Truck-san hit the wrong person.

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Lying in a pool of blood, (Y/N) simply doesn't understand why.

Was her luck that horrible to be hit by a truck? On a one way street with the truck going the wrong way?!!

And she didn't even get to eat the cake she just bought...  ('°̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥`)

As she lied immobilized, she can feel the life draining away from her. The warmth is slipping from her fingertips and her eyes were too heavy for her to keep open anymore.

Closing her eyes, her last thought was: God is too unfair...

However, instead of facing the darkness of death liked she expected, she heard a majestic voice.

"Hmph! I'm not unfair." And the next thing she saw was a bright light before she had to shut her eyes due to the brightness.

Wait... shut her eyes? Weren't they already shut? Isn't she dead?

Opening her eyes in astonishment, everything was white except for a handsome man in white in the middle. His face kind and gentle as though carved by gods. He had gentle blue eyes and bright blonde hair. He wore a completely white suit making him look pure and divine.

(Y/N)'s mouth couldn't close for a while. 'Definitely an ikemen.'

The man chuckled pleasantly, "Why, thank you, my child."

What? Thank her for what?

Seeing her in thought, the man interrupted her with a cough, grabbing her attention.

"Ahem. Like I said before. I'm not unfair, little one."

Uhh... When has she called him unfair?

"Remember something about: "God is so unfair?" He said. "Yeah... I am that God..."

.... So she can make him compensate for her cake?

"Not only your cake, little one," He replied to her thought with a sly smile.

'Can he read my thoughts? O_o'  She thought disturbingly.

"Yes I can."


Somehow, she's not surprised. Maybe all the fanfiction that she read had prepped her for this.

Oh yeah... Did she forget to mention that she's an otaku? Even though she might have never shown in, she really is an Otaku. She watches anime, read manga and fangirl over her favourite characters. See? Definitely an otaku.

And if the fanfics she read are true, then she should be reincarnating soon since truck-san hit her?

"Erm... no. You see. It was a mistake." God said embarrassedly, not daring to meet her eyes. "You actually was supposed to have a long life before you."

"Then why am I dead?" 

"Ahaha...It was a mistake. Truck-san got the wrong person."


"Gods makes mistakes too, you know?" The man pouted.

Hey, hey. Is she allowed to punch God?

"Ah! I know! How about I reincarnate you into an otome game like those fanfics? Otakus like that right?"

He is seriously asking to be punched.

Seeing how pissed off Y/N looked, he thought better than to provoke her. "Ah... how about you help me support these worlds then?"

"It's the anime world." He said quickly before she could reject it.

"Hmmm.... Go on." 

"You'll be able to travel into these worlds and your job is to help the plot progress and support it in the dark."


"You'll have powers and you get to go into your favourite animes."


"Good." But what he didn't tell her is that in order to control her new given these powers, she'll have hell to go through.

----(Time Skip to after training cause it's not important~)----


I swear I'm gonna kill that man called God. He's an imposter! Where's the kind and benevolent God that the stories promised? He's nothing but sadistic and evil!

After just giving me a list of my powers, he suddenly threw me to god knows where. Everywhere there was trees and beasts everywhere! It was like a forest for monsters! And I got no idea how to use my powers

"Figure it out,"  He said. "It's easy."

And with that, he left me to fend for my life until I could use my powers to defeat those monsters. Now he finally brought me back from that hellish forest and is currently sipping tea leisurely.





However, before I could even kick him, the space around me distorted. It was too dizzy to look at, so I shut my eyes.  

"It seems that you're full of energy. So here's your first world."

When I open my eyes again, it wasn't God that I saw. Instead, before me was a majestic mansion, grand and tall. But the rain is really ruining any shock or admiration that I may have had.

Hmm... this mansion looks somewhat familiar?

But before I could think any more into it, the rain began to pour even harder causing my face to darken.

'Ah, whatever! This rain is really starting to piss me off. Gotta find shelter.'

With that in mind, I made a mad dash for the mansion before knocking on the door.

However, the person who opened it shocked me to the core.

He is tall and slender with an elegant and mature look. He had dark hair with mysterious red eyes framed by glasses.

He is no other Reiji Sakamaki.

From Diabolik Lovers.

Now  I know why this mansion looks so familiar.

 "How may I help you, Miss?" He asked curiously. 


I would like to declare that all characters belong to their rightful owners and not me. This is purely a work of fiction and thus, has no relations to any real-life characters or events (including the fictional God in here).

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