he's not all that

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pretty short

Y/n was getting ready for school, nervous about her chemistry test. She had been a straight A student in school but chemistry was always a tough subject, even for her. Y/n was a smart girl at her school. She was an honor roll student who had amazing marks on her conduct, no record of disciplinary actions and even tutored students outside of school during her free time because she had nothing else to do. Her goal was to make it into one of the eight Ivy League schools. Her parents always told her, "You'll always make us proud no matter what your scores were." But Y/n couldn't except that to be enough.

So she worked her tail off to make sure she overachieved in school to satisfy herself. Maybe it was how she was born but no matter what got in her way, she didn't let it bring her down.

It was seven-fifteen in the morning, the girl was brushing her hair in her bathroom as her dad called her downstairs so they could leave for school. She rushed out of her bathroom and quickly put on her school uniform. A plaid red skirt, a white button down blouse tucked into the skirt, her schools plaid red tie wrapped around the collar and lastly her black but white lined blazer. She slipped on her black socks and shoes.

As she ran downstairs she was met with the smell of sweet syrup. Y/n turned her head to the dining room table and saw breakfast waiting for her. She sat down and had a few bites before her dad called for her again and she groaned shoving a pancake into her mouth.

"C'mon sweetheart! You're going to be late." Y/n's dad called from the door. To his surprise, his daughter popped around the corner, ran out the door past him and into the car. Her father got in and they drove off.

"Today I have my chemistry test dad, that's why I stayed up last night studying so late. I would've been up on time but because of that-" she was cut off. "You need to get sleep y/n. I know you want to graduate and have the highest ranking in your class but you also need sleep." Her father said. Y/n sighed knowing he was right this time but she pushed it down because right now, she needed to review her vocabulary for the test.

As her father pulled up to entrance of the school, a boy with platinum hair and grey eyes was walking by. He had black trousers on with the same white, button down shirt and red plaid tie. The schools black blazer was thrown over it. He was laughing with his friends. His name was Draco Malfoy.

He was the complete definition and utter abomination to the phrase, 'bad boy'. He was an average C student, which was compelling to the fact that in middle school he had straight A's. He would be caught at any kind of club around town on a Friday night. He didn't smoke, but he did drink. He's rumored to have slept with most girls at school and he was always in detention for something stupid. He was the 'bad boy' of every girls dream. Except Y/n Y/l/n.

They are complete opposites so why would the two be even close to being fond of each other?

"Have a good day!" Y/n's dad said handing Y/n her backpack. As Y/n walked to her locker, her bestfriend came up to her. "Well good morning, ready for the chemistry test?" Luna asked. "Oh gosh, I stayed up so late last night studying that I was almost late this morning, does that answer your question?" Y/n responded. Luna laughed and stopped a few lockers down from Y/n's. The girls got their things and headed to class.

As expected, Y/n passed her test with a 98% and Luna passed with a 92%. Y/n was at her locker when she felt a presence behind her. As she turned around she was met with those stone grey eyes staring into hers. "You're Y/n right?" Draco asked. Y/n turned back to her locker to grab her lunch and notebook. "Who's asking?" Y/n responded as she closed the metal door.

Draco blocked her from walking away and got close to her, "I am. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said with confidence. Y/n took a few seconds to blankly stare at him before pushing past him and heading towards the lunch hall. "Oh I see you're feisty.." Draco followed after her and began to annoy her.

"So what's the school like, short stuff?" Draco said, simply not noticing the trigger this would cause in Y/n. Y/n stopped in her tracks, turned around with angry brows and stepped closer. She didn't know where the confidence had came from, she didn't know why she was wasting her time in defending herself when the wisest and most simplistic thing to do would be to walk away.

But she didn't.

"Don't you dare call me short, you git. I am five foot four, which according to the women's statistical height analysis, that's an inch taller than average!" She ended, as she walked away and left Draco in his own bewilderment.

Y/n sat down at her lunch table with her friends Hermione, Harry, Ron, Luna, Neville and Ginny. "So what did you make on your chemistry test?" Hermione asked, Ron swallowed a piece of chicken before interrupting Hermione. "Why do you even ask her? You know she got a 100!" He said. Hermione watched Ron in disgust as he scarfed down a chicken leg. "This isn't prison Ron, nobody will take your food." Harry input. Y/n laughed to herself and began to take out her lunch.

"I made a 98 actually. I stayed up late last night studying so I believe the lack of sleep caused me to miss some questions." Luna looked over and raised her right brow, "What did your mother pack this time?" Y/n smiled as she took off the lid to her bento, "My favorite actually." Y/n grabbed her fork and began to dig in. Her fellow classmates and friends following.

To Y/n's despair, Draco was on the other side of the cafeteria eyeing the girl from afar. He seemed to have caught an interest in the girl after she stormed off with an attitude. He was only going to seduce his way into getting the answers to some test questions. He kinda knew who she was due to the rumors of her being the second smartest girl in school, behind Hermione of course.

Once lunch was beginning to end, Draco took the opportunity and sprinted over to Y/n. Y/n's friends stopped with her as the idiot clearly wasn't going to let her go anywhere. "What do you want with her Malfoy?" Ginny spoke. Draco scoffed at her and turned his back so Y/n couldn't glance at her friends for help. "Listen, I like really need those answers and I know Hermione won't give them to me. You're my only hope dork." Draco whispered. Harry stepped around the two with Ron. "Leave her alone Malfoy-" Y/n cut Harry off.

"For the second and last time Draco Malfoy, I will not under any circumstances let an inconvenience like you get me in trouble. I wont give you the answers to the test and I will not go on a date with you either. Your "street cred" is not as cool as you think it may be and to be blunt with you, you are NOT my type. Now leave me alone and don't think about pulling this close again, otherwise I'll file for sexual assault. Good day." Y/n shoved into Draco's shoulder making her feel overpowered with confidence.

The rest of her friends were too stunned to speak and the girls started following her. Luna was snickering as she ate the rest of her gummy worms and Ginny threw her arm around you. "That's my girl! Finally getting some backbone into you!" Y/n laughed to herself.

Draco stood where he originally was before. Fuming at the fact that someone would stand up to him like that in front of everyone but also very interested in the girl who just laid a F-U bomb. Draco never knew Y/n but now he wanted to.

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