How'd they get here?

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Kae's P.O.V
Shisui looked a bit confused as he tried to think of a response. How cute. "I don't really know..." Shisui looked even more conflicted.

"It's okay..." I said patting his hand. I went over to the others and asked them too. Soooo...apparently they all found some weird stone.

Honestly, I need to find me a weird stone that transports me to a different universe. I walk over to Risa and tell her what I learned.

But, she didn't look as interested as I thought. "Hey???" I said waving my hands in front of her face.

"Your mom wants us over for dinner. Tonight."

Suddenly my lips were itchy and I scratched it. "What are we gonna do with the men?" I asked smiling. Risa closed her eyes for a moment and I could tell that she was thinking real hard.

I saw Obito walk behind Risa after hearing that we were gonna have to leave. Risa turned around and sighed.

Then, Obito told us that he and the others could take care of themselves and for us not to worry. "Yeah, Risa. As long as no one sees them, we're gonna be fine" I jumped in. Risa seemed to agree and finally, she looked at ease.

"Okay, then I guess we should leave now."

I smiled real big and waved bye to everyone. Risa told everyone the rules and the two of us headed out.
"No need to worry... there's not much they can do anyways," I said to Risa.

"If it was your house you'd be paranoid as heck" Risa said glaring at me. I frowned and then started laughing. She's right.

I suddenly remembered something and started laughing harder. "Why are you laughing?" Risa said pinching my arm.

"I live right across from you and if there's a problem you could run back here." I pointed out.

Risa made an o sound and laughed too.

Little did they know that things were gonna get a bit chaotic back home...

Risa's P.O.V
I reached the door and was warmly greeted by Kae's mom. Meanwhile, Kae was already running towards the kitchen. "Moooom! Where's the food!" She yelled. How dis girl already in the kitchen... I barely stepped through the doorway.

Kae's mom sighed and I closed the door behind us.

"I think I ate too much..." Kae groaned as we both headed back to my house. I squinted my eyes as I saw something strange in the window.

"What's that?" Kae said pointing at the window.

"That's why we should've never left!" I said running towards my house. When we got in, there were loud noises upstairs.

When I took a step upstairs the noise quieted down. "What if..." Kae started. "Not now!" I said going up.
I saw Izuna walking towards me. "You might want to go in there..." he said pointing at one of the guest rooms.

That's where the loud noise was coming from.

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