A Teary Day Part 2

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Sorry to make you wait so long. I have been a bit busy with school starting and so much work and a little bit of writers block but I think I got a good chapter for you. Enjoy. 


Aria's POV

I stepped outside of his room and took a very deep breath. Why did I need a deep breath? Its not like I have never seen his body before. We went swimming just that summer. He's my best friend and nothing else. Well of course there were those times where he would come to my mind in a romantic way but were best friends, becoming anything more could ruin that and the last thing I want is to lose him. So why did I need that deep breath. He looked good. Why wouldn't he? The training he has been doing was clearly paying off. Stop it Aria! Just friends that's it!  

I walked away and headed to the guest room bathroom. I finished getting ready, trying to make do with the few supplies I had to work with at Josh's house. I was finished and startes down stairs. I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Josh sitting on the couch in the other room. He obviously didn't know I was there so why not have a little bit of fun. As quietly as I could, I headed over right behind him and just when I was a about to scream he turned around and pulled me over the back of the couch and started to tickle me to the death.

"What did you think you were doing? Trying to scare me? Huh? You can never scare Josh Hutcherson." He kept on tickling me and I could hardly get a breath of air to speak.  

"Okay! Okay! I can't scare you! Stop it. Please! I can't breath!" He stopped and stayed on top of me. "What?"

"Say it."

"Say what?"

"You know it. Say it. I'm gonna tickle you again if you don't"

"Okay. I can't scare you Josh. Your just amazing and the best actor in the world."

"Good." He climbed off of me and started towards the door. I stood up and just looked at him.

"Uh Josh?"


"You got a spider on your shoulder."

"What! What! Get it off! Get it off!" He yelled and started to wipe off his shoulders trying to get rid of the spider. I stood there and just laughed at him looking like a fool. He stopped and saw me laughing. "There is no spider is there?" I shook my head and smiled at him trying to keep my giggle down. "Well I hope you enjoyed that because I won't fall for that again. And watch yourself, I will get you back."

"Okay, sure you will."

"I will. You see."

"Alright Josh. Let's go already." We headed out the door and into his car. I turned the radio on and This Love by Maroon5 was playing and right away I started to sing. "THIS LOVE HAS TAKEN IT'S TOLL ON ME. SHE SAID GOODBYE TOO MANY TIMES BEFOOOREEE. MY HEART IS BREAKING IN FRONT OF ME. I HAVe NO CHOICE. NOW I WON'T SAY GOODBYE ANYMORE." I looked over and saw Josh just smiling. "What are you so happy about?"

"Nothing. Just happy to be hanging out with you. So where do we wanna go for dinner?"

"I'm in the mood for some Italian?"

"Sounds good to me. I think I know a good place."

"Okay it can't be some fancy place because I didn't dress for a five star."

"I know. I got something good in mind. No need to worry."

I smiled and kept my gaze on him until he turned and looked at me, I quickly looked out my window. Watching all the trees, houses and things pass by we finally reached the resturant which was clearly not a five star fancy resturant but your average family dinner restuarnt. It looked good and from what I could see it looked like they had a deck out back for some people to sit outside and eat if they liked. With it only being the ending of summer and beginning of fall it was the perfect time to eat outside.  

We walked in and the hostess first asked how many. She was cute and clearly found a liking to Josh. I don't know why but something about her and the way she looked at him made me feel a little jealous inside.

"How many?" she asked while she batted her eyelashes at him.

"Two." He said while going to grab my hand.

She looked at me with a death stare and then looked at Josh asking "Dinning room or deck?"

"Deck." He answered looking down at me and smiling. She showed us our table and Josh nicely pulled my seat out for me and then sat down across from me. "I noticed you eyeing the deck when we were walking in."

"Oh thank you." I smiled and couldn't help but look in his eyes. They seemed happy. But of course why shouldn't they be? He is with his best friend. Haha just kidding, not that conceited. I looked at my menu and saw exactly what I wanted. Chicken parm bruchetta. The waitor came over and asked what we wanted for drinks and if we wanted to order now. I was alset so I lpoked at Josh and he seemed like he was ready so we placed our order and after a couple of minutes the waitor was back with our drinks and left us. It was silent for a while when I broke it.

"So, the hostess seemed to take a liking to you..."

"Haha, yeah. She's was cute but not my type."

"Oh really? You have a type?"

"Yes I have a type."

"Wow. Well what is your type if cute tall blonde isn't then what is?"

He paused at the question almost as if he wasn't sure if he wanted to answer or if he was thinking. He was about to answer when the waitor came out with our food. And Josh didn't even seem to bother with the question anymore after he had left. He just started to eat right away. For the reat of dinner we talked about random things and then started to people watch off the side of the deck. We finished and paid for our food and headed back to Josh's house. The cart ride was mostly silent until my curiosity got the best of me. "So you never answered my question. What is your type?"

He paused and didn't answer for a while. "I don't know. I guess it's more of like what I would look for in a girl than a type."

"Well then what are some key points that you have to have to be The Josh Hutcherson's girl? Give me like ypur top five."

"Hhhmmm... Well she has to be funny and know how to take a joke. Oh and these are randomly given top five no one two three. So nice and ploite is always good. Ah, she's gatta be athletic. I want a girl who I can shoot hoops with and throw a football or Frisbee around with. A good kisser is nice but i'm not sure if that's in my top five because that can change as the relationship goes on, and with me being the partner they are sure to improve." I rolled my eyes at his snarky comment and he continued. "Oh and I am a big romance guy so she would have to be into that."

"You know the girl that gets to call you hers is going to be a lucky girl. You are so nice and you always treat women with so much respect."

I looked at him and he smiled at me. There was something about his smile that always made me have to smile. I really liked it. The waitress brough us our food and we ate in a comfortable silence. At first I was a little worried that she spit in it but I really didn't care so I didn't think about it to much. We finished our food and headed back to his house, I still wasn't ready to go home yet and see the mess of my room. The thought of it just brings back the horrid thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2012 ⏰

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