Totally normal

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Risa's P.O.V

Today is the last day of school. Honestly, school is way worse than how others describe it.  Thankfully I won't be coming here anytime soon. As I finish packing up all my stuff, the last bell rings. I exited the building I saw someone running towards me. I squinted at the figure. Suddenly I realized who it was. It was Kae, my childhood friend. Also my only friend... wait I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that.

"RISA! School is finally over!" Kae shouted as she began dragging me off to who knows where.

We chatted and laughed on the way home. Just as we crossed the street, I spotted a large box. Kae seemed to notice as well.  We started to make our way towards it.

"Why do I hear noises coming out of this box?" Kae asked. I gave her a shrug and squatted next to it. "Open the box," Kae said after she stared at it for a bit. "Why me? It might be dangerous..." I replied. Kae smiled at me and reached for the box. I watched silently as she slowly lifted the cardboard flaps.

I peeked in and squealed, "Aw it's a bunch of kittens."

There were 6 of them. Kae suddenly looked at me. "Yes?" I responded a little afraid. "Can we please keep them?" she begged. I sighed and tried to convince myself to not give in or agree. "It's okay. We'll hide them at your house so my parents won't find out." Kae said.

"My house??? I like cats but this might be too many..." I said as 6 pairs of eyes looked at me. 'I don't know if I can hold it in much longer if t-they keep looking at me with those cute tiny faces...' I thought to myself.

Meanwhile, Kae was mumbling to herself. I looked at the kittens then back at Kae. I made my decision.

"Kae. I've decided that I want to take all of them" I said confidently.

"Alright so how do we get this box to your house?"

"We carry it. Duh"

"Well I know that but how do we get it in without anyone noticing?"

"Are you dumb? we sneak it in."

"Remember that my mom is at your house today."

"Oh yeahhhhh. Well, I sneak the box in and you distract your mom."

T I M E     S K I P P I E  

When we arrived at my house, I hid the box behind a bush. Kae gave me a signal and I began moving along with the plan. As the box shifted in my arms, the kittens started meowing again. "Shush my little ones..." I whispered as I walked into my house. I quickly ran up the stairs as soon as I heard voices in the kitchen.

I let out a breath as I closed my bedroom door behind me. A few minutes later I hear footsteps nearing my room. "Risa? Did you get them in?" I heard Kae on the other side.

"Yeah" I responded as I opened the door for her.

"Now that I've gotten a good look at them... they look strange?" Kae pointed out, as we peered into the box. A kitten, whose fur was all spiked up hissed at us.

One kitten has a scar or something across their face and another had a mane??? "They look related," Kae stated. I nodded in agreement.

I reached in and picked up a normal one. It gave me a little lick. "CUTE!" Kae shrieked.  She grabbed the spiky one. It didn't seem to like it. The kitten with long hair? meowed at the one in Kae's arms.  It calmed down a tiny bit???? I am confusion.

"Let's check if these are male or female" Kae suggested.

The one in her arms looked horrified. So did the ones in the box. I looked at the kitten in my arms, it quietly purred and rubbed itself against me. I petted its head.

"Um, Kae they look kind of scared. Why don't we take them out of the box first?" I said as I set the one in my arm on the ground. I noticed that it was staring at a Naruto poster. Strange.

When we got them all out of the box, Kae had a small scratch on her arm. "These kittens have some weird hairdos except that one," she said. Then all of them started looking around my room. 'Why do I feel like I'm being judged?' I thought.

"Alrightly then! Time to check your genders" Kae said reaching for a kitten.

"Hey Kae why don't we ask them instead?" I suggested.

They all looked less scared.

"Okay if you're a boy walk towards Risa!" she said pointing at me. Some of them walked toward me while the rest cautiously approached me. I was surprised when they all laid around me.

"Wow... I'm so shook. My old cat was never this smart." Kae said petting one of them.

"Should we name them. right now?" I asked petting them.

"Sure. Since there is 6 I'll name 3 and you'll name 3." Kae answered.

I nodded and chose the normal one, the one with a smaller mane, and the one with long hair. Kae got the spiky one, the one with scars, and the big poofy lion.

'Hmmmm they remind me of some certain Uchihas...' I thought as I eyed them. That's when a bright idea hit me, I knew exactly what to name them.

To be continued...

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