First Day: Senior

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6:30 AM on Wednesday morning. I groan at the thought of having to wake up at the crack of dawn just to go to the worst place in the world called high school. I took a shower got ready and headed downstairs for a bowl of cereal. 

"Good morning honey. Ready for you first day back?" my mom asked me excited for me for my senior year.

"Mom, it's school. No one is ready to go back to school. Especially after sleeping in every day for the past 3 months." I say in a sracastic like tone to her. The thing I always miss most about summer is sleeping in late every day. And the fact that there is no work to do makes it nice as well. 

"Alright, well you better get going or you and Aria are going to be late the first day."

"Okay bye mom. I love you!"

I throw my backpack in the back and hop in my car. I drive over and honk for Aria to come out. She had on a new outfit for the school year.She looked amazing as always. She was wearing a yellow sleevless shirt with these ruffully things on the front, a black knee length tight pencil skirt and a pair of black wedges with laces on them. Her hair was down and wavey and her makeup was light but stunning. She was beautiful. "Well don't you look nice today."

"Aww thanks Josh. You look handsom as always." She says while nodding her head towards me.

"Thanks, so you ready for this?"

"Senior year. The best year of high school. Hell yeah, bring it on!"

I laughed and then we drove off to school. Once we got there Aria and I headed in. As soon as we turned the corner Davis Gurdy was walking straight towards us. He grabbed a hold of Aria and forcfully pressed his lips to hers. I stopped in my tracks and just waited. He continued to kiss her and it looked like he was really going to swallow her. How could she stand that kind of a kiss, she is sweet and he is so foul. He saw me watching them and decided to make it better for him and worse for me, by grabbing her ass and shoving his tongue down her throat. He got what he wanted, her lips and body and me leaving them alone. I headed for my locker which was just down the hall and I could still clearly see them, when my man Jason walked up behind me catching me staring. 

"Ya know staring is only going to make it worse." He was the only person who knew about my feelings for Aria. 

"Yeah. I figured that out already by waiting for them to be finished but he just made it even worse. I don't get it. How does she put up with that jerk. I am sure he is just going to try and use her for her body like all the rest of them. None of them really care for her, yet she goes after the same type of guys everythime. It's like she wants to get her heart broken."

"I am sure she doesn't want to get her heart broken but I mean look at him. He has what every girl wants. He is captain of the football team, and well girls just love a guy in uniform. But look they won't last and you wil-"

"I will get to be the best friend that comes in and comforts her just like I did with all the others. And ya know what she said to me every time I did that for her? She said 'Thanks Josh, your a really good FRIEND.' To her I am just a friend and nothing more."

"Well maybe it is time for you to come out of the friend circle and become more than a friend. Tell her the truth man."

"You and I both know I can't do that."

"And why not?"

"Okay let's just say I tell her and we get together and everything is great but then we break up. Friends to lovers: yes, lovers to friends: no. You say your still going to be friends but you both know that it doesn't work that way. And besides our friendship would never be the same."

"Alright well-"

"Ahh I'm not done yet. So we got that part, the better of the two out of the way and finally we have the i don't feel that way situation. Where your best friends tells you they love you and her response is 'oh I don't feel the same way. Your just my friend.' Which is the worst of the two why? Because now not only do you have no chance with her but your friendship is awkward as hell because you said that and its just weird. So either way it doesn't work out."

"Well you forgot that one other thing where you like her she likes you, ya fall in love and you have your usual couple fights and make up never leave each other and get married have kids grow old together and live happily ever after."

"And what world are you living in? Because the likeliness of that hapening are slim to none."

"But you still have the slim chance of it."

"What the whole 0.1% chance of that happening? Yeah not worth it."

"Okay fine."

The bell rings and we head off to our classes. The day goes by very quickly and there is a lot of chatter about Homecoming. It is one of the biggest dances of the year here and the entire school goes to that game. Everyone is talking about it because the game is next week on Thursday and the dance is the night after that. I went out to my Jeep and wait for Aria to come out. I saw her walk out the door and I was so happy to see her alo- nope scratch that, Davis was traveling right behind her. They walked over to his car and they kissed, welled sucked each other's faces goodbye. When she walked away he smacked her ass and I turned away in disgust of him. That is no way to treat a lady, a slut yes but Aria wasn't a slut. She hopped in the car next to me with a drooling look on her face because she was drooling ove him. 

"Isn't he amazing!" she said after I coughed for her to get out of her trance. 

"Oh yeah he sure is something." I said pretending to be happy for her but I didn't do a very good job at hiding it.

"Well that was uplifting."

"I don't think he deserves to have you Ari. Your so much better than that."

"You don't even know him. He is nice, funny, sweet. Good looking! He treats me just fine."

"No he doesn't. He treats you like your a piece of shit that is a little arm candy and your better than that."

"Well if I'm worth so much more than him, who does deserve me Josh?"

I was taken aback by the question. Now would be the moment to tell her how I really have been feeling. "I don't know but someone who treats you with the respect and dignity you deserve. Someone that is just looking to get laid. Like Davis."

"Well sorry to say you are wrong but he hasn't tried to have sex with me at all. Or at least not a lot, and when I say no he respects me and just settles for yeah."

"Okay I am done with this conversation before it gets to the point that I don't want to know."

"Yeah your better off."

The rest of the drive home was quiet. I dropped her off and headed back to my house. I went in the door and stormed up the stairs to my room. I slammed the door behind me and threw my backpack at the wall. I was so angry that she couldn't see it. She was gone, under his spell and she is going to get hurt but ya know what I am tired of being that friend to come to the rescue I am done with it.

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