Chapter Twenty Three

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Here's my quandary: where would one morally stand if they "cheated" on their fake boyfriend but the person they "cheated" with, didn't know the relationship was fake? I mean, I feel like it's a grey area but I don't think my opinion can be classed as totally objective.

This thought was circling my brain on a constant loop and I needed some kind of distraction. Anything to take my mind off this obsession level analysis; which had been taking place since yesterday afternoon.

I'd  read once that running distracts and I was willing to try anything at this point. I pulled on a sports bra, leggings and an oversized top. I haven't been running... like ever. I wasn't particularly one for exercise; I was just lucky that genetics worked in my favour when it came to my weight or I'd likely be the size of a house. Maybe I'd be better off the size of a house, then I couldn't leave the house and I'd never have gotten myself into this situation.

I needed to stop thinking about Cam and Wesley and Wesley's lips. Oh gosh those lips... so soft and warm and everything I hoped for my first kiss.

"Where are you off to?" Mum called as I ran downstairs, shoving my feet into my gym trainers, which I'd worn all of one time while in Spain.

"I'm going for a run." I called, tying my laces. I couldn't face my Mum, not right now at least.

I knew I was over reacting, what I'd done wasn't that bad. Was it? It was that little question at the back of my mind that I needed to run out.

"Run? Have you eaten yet?" Mum called, her tone surprise; anything exercise related was just not me.

"I'm not hungry." I said and before she could push it, I opened the front door and started running.

I quickly realised I was not a physically fit human being. Like, not even a little bit. Even breath burned as I ran for all of thirty seconds before I had to walk for thirty. I continued the thirty seconds walking, thirty running and the counting did its job. Between the counting and my desperate gasps for air, I didn't have time to think about anything else.

By the time I was ready to go home, the sky was beginning to darken, my stomach growled and my mind was blank from sheer exhaustion.

I was too tired to eat when I got home. I quickly downed several glasses of water before heading up stairs to shower.

Wrapped in a fluffy towel I sat on my bed until tea was ready.

I pushed the food around my plate, not being about to stomach anything. What would Leah think of me? I mean, it was only a kiss! It was only a kiss! A kiss when for all intensive purpose I was single!

"I'm gonna head to bed." I said to my parents who were chatting happily.

"Okay hun but before you go, your Dad and I are going up to London for the night tomorrow. Lily's going to her ballet friends, so you're welcome to have a few friends over." She said and gave me a serious look. I'd forgotten their anniversary was coming up, I should probably get them a card. "But no parties, okay?"

"Yeah sure Mum, no worries." I assured her. Wild parties in my own home? No. I'd seen the state of those houses and that is not a mess I had any desire to clean up.

"Invite that Wesley boy, I liked him, he'll make sure nothing happens." Mum said in a tone the brooked no argument. At the sound of his name my stomach flipped and I wanted to expel the sparse contents of my stomach.

"Um, sure. It will probably only be the six of us."

"Okay dear, let's change that probably to, it will only be the six of you." Mum said, her face slightly strained like she was already regretting her offer. Dad was completely oblivious and didn't seem to care one way or the other. Lily was playing with her doll under the table, paying no attention.

"Sure Mum, it will only be six of us." I assured before heading upstairs to bed, exhausted from my run. Thankfully I was so tired, I didn't have time to lay and stew over what to do about Wesley... this situation is such a mess. My life's a bloody mess.


"Camping." Chris said, taking an enormous mouthful of pizza. He had to have hollow legs... that was the only explanation. I'd ordered four large pizzas, I'd made a plate of brownies and a plate of cookies. Chris had almost single handedly demolished the majority of the food laid out on the living room floor.

"Shit, yeah! We still have to go, we only have one weekend left." Cam nodded in agreement, taking a large gulp of his Diet Coke. At my bemused expression he explained, "So you know our parents are farmers?" Cam asked, I didn't but I nodded anyway. "Well, they do rotations on fields, leaving some fallow which-"

"Jesus Cam," Chris interrupted as Cam started in on what would inevitably be a long winded answer. "She doesn't give a shit about crop rotation." Chris said with an eye roll making Wes snort. "Basically very year before school starts the three of us go camping." He motions to Cam, Wes and himself. I'd never seen him so animated.

"It's been a tradition since we started secondary school." Cam interjected, looking at Chris in irritation.

"Last year Leah came, you're welcome to come too this year." Chris said with a bright smile and before I could reply,  Chris, Cam and Leah burst into chatter as they planned. The film forgotten in the background.

I'd have to ask my Mum... I wasn't sure house she'd feel about me going camping with three guys, even if one of them was her beloved Wesley. Standing, I grabbed the empty plates and took as many as I could carry to the kitchen. I stacked them on the side and started to empty the clean dishes fr the dishwasher.

"Where shall I put these?" I turned to see Wesley holding the remainder of the plates I'd been unable to juggle.

My stomach fluttered and I gave him a shy smile. "Just pop them over there, then I'll load the dishwasher." I said, quickly putting away the remaining clean glasses.

"I'll help." He offered and we worked in silence for several moment, carefully placing plates in the washer. "Willow, I just wanted to say thank you for the other night." I froze at his words, he was thanking me for the kiss? "I had no idea and the picture really threw me for six so, thank you for being such a good friend." He didn't make eye contact, instead continuing to load the dishwasher; clearly uncomfortable. That made two of us.

"Of course." How had I forgotten everything about his Dad? I'm a horrible friend. "How is everything with that?" I asked awkwardly, could I ask? Had he told anyone else or was I the only person he could talk to about this? It was time to push my romantic feelings aside and be his friend. Either way he needed a friend right now.

"He's not been here." Wesley said on a sigh, standing up from loading but still not looking at me. "My Uncle has a fall so he went to stay with him for a few weeks, so I haven't had the chance to talk to him."

"I'm sure he'll be home soon, then you can have a chat." I didn't know what to say, I'm not good at advice. Good I'm a terrible friend and a terrible person.

There was a long pause as I put the tablet in the machine and started the dishwasher.

"I also wanted to apologise for kissing you." My heart stopped at his words and panic begin to fill my body. Please don't let anyone walk in right now. "I was drunk and emotional I guess." He blushed and my cheeks also felt like they were one fire. "Either way that shouldn't have mattered. You have a boyfriend and I may not like it but I have to respect that. Particularly when that boyfriend is one of my best friends."

I couldn't breath, let alone respond. I waited several moment as so many words rushed through my head. He may not like it? He didn't like it? He didn't like Cam and I? Did that mean he...? "It's okay." I managed to squeeze out as blood rushes though my ears. I wished he hadn't bought the kiss up, it just gave my overly obsessive mind more ammunition.

"That's good because I'd hate to loose you as a friend, for a stupid mistake I made while drunk." A friend. Loose me as a friend. Well, that felt like a slap in the face.


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