12. you obviously need a hug, you slut

978 33 41

Hank has been using this tactic for a week now. They would draw and play with the tub toy. Connor also seemed much calmer around it than the first time they did this.

After Hank tucked Connor in bed he was brushing his teeth . His gaze slowly fell on the bath tub with the rubber duckie in it.

Connor would've said how lonely it looked even though it's clearly a toy.

That's when Hank got an idea. He quickly washed his mouth out and then grabbed his phone to text some people.

After that he walks inside the bedroom and he smiles at the sigh of Connor.

He was huddled up inside the bedsheets while he suckles on his pacifier.

Hank gets inside the sheets and pulls Connor close who immediately cuddled up to him.


The next morning Connor woke up before Hank and he rubs his eyes tiredly. His eyes widened when he noticed the wetness around his crotch area. His eyes watered and he sniffles softly.

Hank stirs in his sleep and slowly opens his eyes. He looks at Connor who seemed distressed and he sits up.

"Connie? What's wrong?", Hank cooes.

Connor could only sniffle and sob. Hank puts his arm around Connor and he notices him trying to hide the wet spot on the blanket. Hank blinks and immediately understands what happened.

"Awe, baby no. Don't cry.", He cooes lovingly.

He gets out of the bed and walks over to Connor who looks up at him guiltily. Hank kneels down and smothers him in kisses.

"Let's get you cleaned up, Hm?", Hank cooes.

Connor nodds softly. Hank grabs a towel and places it on the bed. He then picks up the sniffling android and makes him lay on the towel. Hank grabs some stuff from the bathroom. Good thing he thought ahead and bought some diapers whole he bought him the pacifier and the crayons.

He places them next to Connor and removes his shorts and shirt. Connor closes his legs not letting him remove his panties that had puppies on it. Hank chuckles softly and plops a pacifier in his mouth to soothe him. Connor sniffles and keeps sucking on it.

He gently makes Connor spread his legs for him and he removes the undies. Hank leans down to kiss his forehead and Connor slowly calms down and lets him clean him. Hank grabs some wipes and starts to clean his inner thighs, butt and crotch. He made sure not to hurt the sensitive android.

Hank then uses some baby lotion for his bum and crotch area and some baby powder to not make the diaper itchy or uncomfortable for him.

Connor looks at the diaper Hank grabs and starts squeaking behind the pacifier. Hank chuckles. The diaper had puppies and colourful stars on it.

Hank lifts Connor a little up to slide the diaper under his butt and puts it on him. Connor squeals softly and Hank puts a puppy onesie on him.

"What a happy little boy!", Hank cooes and Connor giggles happily.

Hank places a kiss on his forehead and picks him up. He balances him on his hip and bounces him a little slightly.

"See? It wasn't so bad, right?"

Connor nodds happily and swings his legs a little.

Then they had breakfast.

Hank cooked them something, Connor would play with Sumo a little, Hank got Connor his thirium (this time in a sippy cup because he spilled a lot of times) and Connor would just thank him by kissing his cheek and cuddling up to him while they ate.

It's funny, really.

Usually Connor would prepare breakfast, he would wake up Hank and Hank would pat his head as a silent thank you before they walk Sumo.

But Connor wasn't capable of doing that, not that that's why Hank is a little frustrated, it's the fact that he gets reminded of the fact that he should've had an eye on Connor on that night. He should've made him stay in his room and maybe then...

Maybe then Connor wouldn't have sneaked out and let his stubborn mind get the best of him.

Then Hank would've woken up to Connor probably lying in his bed next to him, frustrated that he couldn't get out or even sneak off.

Then he would've been mad at him but after they had found Zlatko, Connor would've said something like

"I'm glad you held me back."

Or even something witty like.

"I would've handled this."

But they both would've known that it was a joke. No one could handle something like this.

But he let him in his room. He let him sneak out. He let him get captured, raped and assaulted by this creep.

He let him become vulnerable.

Just like in his earlier stages of deviancy.

He let Zlatko spread Connors legs and destroy his walls.

Oh he will never forget the way Connor looked at him when he found him.

He looked lost and scared.

Lost and scared.

He will never be able to forgive himself for letting Connor even think about sneaking off.

He could nev-


Hank blinks surprised and looks at the android on his lap. He realized that tears were rolling down his cheeks. Connor wipes them away softly and Hank smiles at him sadly.

"Why... Sad..?", Connor asks softly and concerned.

"It's nothing, flower. I am just a little upset.", Hank cooes with a slight rasp in his deep melancholic voice.

Connor scoots a little closer, his chest pressed against Hanks while he wraps his arms around his neck. Hank immediately holds him close, burying his face in Connors neck while taking in his scent.

Connor still managed to smell like roses somehow.

Ever since the first time they met in the bar. Connor scent was alluring and surprisingly comforting, fuck Hank would go as far as to say it made Connor seem even more delicate than he already does.

And he is.

Connors unharmed skin felt soft, delicate and squishy underneath his finger tips. His damaged skin was a little rough from the forceful cuts and scrapes.

Connor was a flower.

As delicate and as pure as a flower.

A daisy.

He was his daisy.

Connor noticed Hanks grip on get tighter, protecting him from anything that even dared come too close to them.






thirium tears //Hannor AU bookWhere stories live. Discover now