Train and Night

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"You know." Topher said out loud, spinning on his heel to face Shawn. His previous fear and anger seemed to have disappeared completely.

This was the only moment that Shawn bumped into Topher due to not paying attention to looking ahead of him.

"Huh? What?" Shawn asked, taking his headphones out to properly give Topher his full attention.

Topher gave him an eyebrow raise to an arguably confused guy in front of him.

"You never struck me as one to wear headphones." Topher said

"It's surprisingly calming." Shawn answered "Despite them drowning everything out.... Which is probably why they are calming I guess?"

"Look at you, enjoying something for once." Topher said completely amused Shawn only rolling his eyes.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" Asked Shawn

"This completely feels like this one movie I saw a few years back." Replied Topher "Kinda mad that I didn't think about it earlier."

"You were pretty mad earlier. And a movie?" Shawn asked

"Yeah a movie. You might not enjoy them, but I still can't shake it off. The feeling that I've seen this before I mean." Topher rambled "Just look at us. Four boys, train tracks that are on some way too big of a height to be safe and we're looking for something huge. All we need is a jerkass older brother and equally jerkass gang of friends to be chasing us to seal the deal."

All Shawn did was raise his own eyebrows, wondering why in the world the person in front of him decided now out of all times to talk about a movie in the middle of a train track. Especially if he couldn't even remember the title of the movie in the first place as well as every minor complaint of not being chased by a gang. During this time, over several hundreds of feet behind them that should have taken them several minutes to catch up with the other two were Max and Beardo. Still slugging away at going with a very slow pace due to Max still crawling, Beardo having his patience being very much tested at that moment.

Nothing seemed to have changed at the pace of Max and it also looked like nothing was changing his mind for hurrying up at the time. In fact, it seemed completely possible to some people that Max slowed down to an even slower pace than before. If something like that was even possible, Beardo looking up at and saw that both Topher and Shawn had stopped in the tracks, more than likely assuming that the two of them were waiting for the other half of the team to eventually catch up with them. And Beardo played every mental game that he could think of to occupy his time for the past couple of hours. That included going over some math and a very single person version of I-Spy. Though he did think he saw some smoke behind a bunch of trees that were long behind the group. Out of sheer curiosity, Beardo bent down to feel the tracks to confirm his fears as another look behind him, seeing black and grey billowing smoke coming closer and closer to the group, Beardo standing up very quickly and with a very scared look on his face. With one very large shout in the one and only time that the other three would ever hear him like that, giving them cause to think that something was wrong.

"TRAIN!" He yelled, getting the other two ahead to whip their heads to his position as his voice carried over the canyon.

The train's horn announcing its presence and it officially moved its way around the corner into sight. Topher and Shawn's faces losing a lot of blood as they saw it.

"Oh shit." Max said crawling faster as only an idiot would do in this situation.

"Move it man!" Shawn ordered Topher, who already started his run. Honestly not needing any sort of order or motivation to do so.

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