam's apple bob as he takes a deep breath, and before you can say another thing, one of his large hands lands on your ass, pulling you flush against him as he presses a rough kiss to your lips, tilting your chin up with his other hand.

Your body lights up at the intensity, sparks flying behind your eyes and heart ready to beat out of your chest, something wicked pooling deep within you. He rolls his body against you, backing you against your closet door gently and groaning deep in his chest when he feels your hands snake into his hair, his lips opening up and tongue teasingly licking at your lips, asking for permission.

You open up, and he groans, lifting your legs and wrapping them around his waist, walking you backwards and laying you onto your bed. Shawn settles between your legs, his arousal evident as his hips roll against you, lips going to your neck as his hands begin to lower the straps of your swimsuit down your shoulders, your hands snaking up under his shirt, nails scratching at the taut muscles of his abdomen. He bites down on your skin and you moan aloud, rolling your hips upwards, looking for more friction, for him to just do something.

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