Chapter Twenty Six

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I couldn't stop laughing. My sides ached as Leah and I howled with laughter as we watched the boys stumbling about, attempting to assemble Wesley and my tent. The key word being attempt. They attempted and extremely unsuccessfully at that.

"I give up!" Cam said, letting go of the part he was holding, meaning the entire tent collapsed.

"Fucking hell!" Chris said, falling over one of the ropes they'd hammered into the floor. "You two can just sleep in the cars." Throwing his keys at Wesley, came to sit next to Leah.

Nodding his head several times, Wesley made his way to the two parked cars. Unlocking Chris's and attempting to set it up for sleep. He'd been at it for several minutes before he growled, "What the fuck is wrong with all your seats?"

"Oh yeah, they're broken, they don't go down." Chris said distractedly as he stroked Leah's hair affectionately.

"How the fuck is anyone meant to sleep in here then? None of your seats recline." Wesley's voice was irritated as he closed the car door.

"Just both of you sleep in your car. Probably warmer anyway." Cam said sleepily, not caring for the outcome. Some boyfriend. "I'm going to bed, night." He said drunkenly, stumbling off towards his tent. Thanks Cam, world's number one boyfriend right there! Fake or not, drunk or not, I gave him an irritated look.

"Wanker." Chris shouted at Cam's retreating form. "You can sleep in my pod with Leah if you want." Chris offered, his hand lazily stroking Leah's hair affectionately.

"It's okay Chris. I don't mind sleeping in the car." I said giving him an easy smile, forgetting due to my inebriation that sleeping in the car meant sleeping in extreme proximity to Wesley.

Shoving his hands into his pocket, Wesley muttered something no one heard before headed over to his car. I could already feel the aches and pains I'd inevitably wake up to. Spending a night sitting practically upright was not on the top of a to-do list; however, I wasn't going to set the tent up. So best not complain.

Settling back into my seat, I stared at the fire. Chatting easily with Leah and Chris, we waited for Wesley to set up the car. I considered helping but I figured in my state I'd be more a hindrance than a help.

Taking the final sip of my beer I chucked it into the large black bag. I stared contentedly into the crackling fire. My body warmed by both the fire and the alcohol coursing through my system.

Wesley came back, sitting in the seat next to me. "You alright, Diaz?" He asked, picking up his previously discarded beer. "Boyfriend gone to bed?" He asked, staring into the fire and taking several deep gulps of his beer.

"So it would seem." I hated talking to Wesley about Cam. It wasn't fair. I wanted to be with Wesley. I wanted to be with him so badly, but I couldn't just tell him about Cam. As I stared at his pissed off expression I knew Cam and I needed a chat. I couldn't do it to Wesley anymore. I wanted to be with Wes and if our shared kisses meant anything, he wanted to be with me too.

"I need a cigarette." He muttered, finishing his beer and pulling a flask from his back pocket.

"Then have one." It might stop him from looking so miserable.

"I quit." He said, taking a drink from his flask.

"Since when?" I asked and honestly, I'd only ever seen him smoke that one time but I just... I guess I just didn't think about it.

"Since a while." He muttered, I nodded in approval; he'd just become ten times more attractive with this knowledge.

"Maybe that's why you're being so grouchy again." I muttered, and my only explanation was the alcohol; the alcohol made me do it. Otherwise, I never would have said anything.

He stared at me for several long seconds and my stomach rolled with nerves. Why did I have to open my big mouth? His gaze remained focused on mine before he burst out laughing.

I relaxed slightly. His face was so handsome when he smiled, his dimples on full display as he looked at me.

"Medusa!" Chris shouted, saving me from my embarrassingly obsessive staring at Wesley.

I turned to see Leah and Chris standing in front of a table covered in maybe fifteen or twenty shots. This was going to be dangerous, I knew it. Who said camping would be fun again?

"Rules are simple." Chris said when the four of us circled the table. "Stare at the table, 3, 2, 1. Look up at someone. If you meet someone's eyes, you shout Medusa. Whichever of you says it last takes a shot." We all nodded, I think I understood.

Five shots later I realized I was not good at this game. Not at all. "I'm done." I said taking a step back, if I kept going I was going to end up vomiting.

"Me too." Wesley said, he'd been far better at the game but had been doing the shots anyway.

I waved at Leah and Chris who were stumbling towards their own tent, giggling like school girls.

Wesley took my hand and we headed towards the car. God, even in my drunken state I didn't want to spend a night sitting upright to sleep.

Wesley clicked the button to unlock his car and I frowned as he opened the boot and climbed in. What was he doing? I peeped in the window and smiled. Our bags were all stacked in the front and he'd folded his back seats down, making a kind of bed with a couple of blankets and our sleeping bags. It looks a much cozier set up than I was anticipating.

"Quite the setup. I said, laughing as I climbed in, Wesley closing the boot behind us. I felt awkward as I lay down.

Wesley's car wasn't small, but it certainly wasn't large, and the space was intimate, to say the least. It only got worse when Wesley pulled his shirt over his head and reclined. Closing his eyes.

Snuggling under the blankets, I left my clothes in place and attempted to sleep. Fat chance of that with Wesley this close. Well fuck. Why did he have to be so handsome?


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