Lost Boys, Sudden Train Tracks

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Beardo woke up to see that Shawn was the first one up, as usual. After that, the two found, or nearly found a lot was out of place on the island since yesterday. The surrounding area for starters was less wooded than they found themselves in yesterday, though there were still trees here and there. The air, they found, was a lot sharper and what the woods was replaced was more fields and run-down items were here and there among the very tall grass. The next to wake up and walk up to the other two was Max, getting the same shocked and rightfully confused looking face as the others.

"What..." Max trailed off

"I... don't have anything." Shawn replied

"This is a dream. It has to be." Topher commented now up and active like the rest.

Shawn only shook his head, Beardo agreed and Max was the only one who gave a vocal response.

"I really don't think so." He said

Topher's only response was to pinch himself on the arm and various other places in attempts to try and wake himself up.

"We should pack up and call Chris." Shawn finally said "I really don't think we should be in the same place for long."

Beardo and Max were the only ones who moved to pack up the base camp. Topher was still in some sort of disbelief about the situation. Shawn during the meantime was making the attempt to call Chris McLean only to have no luck, much to his frustration.

"No luck." Stated Shawn as Beardo and Max finished packing up. "Looks like we're gonna have to start walking and try calling again."

The two nodded and Topher stumbled over to the other three. With some backpacks over the shoulders, Topher's in hand in tow, the four were off in a seemingly random direction across the new field. A good ten minutes later was when the group made it to some sort of tree gathering. A lot less than what they saw the previous day on the island. And if they were being honest, the walk to get there took a lot longer than it did to walk through it and soon enough the four found themselves in front of another wide field.

"This is impossible. Absolutely impossible." Shawn muttered the obvious before following the other three across the field.

None of them remember any of their surroundings during their stay on the island the first time that they were there. There were some basic fields if they were honest, but they were small compared to the one that they were at, nothing on Pakitew Island indicated that a field like this would even exist on location. Yet they still pressed on across the field with a lack of too many better options that were presenting itself. Shawn again going about fiddling with the radio, just in case it decided to start working again for him.

"Spade to Eagle One." Shawn said into the radio "Eagle One do you read me?"

No reply came through the radio as usual, so Shawn decided to try someone else, in the off chance that it would work.

"Spade to Little Wolf. Little Wolf come in." Said Shawn

This time, he was in luck, much to his surprise and happiness. Hatchet's voice cackled through the radio in response.
"This is Little Wolf. What is it?" Hatched asked.

Shawn noting that there was some surprise in his voice as he spoke. More than likely not expecting to get any other calls from anyone, other than Chris McLean.

"We might have run into a problem." Shawn said

"What's the problem?" Hatchet asked, his voice getting tense.

"Nothing is what it was since yesterday." Shawn told him slowly, not fully knowing how to explain himself. Or the situation. "We are currently in a very large field that was previously not on Pahkitew Island."

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