Chapter Nine

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Cameron "Cam" Rush (aka Lukas Katina)

Did I tell Wesley I thought he was handsome? Was that my imagination or did those awkward, cringe-worthy words escape my mouth? I sunk down lower in my chair as the realization hit me. I couldn't really remember what I'd said to him, I was too panicked for the words to really register. As a quiet person, it's really not fair that-

"Oi, Diaz." I jerked in surprised as I felt Wesley's breath on my cheek, his voice right next to my ear. "Can you hear me know? I said, what do you want to drink?" His voice was irritated and I involuntarily gulped, my mouth going incredibly dry.

"Sorry?" I asked, turning and just blinking at him like an idiot.

"Drink, what do you want?" He asked, irritation replaced with amusement as his lips curled into a half smile, inches from mine. Was it hot in here? I think it's hot.

"Vodka." Was all I managed to get out. I needed something to calm my nerves, make me relax and somewhat friendly; rather than this semi-comatose individual reliving her most recent embarrassing experience with the rudest man on earth.

"Anything with that vodka?" His smirk making my stomach flip. Stupid Wesley and his stupid smile.

"Lemonade." I gulped, his face was still too close to me.

"You got it, Diaz." He said with a wink as he walked towards the bar.

"Wait for me Wes, I want a drink as well." Amber jumped to her feet, causing Cam's pint to slosh over the table.

"Jesus Amber." Cam muttered but Amber was long gone, chasing after Wesley like a little, lost puppy. "Jesus." Grabbing a napkin, I helped Cam mop up the spilled liquid.

"Thank you." Cam said, giving Amber's back an eye-roll. "Are you okay? You seem really quiet."

I blinked up at him, I gave him a soft smile. "I'm good."

"You just seem distracted." Should I tell him what a tit I'd made of myself in front Wes? No. Probably not a great idea. He's more Wesley's friend than mine, he'd probably tell him every I said. That would be awkward.

"Sorry. I'm just tired."

"Can't have that Willow." Chris state, walking towards the table with Leah, a tray of shots in his hands. "I thought Wes was driving you, he not here yet?"

"He's at the bar with Amber."

"Weird didn't see him." I looked over at the bar, it was packed, I couldn't see him at this point. "More for us I guess." Chris teased, handing out the shots. Oh god. Conversation was easy, Wesley returned with my drink; Amber close on his heels. With their return, the drinking began in earnest.

I couldn't tell you how much I drank but conversation was flowing and between the three boys, my glass was never empty, and it didn't cost me a penny. Result.

I was swaying lightly in my chair, chatting with Leah when Wesley called too loudly. "Oi Diaz, why haven't you ever kissed anyone?"

"Wes! Don't ask that! It's rude." Leah said, hitting his arm in admonishment. "You don't have to answer that Willow."

"It's fine." In my semi inebriated state, I wasn't embarrassed. "I just never found anyone to kiss."

"I'd kiss you." Cam said drunkenly. Giving me a sloppy kiss on my cheek. Wesley looked so annoyed, probably because I'd actually answered his question rather than shy away in embarrassment.

"Thanks Cam." I said laughing and patting his hand on the table.

"You're really pretty Willow." He would be so embarrassed in the morning, however, right now we were both too drunk to think that far ahead.

"Thanks Cam." I said through hysterical laughter.

"Cam swap places with me." Wesley growled, standing up and walking over to Cam.

"What why?" Cam asked confused, I was still hysterically laughing with no idea what was so funny.

"Never mind. Come on, Diaz, let's get you home." He said, walking over and taking my hand and pulling me to my feet. I looked up at him with a confused frown. I was having a nice time I didn't want to go. As if sensing my reluctance, he informed me, "I have work early in the morning, so I need to get you back. Plus, last orders will be called in five minutes."

"But why you?" I asked confused, pulling my hand from his grip.

"What's wrong with me?" He asked, fake offended, as he took my hand back in his and led me to his exit; I gave no resistance more, waving bye.

"Wesley, you don't like me." I explained, giving him a confused look. He knew this. Silly boy.

"Sure I do Diaz." He chuckled, pulled me to a stop outside the door.

"No. You don't." I stumbled back, resting my back against the cold brick of the building.

Wesley advanced to that our bodies were almost flush. "Trust me, Willow." He murmured, his fingers stroked my cheek softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My throat went dry as he leaned in, an intense look on his face. "I like you." He whispered against my cheek.

My eyes fluttered closed. "Really?" I asked, my voice was so breathy that I barely recognized it.

I could feel his lips smile against my cheek. "Yes. Now come on." His hand brushed my chin.

"I like you too." I gulped, my hands pushed against the wall as I willed his lips to move from my cheek to my mouth.

"God, I wish you weren't drunk Diaz." He muttered on sighed before pushing himself away from me. "Now come on, let's get your drunk arse home."

Like that, the tension in the air was broken and I could breathe once more. "Don't talk about my arse like that."

"Sorry Willow's arse." He gave me a cheeky grin, and I chuckled. "Now please, get in the car babe."

"Okay, Wesley." I said, he took my hand once more and we walked to the car.


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