"Lame" names

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Risa's P.O.V
I stared at the normal looking one. He gave me a confused look. "Alrighty. You are gonna be Sushi" I said pointing to him.

He meowed in response. Now it was my turn to look at him confused. I snapped out of it and looked at the next cat.

The small maned one was licking itself. When it noticed me staring it sat up still.

"You look like a mini lion so I'll name you Fluffy."

The other 2 looked at Fluffy weird. "You guys are the strangest cats I have ever met..."I said picking up the last cat.

"You seem like the badass type. I think I'm gonna call you Levi" I said thinking about Attack on Titan. The kitten's face was blank as he stared at me.

Suddenly we all heard a loud laugh coming from down the hall. 'Ugh so noisy' I sighed.

Kae's P.O.V
I picked up my 3 kittens and moved to the guest room. Risa gonna be so surprised when she I tell her their names. The spiky one kept struggling as I ran to the room. "Quit it or else I'll throw you out the window" I said glaring at him.

I gently set them on the bed. Spiky immediately tried to jump off but ended up falling on the super FlUffY OnE.

"I'll name you first. Heeeheee!" I laughed.

Although Mr. Fluffy didn't seem too happy. Hmmmm I wonder why?? He suddenly made eye contact with me. Then we had a staring contest?

"Okay listen up you'll be named Daddy."

The other 2 kittens looked like they were smirking. Daddy got up embarrassed and hissed at me. "Don't like your name?~" I responded.

Daddy crawled away from me. 'He's a funny one I might have to tease him a bit more' I giggled.

"You shall be called..." I stopped mid way.

'Should I name him Gay or Emo?' I thought real hard. Alright then, Gay it is. I smile knowing that Risa wouldn't criticize my naming abilities.

Plus, these kittens have the strangest reactions. I pointed at Mr. Spiky.

"You over there will know be known as Gay."

I bursted out laughing as Gay tried his hardest to glare at me. "If you attack me I will cut you open" I said warning him.

Finally, it was Scar's turn. "You look real beat up..." I said lightly stroking his face. He stared blankly at me. "How about I name you Tobi? Tobi from that anime Naruto." I said slowly.

All 3 of them looked at me surprised especially Tobi.
"Why are y'all looking at me like that?" I asked

Suddenly I hear Risa opening the guest room door. Her little kittens were following behind. Awww so adorable!

Risa's P.O.V
"Are you done?" I said crossing my arms and feeling quite annoyed. Kae rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Why do they look so..." I said pointing at the kittens. Fluffy meowed at the bigger fluffier version of himself.

"Oh wait lemme introduce you to Gay, Daddy, and Tobi!" Kae said pointing at them. They really didn't look happy.

Meanwhile Daddy and Fluffy looked like they were conversing. Sushi and Levi made their way over to Gay.

I giggled slightly at his name and Daddy's name.

"Oh wait I forgot to tell you what I named the others. That's Fluffy, Sushi, and Levi."

"Do you have any food for these kittens? They're probably very hungry." Kae said.

"Milk?" I said picking up Tobi. "I think they can drink milk? Or do we need special kitten milk?" Kae said standing up.

"We don't have anything else so I guess milk will have to do" Tobi looked up at me.

After Kae left I rounded everybody up. I think they understand what I say to them because there's no way some random kittens would know how to smirk and respond to English.

"Alright guys, time to eat! I'm sure y'all are hungry..." I said opening the door. They all followed behind me. It was pretty funny seeing them walk down the stairs.

Tobi gave me a small mew. "Hmmm?" I said looking at him. 'Wait Kae's mom left? Right?' I suddenly remembered.

"Don't worry Mom left to run some errands." Kae said. "Thank goodness..." I let out a sign of relief.

"Awww look at them still trying to get down!" Kae said running and picking up Fluffy. She gently set him on the ground. I also let Tobi down and headed to the kitchen.

"How'd y'all get so sticky???" Kae said pointing at the milk covered kittens. "Chill they're just kittens." I said. At least I think they are kittens.

"Bath Time???" Kae suggested while she grabbed herself a glass of milk. I peeked over the counter and saw all the kittens trying to groom themselves and each other.

"Hey. Kae you've noticed how strange these kittens are, right?" I whispered. Kae put her glass down and stared at me.

"I mean obviously they ain't regular dumb cats. Duh" Kae whispered back. "I saw them checking out all my Naruto posters and figures..." I felt a bit uneasy.

"I guess they're weebs too. Don't judge them for liking Naruto just cuz they are cats" Kae said giggling

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Kae drank the rest of her milk. "Alright kitties! Time for the bath." Kae said kneeling down next to them.

I quickly cleaned up the mess on the floor and the bowls. That's when I realized. What if- no that's not possible. Absolutely impossible. Yep. Totally.

"Oi! Risa, you coming?" I suddenly heard Kae yell from the stairs. I snapped out of my thoughts and followed her and the cats.

"I think we should spilt them so that we won't be overwhelmed" I said.

Kae turned the water on and started to fill the tub. "I think that's a good idea," she looked over at me.
"Can you guys get into 2 groups of 3?" I asked the kittens. Sushi immediately sat down next to Levi and also dragged Gay over. Fluffy and Daddy stuck together. While Tobi tries to follow Daddy, Fluffy didn't seem to approve or whatever.

"So who's the first one?" Kae said peeking her head out of the bathroom. "Let's do Tobi since he's by himself" I said picking up the sour scented kitten.

Kae tested how hot the water was and nodded at me. I gave Tobi a little reassuring pat before lightly setting him in the warm water.

To be continued...

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