10 Years Today

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I woke up and looked at my phone, 9:33 September 4th. My last day of freedom, until I have to return to school. I looked out my window, it was a little cloudy but nothing to ruin my plans for today. I showered and got dress. I decided i would take Aria out to breakfast since today is the last day of summer. I got in my green Jeep and drove over to her house. It was the next street over so it didn't take long. Her parents were gone for work but the door was unlocked. They must have known I was going to be over. I went up to her room and found her dead asleep. I quietly walked over to her bed  and then pounce on top of her. With that she screamed and punched me in the stomach.

"OOOHHH!" She hit me pretty good and i fell off her and the bed onto the floor holding the spot she hit me.

"Oops. Sorry Josh but you should know by now that you shouldn't scare me when I wake up. Or that could have been worse and hit you a litte bit lower."

"I will keep that in mind." I groan as I get up off the floor. "Now get up and get dressed we are going out to breakfast."

"Where to?"

"Where else but Morrell's Country Kitchen?"

"Of course. That is my favorite ya know."

"I do know! Now get dressed would ya, I am starving!"

"Okay there is just one little problem."

"What's that?"

"You. Get out of my room you pervert."

"Oh right. sorry my bad. I am gone, out, away." I chuckled and headed down stairs. 

About 10 minutes later I heard feet pounding against the stairs. I walked over to the bottom of the staircase and found Aria running down the stairs. I quickly move into the doorway and out of her way just before I get kicked in the face. When she reached the 4th to last stair she grabbed the end of the railing and quickly spun around on the ball at the top of the post o her hand. She whipped her feet around until she made a complete circle, starting with her feet going forward in the direction of the stairs and flying them around and over the outter side of the railing and landing on the first step from the bottom. She did it every time I came but each time it always amazed me. 

"Okay showoff ready?" I ask her.

"Hold on, one last thing." She grabs my Reds hat off my head and puts it on her own. "Now I am ready."

"Haha, Nice try Ari but not this time." i smile to her.

"Alright fine. You can get it this time. But next time i won't ake it so easy."

We hopped in my Jeep and headed off. Right after she buckled up the first thing she did was blast the stereo. The song This Love by Maroon 5 was came on. She started to sing as soon as she recognized it. Her voice was amzaing, I love listening to her sing. I smiled and joined in on a few parts that I could just make a fool of myself. But who cares, I'm in a car with my best friend of 10 years as of today. I meet Aria the day before i started 2nd grade. We were at the same park and she feel off the monkey bars and scraped her knee, I saw her and I helped her clean up. Since that day we have been best friends and nothing will change it. We pulled into the parking lot and heded in. It wasn't to packed but we headed to our usual seat, a table for two right by the window. Our waitress, Jennifer came over and said hi and brought us some coffee. We have been coming her so often that almost all the staff knows us. Jen has been taking our orders so long that we just have to say the usual and she knows what we are talking about. We ate and talked and laughed for about 45 minutes. 

We finished eating and because it has bee 10 years that I have known Aria I thought I take her to that park where we met each other. I drove over and we went over to the little play ground.

"Oh my goodness! I remember this place. We used to come here when we were kids and oh oh oh! Josh come over here!" I went over to her and she was climbing on the monkey bars. "Remeber these?"

"Monkey bars. Who could forget those or the time you fell off of them?"

"When we first met. Gosh that was what? 8 years ago?"

"10. 10 years ago today actually." I smiled to her.

"10 years. That is crazy. I have known you for 10 years? Man!"

"Yeah I don't know how I did it. But I have put up with you for 10 years."

"Hey watch it there!"

"I'm just kidding! Ya know I love you!"

"Yeah. I luv ya too Joshie!"

We spent the rest of the day sitting on the jungle jim platforms taking a walk down memory lane. We have had some crazy moments. 

"Hey, do you remember that time when we were like 9 and you wanted to try and do this weird flip thing off the diving board in new hampshire and basically failed completely at it?"

"Yeah, we were at your lake house and I am pretty sure I basically did a belly flopp. Oo just thinking about it make y tummy sting. Then I am pretty sure you tried to do it and some how did it perfectly."

"What can I say? I am just that amazing!" We laughed together and then her face changed from a big grin to a small smirk.

"What? What are you thinking of?" I asked curiosy of her thought.

"Nothing, just another memory."

"What is it?"

"Well its one from like last summer. We were at some party and so many people were so shit faced. We were playing truth or dare and you picked dare. Some guy dared you to kiss me. You never walk away from a dare no matter how gross or embarressing it is. So you got up and took my hand and pulled me out of my seat. Stepped closer to me, put your hands on my face and slowly brought you lips closer and closer to mine. That part felt like it took forever but they finally met and yeah."

"And yeah? That's all I get? I don't even get it was good or great or the most absolutely amazing kiss i have ever had?"

"Nope. Joshie you get a yeah."

"No! Come on. You gatta tell me now!"

"Oh please Josh. You know a lady never kiss and tells." She gave me a smirk and ran off. I chased after her all around the little play ground. It started to rain and she slipped and fell. I tried to stop and slow down but that caused me to fall right on top of her. We laughed at what has just happened and it made me think. I looked at her eyes, they were so clear and shiny, like little pools of silvery blue sparkling from sunlight. I leaned down only a centimeter was left between our lips. Then I softly whispered to her. "Just another memory to add to our collection." She giggled and I got up and helped her up after. We walked back to my Jeep and headed home. I dropped her off ather house and made my way back to my place. I got inside and went up to my room and laid in bed. I thought to myself 'You should have kissed her.'

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