Chapter Three

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Wesley O'Conner (aka unknown Pinterest man)

When Dad and I pulled up outside the pub, Amber was standing by the door waiting. When she saw me she beamed, walking towards me. "Thanks, Dad." I called, getting out the car.

"Have fun, I'll be back at ten, text me if you want earlier." With a nod and a wave, he pulled away. Amber looked stunning and I felt under dressed in the ancient tee. She wore a high wasted denim mini skirt that had several large silver buttons up the front, revealing toned tan legs, paired with an off the shoulder black, long sleeved half shirt. Around her left ankle, she had a simple silver chain and on her feet, she wore leopard print slip-on Vans.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone!" Amber said, linking her arm with mine and led me inside. She led me to a round table holding three very handsome guys and one tiny girl. "Guys, this is Willow." Amber introduced as she motioned me to sit down. "Willow this is Leah," she motioned to the petite girl nestled under one of the guy's arms. She was pretty, with long, dead straight black hair and beautiful brown, almost black eyes. Her skin was flawless, her cheekbones were high and sculpted and her lips round and pouty. As she moved from behind the table to greet me, she revealed her high waisted mum jeans which were rolled at the ends to reveal, white tennis shoes and a white tee that was tied at her hip, revealing the funky, multi-colored belt holding her jeans up.

"Lovely to see you again Willow, how was Spain?" She asked as she hugged me, she was even small standing next to me, I looked like a giant next to her, she was barely taller than five foot.

"Spain was hot, it's good to see you again too." I said with a smile, sitting down as Leah and Amber did.

"This is Leah's boyfriend, Chris." She motioned to the guy who's arm Leah was snuggled under. He was handsome, that was obvious, this jawline was strong with a smattering of blond stubble over it. His cheekbones were high, which was accentuated by the half bun he had pulled his shoulder-length wavy blond hair into. He wasn't particularly large, his muscled lean and relatively unpronounceable; unlike the guy sitting next to him. However, next to petite little Leah, he looked enormous. His pale blue eyes strayed away from Leah's face long enough for him to mutter a greeting, before looking at her once more with adoring eyes. What I wouldn't do to have a guy look at me like that...

"This is Chris's twin Cam." Amber motioned to the bodybuilder sitting next to Chris. The only similarities the two guys shared where the pale blue eyes and thick dark brows, other than that they couldn't have been more different. Chris's features were refined almost elegant, where Cam features were almost harsh in comparison. Cam's face was narrowed, the bridge of his nose wider due to one too many brakes I'd guess, just like Uncle Harry's nose. His ear where slightly cauliflowered thanks to one too many scrums and no ear protection, I guess his nose had suffered that same fate due to a rugby match. Unlike his twin, Cam was built like a mountain, his shoulders were broad, his arms enormous; he had the body of a weightlifter, rather than a runner like his brother. Cam's hair was a dark blonde, several shades darker than his brothers, though it was hard to tell due to his short buzz cut.

In different ways, both brothers looked as though they could be models; they paled, however, in comparison to the boy seated next to me. What is it they say? Beautiful people stick together? Never was that statement truer than with this group; I must stick out like a saw thumb. I mean, I'm not hideously deformed or anything, let's just say I won't have any modeling agencies knocking on my door anytime soon, unlike the rest of the group; and the haughty sneer on the boy sitting next to me's face clearly showed this.

"And that's Wes." She motioned to the guy sitting next to me with a giggle. Wes was good looking, no he was more than good-looking, saying someone who looked like him was only good looking was an insult; he was quite possibly a god in human form. Clearly the best looking of the group, but he obviously knew it. His hair was effortlessly styled, long on top, looked almost windswept. His lips were full, the bottom lip pouty, the top a perfect Cupid's bow. His eyes were a bottomless chocolate brown. His skin was tan with a smattering of dark freckles across his face and his nose; which was ever so slightly wonky due to a break that was clearly long healed. What was it with people in my life recently with broken noses? However, that tiny imperfection made his face more interesting and made him even better looking. He was clearly muscled, whilst remaining lean, not overly large or as stock as Cam but not as lean as Chris, a medium between the two.

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