Chance And Elin Reunited

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K swore in three different languages as Kurt teleported her to the bunker, and she reached out for something to lean on. "Warn me next time!"

The other four people in the bunker — the rest of their little team — all turned on hearing their arrival, and there was no mistaking the huge grin that Natasha wasn't even trying to hide as she rushed over to Logan and pulled him into an honest-to-God bear hug.

"You didn't miss me, did you?" Logan said low as he returned the hug.

"Shut up," she muttered, hugging him harder as Clint chuckled at that and ran over to give K a hug before Wade could get there.

"What's the big deal making the news without me?" he teased her.

"Not my idea, torture hubby," she told him. "How's our sparkly child?"

"Been wrapped up with his sparkly little one," Clint replied with a grin. "Trying to teach him that hitting is a no-no when you can break people at his age."

"Vicious lies," she countered before she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Scott had hung back a bit for Clint and Natasha to run in, but while Kate and Wade were now occupied with both of the little girls as Wade oohed and ahhed over Elin, he slid over to pull K into a quick hug. "It's good to have you back."

"You're still too pushy," K told him, pulling him tighter. "Now hug me right, or I'll stab you entirely out of spite."

He actually laughed at that before he picked her up off the ground and spun her in a hug. "You're right; sorry about that."

"You look like you need a little break, oh, hero mine," she told him as she took him by the hand and pulled him toward the girls. "Flicka," she called out, and Elin squirmed away from Kate to make her way over to her mother. "She likes tickles," K told Scott.

Scott broke into a wide smile at that as he looked over the little girl and crouched down. "Remember me?" he asked.

Elin giggled a little and booped him on the nose. "Slim."

Scott shook his head and then looked over his shoulder at Logan — though it was impossible to hide the fact that he was still grinning before he turned back to the little girl. "Close enough," he decided before he picked her up and started to tickle her.

When she'd had enough, she grabbed him by the cheeks and gave him a very quick and gentle kiss, then snuggled into his shoulder. Scott visibly melted right back, settling in with her with his back against the couch, content to stay there for as long as she wanted him to, though they both looked tired — and she yawned and rested her hand on his mouth as she settled in.

It wasn't long at all before she was asleep — and Scott looked like he wasn't far behind. After all, it had been go-go-go to get the last members of their team back. And now? Now he was relaxing for the first time in a long time, and his body craved sleep.

"I guess we're stuck here for a little bit," Logan said when he saw the sleeping baby passed out on Scott's chest.

"We'll get back to the house later," Kurt said. "Jubilee is waiting to likely read me the riot act for taking so long to bring you back."

While Logan was shaking his head at Kurt's not-so-subtle methods of keeping them around, Clint had snagged Natasha back from Logan for just a moment. He looped an arm around her and tipped his head K's way. "I think she's trying to steal my look, Nat. Should I be flattered — or worried she's becoming a groupie?"

K looked his way with one raised eyebrow. "No, I was tired of everyone taking me so seriously, so I figured this was the quickest way to avoid that. Emulate the bimbo look."

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