Well this has more drama than a British soap opera

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Peter POV

My eyes stung as they seemed glued shut. Unable to open themselves. I raised my right hand but it just felt

Where was I? Lights flashed in a blur. Where the hell was I? 

I blink some more, still, drowsy from the drink. Yes, that was right. I had drunk. Or I was drunk. I was with Liz on the bathroom floor. Why was I in the bathroom? I wasn't in the bathroom anymore. 

I felt the sheets below me. Warm, soft smelling sheets. I twisted pieces of the materials between my shaking fingers and then it all came back. I was in a bed, whose bed?

I had kissed Liz. Wait, no I hadn't 

Suddenly, my eyes and I could see everything around me. I was in my spare room at the Stark's. Then faces started to form; May, Pepper and Mr Stark. Sat in a circle. 

"Why- what" I murmur. Then I felt it. A sick lurching at the back of my throat. I reached for the side of my bed and hoped there was something there to catch it. There was - it was all good.

"Peter" May intimated in her stern tone she did when she was cross with me

"There was blood on the wall" I breathe heavily "Blood on the wall"

"We know" Pepper replies "Or at least you told us"

"You were very drunk, Peter" May scorns in her parental tone "That's illegal you know"

"Liz? Did she poison me?" I question, not exactly wanting to hear the answer

"She gave you shots and you drunk it like it was juice"  May replies

"But there was definitely something on the wall," I say decisively "I'm telling you"

Mr Stark looks at me doubtfully, before claiming that I was just drunk. Or it could have just been a prank. But it wasn't I knew it wasn't. It was haunting. I turn to look at Aunt May, pushing my hand back as I did so.

"Liz was so drunk she couldn't see it!" I scorn, getting angrier by the minute "it was real, go see for yourself if you're so sure" 

"Peter, back to the subject through" May interrupts, not really caring for my  "you were so drunk you passed out!"

"Oh, and what the hell were you doing here" Tony intervenes as he clicks a button on the remote to show pictures from the day before. Me with that dreaded knife. I shuddered at the sight of it. How could I have thought of doing that? I wasn't that type of person. I wasn't worried about me soo much but how on edge this would put May

He shows the clip of me acting out in pure anger

"And this is why I have a tracker in your suit"

"If you took it from my suit then why not just turn the screen to see why I dropped it eventually" I retort trying not to look at May as her teary expression would only make me more upset

"It's not there" he replies looking slightly confused but also relived 

I get up to check his laptop. It had to be there. Why wouldn't it be? Where was it if it wasn't there

"Goddammit" I curse loudly, slamming my fists down beside the computer "this was my one chance... to prove.. that she's actually here"

"So that's what this is?" Mr Stark remarks "how many times have I told you. She's not out there. If she was I would have found her by now. It's all in your mind. Stop putting yourself through this pain"

"But she is out there. And shes lost. And she's scared and the universe is sending us messages and you're just ignoring them. I swear I saw her. Why don't you believe me?"I ramble wanting to give up.

Mr Stark goes to retaliate when Pepper pushes in 

"I can't listen to you guys fight like this. I wasn't gonna reveal it like this" she says calmly "I have it"

"Have what, hun?" he asks

And then she returns, a memory stick between two fingers. There is a deep silence filling the room as she sticks it in the computer

"This is all the proof you should need" she admits

And then it played the dreaded clip. I didn't want to watch it again. I couldn't physically ta someone seeing her in such a state - it made every nerve in my body tingle

She was crying for me, calling my name but I was just standing there, powerless. I wanted to be a hero but how could I be when we were in different fucking dimensions

Tony POV

"Well shit" I breathe heavily to no response "Shit" I shout this time "that'. our daughter" I cry "that's our daughter"

Panic started to set in. I couldn't just leave her out there. I needed to do something. I couldn't believe that I had been so foolish. How could not have seen, something so simple?

"I need to do something" I pace, pulling at my hair

"Start with the blood on the wall at the hotel" Pete suggests

"FRIDAY, call Banner, we're going looking for my girl" I order before leaving the room, too saddened by the clip to say anything else. 


Pepper POV: 

A few minutes later, my train of thought was interrupted by a scream of pain. 

I turned to look at Peter, who had been lectured by Aunt May on the effects of drinking. At first, I thought it was just an angry yell but then I saw there was a red liquid flowing in his arm, pulsating and pumping as if it were alive. 

I go to grab the bed and send a signal to tony to get back here ASAP but he stops me with one finger pressing on my hand. 

"Don't" he demands furiously

"But Peter, I've never seen this happen before. We need to call someone - the police anyone" May frets

"No I can reach her like this" he shouts "trust me, I've never done it while awake."

"But Peter" May breathes sporadically

"Get me a notebook" he tells me in between howling in agony "I have an idea"

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