Chloe Edwards

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Dear Diary,
    As an introvert, I often find it awkward and tiring to open up to people. But keeping my emotions trapped isn't the best solution either I believe. My friends tell me that I should express my emotions more to people and I decided to tell you my story. I mean talking to you is easier, besides what's the difference between you and a person? You won't answer me of course (no offense), you will just listen to me while I tell you what astounding thing had happened to me last summer.

    My mom always tells me it is rude not to introduce yourself. So Diary, my name is Chloe Edwards, 16 years old and I was born in LA. My hair is long wavy blonde and I have sparkly gray eyes. I have Cupid's Bow Lips and my nose is small and refined. My face is oval. I hope I sent a close image of how I look to your brain. I live with my parents, my brother, my sister and my dog Oreo. We now know each other, nice to meet you, Diary.


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