Chapter One

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"Jason! Hurry up or you'll be late for school!" His mother shouted from downstairs.
Jason's head was buried under the pillow as he groaned.
His yellowish hair peeked out from under the covers.
He got up and  dressed in a plain shirt with jeans and sneakers.
He looked in the mirror and shook his hair in place.
Jason had bright blue eyes and an excellent body build.
His sport activities was enough exercise for him so there was no need to gym.
He did gymnastics, ballet and played the piano.
Despite all his activities he was a straight A student and made both his parents proud.
"Hey mom." Jason greeted as he sat down at the table for some breakfast.
"Poached egg on bread... Hhmmm..." Jason said making his mother laugh.
She worked at her own art store just across from his school.
He and his friends hanged out there and sometimes grab a bite at the dinner next to it.
"You'll need your strength for today young man, it's the first day of school." She said with a smile, which he returned.
"Jason will do well wherever he is." Sally said, she was his little sister.
Just two years behind him and she loved teasing him.
"All the girls in school loves him." She said dragging the word 'love.'
She was the nerdy type, wore glasses, a ponytail and never competed a day in her life.
Of course their parents loved both of them equally and never saw one more important than the other.
This was one quality Jason loved about his family.
"Mom you  driving me?" Sally asked.
"Absolutely not." Jason's mother said as he came through the front door, wesring his suit and lavender tie.
"Hey dad." Jason greeted.
"Hey, Petunia would you mind taking the kids to school today?" He asked.
Yeah, their parents had a rule of some sort.
"I thought it was your turn!" She complained to his father who only smiled.
One week their mother would take them to school and then the next week their father.
He was a Veterinarian and loved working with animals.
"It's time to switch!" He reminded her as he waltzed up to the kitchen, dancing with her.
He kissed her and they kept dancing in the kitchen.
"Eeeww... Come on bro before we get infected." Sally said as she grabbed her bag and walked out the door.
Jason brushed his teeth and followed his sister.
They both waited by the car as the two love birds came out of the house.
"Twenty five years and they still act this way, do you believe there's a love like that for everyone?" Sally asked him.
"Of course, you just have to find it first." He answered.
"Alright kids get in." Their dad said.
He wanted to open the door for their mother, but Jason stopped him.
"It's good dad I've got it. You'll be late  get going." He said and opened the door for her.
"That's my boy, have a great day!" He shouted while walking off to his car.
Jason's father was really strict on him when it came to gentlemanly behavior.
His parents were loving caring people and they never got mad about anything.
There is one thing they hated, when those rules weren't obeyed.
"Remember your speech Sally?" Petunia asked.
"I'm going over it now just to make sure." She said.
"How about you? You nervous?" She asked.
"What for? First day of school, new year new everything. I'm a little excited." He said with a smile.
"I'm glad, have a wonderful day you two." She said as they got out of the car.
Jason opened the door for his sister and she thanked him.
As Jason walked through the front gates, the football team, the swimming team and the baseball team were trying to recruit him.
"I'm fine thanks guys." He said and dismissed them.
"Hey Goose and Bobby!" Jason shouted.
His two friends turned around and waved at him.
Now you would think that a hot jock had hot friends, it wasn't like that at all.
Jason's friends were geeks and total nerds.
Goose's real name is Zac and he has allergies for almost everything.
He makes the strangest noises when he sneeze and hence the nickname.
Bobby has to wear prescription glasses thicker than pencil led to see, his face is also covered in pimples.
Goose was currently blowing his nose on a handkerchief when Jason walked up to them.
"What's up my man!" Bobby said and gave him a nice handshake.
"How was your holiday?" Jason asked as the three of them walked to their lockers.
"Here he comes!" Gis squealed.
Goose and Bobby loved the attention Jason gave off, they said thag even though girls doesn't notice them in that way.
They could at least pretend that was fhe case when they were with him.
Jason also made it clear to them after they got into a huge fight.
He told them that he's friends with them for who they are and not because he wanted to make himself look good.
Goose replied:"Yeah man, your ego isn't that big and you're not a dick."
They laughed about it afterwards and were inseparable since.
No one else understood why Jason hanged out with them, only the three of them knew the truth.
"So Jason, how is your sister?" Bobby asked.
"She's good, she's just in a angry mode right now." He replied while opening his locker.
Love letters came falling out which only made him sigh as Goose helped him pick them up.
"Woah... This one even smells nice. Seriously dude, what will it take for you to try and date a girl cause we both know you're not gay  despite the stuff you do." Goose said.
"Hey, ballet is not a gay sport. It's not easy either." Jason defended.
"Yes, but if you say that then why haven't we ever seen you do it. You never invited us to any of your preformances." Bobby commented.
"Yeah, maybe cause I'm afraid you'll judge me too soon." He said causing them to laugh.
"Really man? We're not that low." They said and tapped his shoulder before getting to class.
Jason walked into math class, where all the girls were staring at him.
He took a seat near the window and there was an open seat next to him.
He placed his bag there to keep the girls away and the jocks.
"Hey hey hey! How is my class this morning?!" Mr. Stevens said as he stepped into the classroom.
Jason didn't pay much attention as he gazed out of the window.
"We have a new student and I want you all to give a nice warm welcome to Miss Lucy Adams." He said.
"Just take an empty seat." Mr. Stevens said as he turned around to write something on the board.
Lucy walked through the rows and sesrched for an empty seat, until she found one.
She stood next to table and tried to sit but felt there was something on the chair.
She cleared her throat but heard no response.
"Excuse me." She said.
"The seat is occupied, find another one." Jason dismissed.
"There is no other seat." She said and moved his bag so that she could sit down.
He turned his head and saw the most strangest girl ever, yet she was so beautiful to him.
He noticed something a little strange, her eyes were covered with dark glasses.
She had a dark pixie cut, showing off her long slender neck.
Her shoes were two different kinds and she dressed oddly, heart-shaped stockings with a skirt under her knees and a white tank top with the words:
"Live your life fully" Painted on it.
She also had a lot of rings on her fingers and three earrings in one ear.
One long necklace that looked like a small glass bottle with hair in it.
"Hi, I'm Lucy." She said and stuck out her hand to greet him.
By the way she held her hand and kept her head forward, it wasn't hard to guess.
"Jason." He said but didn't shake her hand.
"So... What do you think of a storm?" She randomly asked casuing him to frown as he looked at her.
"I'm sorry?"
"Oh that's alright no need to apologize for not shaking my hand." She said with a smile.
"No, what I meant was... I'm sorry?" He said.
"Jeez no need to say it twice." She said.
"No, you misunderstood I'm just wondering why you asked such a question?" He said.
"Well, if that was your intent then there was no need for an apology question, to which I might not reply to. Besides, you should say what you mean and never leave anything out. You never know which word will be your last and I bet you didn't want your last words to be a rhetorical question with no reply. "She said and searched for her bag to take her books out.
This girl had a strange way of thinking.
"Do you still want an answer to your question or..." He said and she turned her head to his direction.
"Save your answer for the storm in your life." She replied.
"Roger Hemmings." He said casuing her to look at him, surprised.
"Well aren't you an educated man?" She said.
"Of course I'm in school." He said with a little scoff.
"True, but not all people are educated no matter if they are in school. Most of these minnows here are completely and utterly stupid, yet they believe that their clever. Now, reading Hemmings is not anyone's cup of tea. His work is hard to understand if you have a clouded mind. "She said just before the bell rang.
Lucy struggled to get up and took her neon pink cane out, sliding it open so that she could walk.
She slowly walked to the door, but bumped into the door frame.
Jason laughed slightly, but hurried to catch up to her.
She was walking down the hall where where everyone told her to 'watch it.'
"Hey, where are you heading?" He asked and she stopped.
"It's me, the guy who was sitting -"
"I'm blind not deaf." She interrupted with a smile causing him to smile back, even though she couldn't see it.
"Mind if I take you to your next class?" He asked.
"Wow, look at you. A few moments ago you wouldn't even shake my hand, now you're all cheerful.
Why is that?" She asked.
"I saw you struggling by yourself and I wanted to see if I could help in some way." He replied.
"Thanks but there's no need. I'll be fine on my own." She said with a smile and slowly walked ahead.
Jason couldn't leave it there and rushed over to her once more.
"If I can't walk you to class, could I maybe sit with you during lunch?" He asked and she stopped again.
"Please, I don't need your pity just cause I'm blind."
"Believe me that's not the case, I just wanted to talk to you about a few authors that's all." He explained abd she smiled sweetly.
She has such a nice smile.
He thought.
"Very well... Jake."
"Jason." He corrected.
"I'll see you at lunch." She said before walking again.
He watched her walk away until she dissapeard around ghe corner, all the while he was smiling.
Goose and Bobby noticed his sttange behavior, Jason never smiled like this when they were at school.
Suddenly someone tapped his shoulder and passed him a note.
He opened it and read the contents :
B: Yo, what the hell is with you today?
G: yeah its like you're on a different planet or something...
Jason wrote a reply on the small shriveled piece of paper and passed the note back the way it came.
Goose and Bobby opened it hastily and quick, eager to see what he wrote back.
J: sorry boys, it's a secret until furthur notice, but I can't join you for lunch today.
"This is so not like him." Goose said and Bobby nodded his head in agreement.
The time finally arrived for lunch to start and Jason was so excited that he could barely hold a thought in his head.
He rushed to the cafeteria and searched for the blind girl, but he didn't find her.
He went outside and looked for her, but he still didn't find her.
There was only one other place he could think of, the bathroom and right now he was standing in front of the girls lavatory.
He scrapped all his courage together and walked in, only to see the blind mystery girl standing at the sink.
She was covered in food and her clothes were all dirty.
"Hey, are you alright?" He asked.
His sudden question caused her to yelp and fall down on the ground.
"Who is there?" She asked and held her cane in the direction of the sound.
"Relax it's me, Roger Hemmings." He replied as he slowly made his way over to her.
"Oh... What are you doing in the girl's bathroom?" She asked and stood up from the floor.
"Well, I couldn't find you. I searched everywhere and this was the only place I could think of to come, besides you need to be really depressed or angry to eat lunch alone in a bathroom." He said with a little chuckle.
"Well as you can see I'm wearing the lunch." She replied.
This made him laugh harder than he had in quite a while, no ordinary girl could just make him laugh and yet she did without even trying.
"Come, I'll take you to a place where you can clean up." He said and walked over to her.
"Thanks but like I said I don't need your help." She said.
"Alright fine, walk in stinky clothes for the rest of the day." He said causing her to scoff.
"There's some clean clothes in my locker."
"Great, tell me which locker, the combination and I'll go get it for you." He offered.
"Yeah... Like I'm gonna trust a total stranger with my locker combination." She said with a sweet laugh.
"Fine, let me walk you to your locker."
"That won't be necessary." She said while making her way padt him.
"Are you always this stubborn?" He asked.
"No... Not usually just when I want to be." She replied.
He laughed and followed her to her locker.
She arrived and opened it, searching for her clothes.
"I wanted to ask you a question." He said.
"Go ahead, that's the reason why I agreed to having lunch with you." She said.
"Okay, well I was just wondering since you are blind... Why didn't your parents take you to a special school? Why a normal one?" He asked.
"Alright, let's go. I need to get out of these clothes." She said, avoiding the question.
He walked with her until the came to the end of the school grounds, where she suddenly stopped.
"Come on, it's just across the street." He said.
"No... I can't."
"Why not?" He asked.
"One, its not within the school grounds and two, I never crossed the street without holding someone's hand." She said causing him so walk back to her.
"My mom's shop is right there and I'll hold your hand."He explained as he tried to take her hand, but she yanked away from him.
"Touch me again and I'll kill you, you little son of a bitch!" She protested, looking angry and upset.
"What are you talking about? You told me that you needed to hold someone's hand while crossing the street." He said with utter confusion in his voice.
"Yes, I hold your hand not the other way around." She said and gently took hold of his hand.
Her hand was slimy and sticky from the food dripping down, but he didn't care.
He guided her across the street, to his mother's art shop.
"Crafty Creative Minds." He read to her and she smiled.
Jason slowly opened the door and the bell rang, causing his mother's attention to turn to them.
"Welcome to... Jason, you need to be in school right now." She said.
"Mom it's an emergency, this is Lucy and some kids weren't very nice to her. She just needs a place to clean up." He explained.
"Oh of course, show her to the bathroom." His mother said and he guided her through the store, to the back and into the bathroom.
"Let me know when you're done." He said.
"Oh don't worry, I can find my own way out." She said smiling before closing the door.
She washed her short hair and put on her clean clothes after she washed up.
She came out of the bathroom and stopped when she noticed no one was saying anything.
"Excuse me, but do you think you have a plastic bag for my clothes?" She asked.
"Of course dear, here." His mother said handing her the bag.
"Thank you."
Lucy placed her dirty clothes in the bag and sat down next to Jason.
"Have a missed anything?" She asked and he looked her over.
"No, you look fine. All clean." He replied.
She laughed and the two of them got up.
"Well we should be getting back." He suggested.
"Yes, thank you and thank you ma'am for the use of your bathroom." She said causing Jason's mother to laugh.
"Ma'am? What am I seventy? It's Petunia darling." She said and Lucy gave her a warm smile before Jason opened the door for her.
"Your mother is quite interesting." She said as they walked across the street.
"Yes, well sh is an art maniac."
Afterwards Lucy promised Jason that she'll wait for him in the library tomorrow during lunch.

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