only a fool for diggory

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tw: cursing, s/a, crying

y/n a girl who was a slytherin. she was fifteen and starting her fourth year at hogwarts. she was friends with draco malfoy and his goons but also including blaise zabini and pansy parkinson.

pansy was a bitch sometimes but she was still there for you no matter what. you had met her on the train in first year as with blaise and draco. when you were sorted into slytherin just like the other three, you four became the best of friends and growing up with them was something you wouldn't trade anything for.

but as time went on and you kids grew older, drama filled the air as with most situations. pansy developed a crush on draco but was soon rejected after draco told her no and that he'd like someone else. you didn't know it yet but blaise and pansy knew after the night draco told them, he liked you, a lot in fact.

ever since pansy would have her moments with you and you didn't know why but she'd always forgive and forget because she knew your friendship was more meaningful than a boy.

so here the four Slytherins were sitting at the table waiting for the first feast of term to begin. but before anything could start an announcement was made by dumbledore about the triwizard tournament. you had of course heard stories about it, your father had put his name in the goblet but luckily didn't compete because he was not chosen. draco had always dreamed of competing in the cup and you had always told him not to incase he got hurt. you were just being a caring friend.

after the speech was concluded and the tournament rules were set, thats when everyone in the hall went mad. "for safety, wizards and witches under the age of seventeen cannot enter their name in the goblet of fire!" dumbledore announced. draco's face went pale and he scrunched his eyebrows. you saw the anger in his face and you and pansy couldn't help but snicker to yourselves as blaise was trying to hold him down from screaming at the headmaster.

after the feast you four got up to proceed to the common room. on the way though you and pansy needed to go to the bathroom. so as you told the boys you'd meet them in there you bumped into a certain tall boy. you looked up and saw the yellow on his robes. he was a hufflepuff. "my bad!" he said placing his hands on your shoulders. you couldn't breathe nor speak or even move for that matter. he was gorgeous. pansy smirked to herself by your lack of confidence but she nudged you in the shoulder which brought you back to reality. "oh um i'm sorry! that was my bad!" you responded. he gave you a smile before reaching for you hand and placing a gentle kiss on the top. "i am cedric diggory." he said staring at you in the eyes. you tried to keep in the excitement. "i'm y/n l/n." you said back smiling. he released your hand and said goodbye. he had told you he'd love to see you again, which made both you and pansy drool in surprise.

pansy and you started walking back to the common room forgetting about going to the bathroom.

as you made it back you saw the boys on the couch arguing about who knows what. as you and pansy sat down you and her couldn't help but smile and sneak glances at each other. draco saw the contact between the two of you and asked. "alright what happened? why are you two smiling like idiots?" draco said. blaise placed down his cup of pumpkin juice he'd snuck away from the great hall and listened in. pansy had a big smile on her face.

you took a deep breath trying to hold in your smile. "a boy... named cedric diggory just said hi!" you said. pansy and you looked at each other never taking off the smiles. you saw a fault in draco's look but couldn't place your finger on what it was.

pansy chimed in though and kept the conversation going. "we were heading the the girls lavatory right? and so y/n bumped into someone and its was cedric diggory and he kissed her hand!" pansy said trying to wipe the smile of her face but failing. blaise eyed draco who was now looking at his shoes. you saw something of sadness in him and your smile faltered.

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