Kae's ab fetish...

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Risa's P.O.V
Right as Tobi's tail touched the water a lot of steam came out. A few moments later the steam cleared up and I saw a guy. Naked too.

"Kittens! Don't look there's a naked guy!" Kae shouted as she dived at them. I covered my eyes. My face slowly heated up. "H-here's a towel..." I said grabbing something.

"Ahhhh I've lost my innocence. Wait I already lost it a long time ago..." I heard Kae say. I slowly lower my hand. "So who are you? Where's Tobi???" Kae said pointing at the half naked dude.

I finally noticed that the dude was Obito from Naruto. The other kittens started spilling into the bathroom. "That's Obito" I blurted out. "From that anime? How's that possible?" Kae questioned.

Obito stepped out of the tub and stood in front of us.
I took a step back in surprise. "How do you know who am I?" He demanded. "I'll be back with some clothes!" Kae said quickly and ran out leaving me with Obito. Screw her.

"Hey listen I know you might be a bit confused but it'll make sense soon..." I tried to smile very sweetly.
"I want an answer now" Obito responded.

Good thing the other kittens were here to distract him otherwise he might've lowkey decided to kill me.
Daddy was trying to climb into the tub as he meowed at Obito.

Good thing this bathroom was very large and probably could contain 6 dudes. I walked pass Obito and picked up Sushi and Daddy. Then I put them in the water. More steam, yay.

Then before the rest of the steam cleared up I threw all of the kittens in. As I was about to run the heck out of there. Somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me from the door. oH NoSes I might die...

"I got the clothes! Risa come hereeeee!" I heard Kae yelled. The grip on me loosens and I bolt out. "Did you put the rest of them in the tub???" Kae pushes a box towards me. "Where did you get these?" I said looking in.

"Remember when my cousins and I went shopping..." Kae said pushing the box towards the bathroom.

"How come all these shirts ar-" I stopped as Kae gives me a glare.

Time Skip
I was currently on my laptop while Kae was downstairs explaining stuff and possibly being a pervert. That's when I received a text from Kae's brother.

'Mom said we're going out today'

Going out? I don't think so... there's 6 grown men in my house that are ninjas.

Kae's P.O.V
"So..." I said staring at them. These are some hot dudes. "Do you know where we are?" Izuna asked staring at me. "This is Risa's house..." I said awkwardly. Why is it getting hot in here?

"You seem to know who we are." Madara said.

Blood was about to gush out of my nose as I stared at him. Why he so smexy..? "You guys are from an anime. Anime is like a fictional tv show?" I said trying not to confuse anyone.

"Fictional?" Obito questioned. I nodded.

"You guys should probably live here since you have nowhere else to go" I suggested.

Super short since I've been really busy this week :/

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