Stop- Elijah Wood Imagine

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Hi so I had this idea the other day and I thought it was pretty ok so yeah
Trigger warning - Talks of A family member Death, Funerals, depression.
I knew I'd get the call. I was LA with my boyfriend Elijah. My brother died of lung cancer due to smoking. Elijah doesn't know. He smokes. He knows I don't like it and he try's to hide it but it doesn't work very well. The funeral was in three days. Elijah and I got on the plane.
"Please, I know it's hard but talk to me please." Elijah begged. I want to, but I can't. It'd turn to screams and saying things I don't mean. I want him to stop I can't watch him go like my brother.
I simply shake my head and face the window
Elijah sighs and sits beside me. He looks at me. I know he's looking at me because I can feel his eyes burn a hole in the back of my head. I turn my head to face forward and I lay it back and close my eyes. Listening to the people on the plane talking and listening the plane shake as we lift of the ground.
Time skip
We landed and got off the plane, grabbing our luggage in the overhead department first. We walked out of the plane and to the luggage pick up. After about thirty minute we found our luggage and went to meet my mom who was picking us up. We went to the pick up part of the airport. I saw mom she looked tired and sad. She hugged me and then Elijah. We walked to the car in silence. Elijah looked at me the entire car ride with his sad beady eyes. We arrived to my old house and slowly walked into my old childhood room with Elijah following behind. I walked in and there everything was. My poster covered walls, my bed with hundreds of pillows, blankets and teddy bears. There was my almost completely empty closet. I put the extra pillows ,teddy bears, and blankets in my closet.
I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. There was some pizza on the counter that everyone seemed to dig into already. I grabbed my slice and sat at the counter while Elijah and my parents talk.
I went and lates in bed and heard the door open. I saw Elijah walk in and lay down basically on top of me due to the tiny amount of space we had on my bed. I turned around and fell asleep instantly.
Time skip
Today we had to set up for the funeral of my brother. We drove to the place he was being buried we set up the chairs around where he was to be buried. We drove home and went to the back yard setting up a couple tables for the reception. I try to keep the tears in but they start to trickle my face. I walk into the house and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and look into the mirror. I dry my face and walk back outside to see no one but Elijah.
We went back inside for lunch. We ate sushi and Elijah and my parents talked as I sulked in silence. After we ate we heard a knock on the door and there stood my sister. She looked okay. She didn't look as bad as me. I hugged her and she hugged me. We didn't say anything we just hugged. Elijah and I walked into my room and just laid down. He was talking to me but I wasn't paying much attention. It was only threeish so the sun was still out. I opened my window and looked out of it, Elijah realized I wasn't listening so he sighed and sat up and rested his head on my shoulder. I didn't move much. I didn't rest my head on his head I just sat there. We sat like that until my mom came in saying it was dinner. We had pot pie and I wasn't paying attention to anything anyone was saying. All the sudden Y/S/N shot up.
"You are so selfish Y/N" I looked up with a questioning look. "I mean I get it you and Y/B/N were close but so were me and him! We are all mourning but you are being a pain in the ass about it!" Y/S/N screamed.
"Y/S/N!" My parents both yelled. "Why are you yelling at me!" She yelled at my parents. "She has a different way of mourning than us." Y/S/N sighed angrily and sat back down staring at me in anger. I got up in annoyance and anger grabbed my plate and went to put it in the sink but dropped it in the process. I groaned I frustration and tried to pick everything up. My mom and Elijah both ran over to help pick to glass up. "It's fine I got it." I said but they kept helping. "I said I can do it!" I yelled at them. They threw away the glass they picked up and left me to do the rest so I don't lash again.
Once I finished cleaning I went into my room and grabbed some extra cloths and a towel out of the closet down the hall quietly saying
"I'm getting In the shower if that's okay." Earning an 'okay' from my mom.
I went into the bathroom and removed my cloths and got into the shower. I let the hot water run down my body and I put shampoo into my hair and scrubbed it in. I washed that out and the conditioned my hair and let it sit. I didn't realize I was crying until I made a whimper. As I finish washing my hair I let more tears leave my eyes. I turned off the shower and wrapped the towel around my body and dried my body then putting my pajamas on and wrapping my hair into the towel.
I walked into my bedroom and closed the window and the blinds. I laid back down and fell asleep slowly but surly.
Time skip
Today was the day of the funeral. I woke up and put on a black dress that was a little passed my knees and was flowing. I put my hair into a bun and put on a light amount of makeup. Elijah wore a black suit and my mom and sister wore a black shirt with a black skirt and my dad also wore a black suit. We drove to were the funeral was being held. We had to greet the friends and other family members who arrived at the funeral. Once everyone was here we sat down my mom then dad then my sister than Elijah. We all gave our speeches about my brother. As I watched the casket lower I let some tears free from my eyes.
After the funeral we all drove back to my parents house where we were staying and where the reception would be. We got there a put the food out onto the table out back. I served the food and drinks. I saw Elijah talking with my parents.
Elijah's POV
"Yeah Y/N and Y/B/N were very close." Y/N's mom told me. "I've heard, do you know why she won't open up to me?" I asked, I felt I had to ask. I regretted asking when her mom let out a deep sigh. "Her brother was a smoker, and that's how he died. He got lung cancer and it took him, that's how her grandma went too, she doesn't want to see you go like that." Her mom explained, "She's not great at holding in her emotions." Her mom finished saying. "So what you're saying is she isn't talking to me because she's afraid she'll yell at me because I smoke." I asked to make sure I heard that right. Her mom nodded. I sighed. And then said a quick 'thank you' than ran outside to Y/N.
"Come with me." I said grabbing Y/N's hand.
"I'm busy." She said with no emotion.
"Please I want to talk to you." She sighed and came along with me into the house. We walked into her room.
"You're mom explained why you've been ignoring me." I said then all the sudden she bursted into tears.
"You should've told me he died because of him smoking." I said hugging her.
"You could've yelled at me to stop and thrown away all my cigarettes and called a doctor so I can get help when you found out he died." I said again.
"I don't want to go through this again love. I'll get help, you just needed to tell me how much I needed help because I didn't know he died like this and if I did I would've tried to stop earlier." She nodded.
"I'm sorry Elijah." She said and let a sob follow after. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "It's okay my love." I said kissing her head.

"I'm going to stop. I'm going to get help I promise." I said.
I hope you guys enjoyed it's 1559 words

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