Set Up

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The child ran down the stairs of his large house, a huge smile on his face. The only thing that didn't seem to stop him was the attitude of those who were round the house. One person seemed to have been on the child's mind as he continued to run, more than happy to spend his day with said person.

Despite the seeming determination that the child had when woken up, he stopped and even fell backwards. In front of him was a figure... a shadowed female figure, nothing seemed to let up the identity. And then the figure approached the child, angry and very much crying. A shaking hand reached out when a voice came for him and took him out of the scene.

"Eagle One, you there? This is Little Wolf calling in, don't tell me you went and died on me." A gruff, male voice came over the radio, the frown that was no doubt on his face coming through in his tone as he spoke.

"A dream. It was all a dream." Chris McLean thought, getting up from a tree trunk, grabbing the radio from beside him.

"Little Wolf, calling to as if Eagle One is alive."

"Eagle One here. What's up Little Wolf?" Chris said into his radio.

"Finally. No sign of the Bear yet, how's it going on your end?" Hatchet asked "Other than a nice nap?"
"No the sign of the Bear. Not yet." Chris answered

"All right, we should keep going. Little Wolf, signing off over and out."

"Eagle One out." Replied Chris, putting down his radio in its previous place where he found it.

He heaved a sigh

"All for this one Bear." He thought, boarding the nearby ATV he brought for his search and drove off.

The setting right now is Pahkitew Island, which name translated to 'Explosion', if Chris got his translation correct. Letting Hatchet do the other translations of team names and getting them wrong he somewhat wondered if that was the right one. This island was also the setting for the most recent Total Drama season, and although the season was over and done with, Chris and Hatchet remained on the island in search of the aforementioned Bear. One very interesting and potentially dangerous Bear and that is something for a Bear. Both people that were doing the searching were pretty infamous for being cocky and loving a lot of danger. Chris McLean, the host with the most. Everyone thought of him as the main face of the show throughout the seasons. And hated by the contestants and would say that he got worse over the past three or four years that they knew him, although producers thought the opposite and kept him on as the host of the show for his over the top personality, or so they say.

Then there was Chef Hatchet. He was originally hired to be mainly the cook and only the cook, though he was 'allowed' to appear on the show as an unofficial part of the show for funny interactions between him and the contestants. But that eventually that eventually evolved and his original role somewhat ignored as he got more of an upgrade in a role and he couldn't be happier being the unofficial co-host of the show. Some even forget that Hatchet even was a cook originally to be honest.

Thinking about it now, Chris thought that the two of them made a very good team together. He really did. These past four years that the two worked together, they really got close, in Chris' opinion. Hatchet probably thought the same Chris hoped. There was even a time that they had previously shared together long before Total Drama, time notwithstanding, since it had been several years since their college days.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Chris whirled around after a screeching halt of his ATV. Focusing on the area behind him, he narrowed his eyes. He heard something, he knew it. Getting off his ATV and making a motion to grab his radio and a special baton, not keeping his eyes off of the bushes where the noise and movements came from, Chris himself moved slowly towards the area. Pushing the bush with the baton revealed nothing. Chris breathed out in annoyance as he relaxed and walked back to put his stuff back on the ATV to keep on moving forwards. Revving it up, moving forwards and trying to clear his mind.

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