Chapter 2

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Skylar's POV

So, it's been a couple days since me and Taylor kissed. I've been trying to get into the swing of things; going to class, hanging out with friends, eating, reserving time for fun, just everything that comes with starting your life somewhere new. Me and my roommate, Maria, have become close over the past couple days. Turns out we like the same music and artists and we also love Disney. We actually even found out that we were at Disney World the same time, but we never ran into each other there. 

Today is the first day of classes. I am taking forensic science and a criminology class. Other classes I am taking as well include pre-calc (because I didn't take it in high school), and a health/pre med class (or whatever the intro class for that major is). I am wanting to major in criminology or something relating to that field. I want to work on crime scene investigations/possibly become a medical examiner. I want to be able to work on complex cases, solve murders, solve cases. I want to be able to link together everything that is involved in solving a case. 

I walk into my forensic science class and that's when I see Taylor. Wow, my day is going great. There is an empty seat next to him, so I decide to take it. He looks at me and then back to his phone. Huh, now it's a tad awkward. The professor walks in and starts our class. 

"Welcome to forensic science. Because this is a class with all year levels, we have all ages here, whether you are a regular college student or you are continuing your education, you're all welcome. Some of you are freshmen, figuring out what you like or some already know this is where your soul belongs. But some of you have been here for a couple years already and are just now figuring out what you want." 

Wow, what a sappy welcome message. Reminds me of middle school all over again. Anyway, I in for a long semester. I start wondering why Taylor is in this class, seeing as he is 22 and should be finishing up his time here at college. Oh well, I'll get it out of him one way or another. Class goes on for another agonizing hour and finally it ends. Freedom! I decide to catch up with Taylor.


"Hey" he responds. 

"Why are you in forensic science?"

"Same reason as you. To learn."

I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Well duh. But what's your major?"

"Criminology" he responds.

"Oh woah, that's my major too."

"Be prepared. It's long and boring."

"Oh joy!" I say.

He smiles at me. I start blushing. Ugh, why am I like this? Blushing every time a guy does something remotely cute. 

Taylor's POV

Class just let out and I'm walking with Skylar. I feel guilty liking someone younger than me. I don't wan to take away her college experience, but I am starting to grow feelings for her, fast. We're having a conversation about majors when she says "oh joy!" Her voice is dripping with sarcasm. I smile at that. Our personalities are very similar, for which I am thankful for.

I notice Skylar starts blushing when I smile at her. She covers her face and tries to run away, but I grab her arm and bring her back to me. She's taken by surprise. 


I cut her off by kissing her, leaving her even more surprised. 

"Woah" is all she can say.

"Why did you do that?" She asks.

"Because I wanted to" I answer simply.

"Oh" is all she can muster out.

"Haha, did you like it?"

"Yes, but--"

"But nothing. I'm taking you out. Friday night at 7pm. Wear something nice."

Skylar is dumbfounded. All she can do is look at me. 

"Wow. Okay" She finally answers.

"Good girl. See you later Skylar."


Skylar's POV

Wow. So that actually happened. Taylor actually asked me out. The first thing I do is text my best friend back home, Lily.

Me: lily, guess what?!

Lily: omg, what

Me: Taylor's taking me out on Friday

Lily: that's amazing! how'd it go down?

So I explain to Lily how everything happened.

Lily: wow, he sounds dominant

Me: And I don't hate it 

Lily: ooo, that's a side I never knew about you

Me: yea, it's new to me too. but i'll live life as it happens

I start thinking of everything my mind can; happiness, excitement, my first date, questioning life, just everything. As sad as it sounds, I've never been on a date. I wasn't exactly the most popular person in school, but that's another story for another time. Taylor is offering me something I never dreamed of, so I'm excited to say the least. I can't wait for Friday. 

*author's note: sorry this chapter took so long to upload, my life as gotten crazy with the end of the semester and finals coming up. stay tuned for the third chapter!*

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